Blackjack Wayward

Author’s Notes


This has to start with you guys, the ones that have followed Blackjack, written reviews, emailed and messaged me, commented on Facebook and other places…Thanks.

Wayward took me about half the time to write as did Villain, and it’s in large part because of the energy you guys gave me throughout the whole process. I got into Facebook and made the blog kind of late in the game, the story was set, but I had so many good ideas from you guys that I’m implementing some of them into Book three. The response to Blackjack has humbled me, and I will be forever in your debt for it.

There are others to thank, starting with my writing partner, Josh. I never expected our partnership to grow stronger than it already was. I mean, he was already indispensible to my writing process. But somehow he’s managed to become more. Few ideas find their way onto the text without filtration through him, and nothing gets through the editing process without his tacit approval. Of his intensive edit list, I said no to just a couple of things. The rest I just hit “Accept” in Word’s Review tab with track changes. He’s an unbelievably gentle sounding board to all of my ideas, and has such a kind way to handle me, to make me understand when something genuinely sucks. This book is more a product of his work than ever, and I’m proud to say that he’s honored me with the same role in his future book series, Owen Caine: Longview.

If you hate Twilight, you’ll love Owen Caine.

I also want to thank my loved ones, my wife and daughter. My wife has a zero threshold for bullshit, so when I come up with something stupid, it seldom gets past her “crapmeter.” It has to be good before I even propose it, and when it’s crap, it gets shot down like a Zero in the Mariana’s Turkey shoot. A good woman gives you thick skin. My little one too, deserves special notice. She fancies herself a novelist as well, and already writes stories more complex and interesting than her old man’s. The other day I asked her if I could borrow a name from one of her ongoing projects for a Book Three character that I’m tentatively naming Miss Despoil (a name that I hate). My daughter told me “No, she’s not for your book.” Tough kid, she’s already pushing me around and she’s only eight.

As far as Wayward goes, we had a similar thing happen as the first book, a last minute scare. Some of you that read the sample first act will know what I’m talking about; the end of the Shard World section.

Blackjack is a work in progress, like most of us are, except he’s farther along in age than some of the behavior I attribute to him. He’s never been forced to grow up, and now he’s facing a difficult world unprepared with the social tools to do so. In a way, his evil is apathy, the carelessness that comes from being talented and smart and not having to work hard. At some point, it all catches up with you, and that’s what this book is supposed to represent.

I know movies and books are brief things, real characterization occurs in a slow-motion montage with some cheesy music. I wanted to show the process, to show the difficulties of having to change. Most importantly, I wanted to have Blackjack learn the way most of us learn, by making mistakes, by earning a scar or bruise to show you right from wrong.

Blackjack starts this book resentful of what he believes is the great reward he deserves. He thinks that a good deed can overcome a serious mistake as if things in life were quid pro quo. We all know it doesn’t work that way. Life is hard, and good deeds seldom go unpunished. The act structure is intentional, with the first act culminating in his final descent that he began in book one. Some of us only learn the hard way, and Blackjack is no different. The act is inspired by a single line from one of my favorite movies, Excalibur. Near the end of the movie, Percival gives Arthur Pendragon to drink from the Holy Grail after a lengthy, ten-year quest, and when he sips from it, Arthur says; “I did not know how empty my soul was, until it was just filled.” I think Blackjack needed to hit bottom, crash hard into it, as it were, to realize that changing yourself isn’t something that you can do by just wishing it, or writing about it on Facebook. It requires looking within, and few of us are so willing to find our flaws and to work hard to correct them.

So there’s a scene in the book where Blackjack crashes hard into the bottom, it’s a rape scene, and it was as difficult to write as it is to read. I hate that scene, but I fought to keep it in, and in the end, the edits were minor. The version previous to what you’ve just finished reading had the “pullout” at Utopia happen during the rape attempt, which was Ben Bequer using Deus Ex Machina to save his character from actually doing something reprehensible. It was wrong, I was a coward. The truth is that the scene needed either to have him finish the horrible act, then live with the consequences, or what I came up with, which was a moment of realization. I think it’s stronger to have him stop himself, to be self-aware of what he’s allowed himself to become. It’s a dream world, you say, but he doesn’t know that, it doesn’t mitigate his act, and it’s made worse by the fact that he’s in fact the master of the dream, and the computers at Utopia are merely facilitators. It’s Shard World, you say, a more primitive place…yes, and that’s the point. He allows himself, over the course of a few days or weeks (in dream), to regress to a sub-human level, where he takes what he wants, kills anything that stands in his way. I think that’s the point. Imagine if you were placed in a similar situation, with the faculties that Blackjack has…what would you do? Now imagine yourself in the modern world, with his same strength and invulnerability. What would you do with the guy who taps your car from behind because he’s absentmindedly texting, or with the cop who abuses his power and forces you to stop recording a video in a public place? Or with a woman that you covet, who’s uninterested in you? There’s all kind of scenarios that always go through my head, and in almost all of them the abuse of power is almost impossible to avoid. Would you stop Bashar Assad? Or depose a leader because you didn’t agree with him? What would stop you? What would restrain you?

It’s a bit of the Spiderman theme, “with great power comes great responsibility.” Except I don’t want to have Blackjack learn his lesson in one act, with the death of his Uncle Ben. I want to show the process, with all it’s failures, as something that doesn’t have a moment of clarity where everything that follows is good and pure. Life isn’t that way, and we all know it.

The second act is a sort of interlude, the rise after the fall. Or the beginning of the rise, as it were. “Long and hard is the way,” Dante said, and my intention was to show how difficult the voyage Blackjack has to make. Remember though, there’s always hands to hold on to, people who’ll give you a second chance, a benefit of the doubt. It was something I wasn’t sure Blackjack could do himself when he saw Apogee, to forgive her for turning her back on him.

Why she did it, and the rest of the Apogee/Blackjack dynamic is something I’m dying to explore, from the point of view of a guy who has a wonderful/difficult relationship, trying to make it as real and contentious as it normally is. One of my favorite comedians, Patrice O’Neal used to say in his act that you’re not really in love unless you have a well-thought out plan of how to kill your significant other. A good relationship challenges your very core, makes you question yourself fundamentally, and that’s what I intend to explore in Blackjack three, among other things.

In writing, they say to cut out the fat, to start as late into a scene as possible, which means I should edit out the start of their relationship and start at the point where they’re fighting and she’s about to leave him. But that would miss the fun part, I think. The fighting and leaving is a constant, it’s what’s there if you find yourself not compatible. It’s always there for you, and always what we see in novels and movies. The guy just broke up with his girl of ten years and he’s beside himself…and that’s fine. But I have other things to say. Expect book three to start right where we left off, kind of like Wayward did.

As far as Haha, what can I say? He thinks he’s doing the world (and Blackjack) a great service, making a social commentary on a world gone mad. The idea to have Mr. Haha 2000 go bad comes directly from his originator, my friend Rashamon Green. It was an epiphany that changed everything, and I’ll be forever in his debt. Haha, though, writes himself, and expect him to get more heavy handed in book three. He won’t just resort to manipulating video feeds, or Danger Rooms, it’s the third act guys, and things will get serious…

Cast of Characters

Villains from Australia

Killswitch – the world’s foremost assassin, skilled in all weapons and forms of martial combat.

Boomhammer – possesses the ability to expel energy from his fists. Still says “Boomchakalaka” when he punches someone in the face.

Malleus – has the ability to manipulate metals of all kinds. Swaths himself in a full-body sheating of polished titanium.

Spectra – can displace multiple images of herself by spreading her innate mass to create semi-tanget dopplegangers. After three or four, her original form disappears.

Dreadmaster – Class –E ability to inspire dread. Dead at Utopia.

Lady Vexille – Alive since the days of Gilgamesh, this undead creature can appear as she wishes, and roams the world, searching for her next soul to feed on.

Horus – In a major lawsuit with several other bird-headed heroes who have claims to the same name.

Major Aussie – The pride of Australia. Now retired.

White Staff – Wife to Modi and mother of his son, Muldo. Wielder of the White Staff of Ra. Deceased in Australia.

Modi – Son of Thor, sent to Midgard to learn how to battle. Now a resident of Nifleheim, owned by Hela.

Slicer – streetfighter known through out the underworld as the deadliest man with a blade. Deceased in Australia.

Scout, Trooper & Heavy – a trio commando team with each member wearing successively heavier mechanized armor, with differing roles in the team. Deceased in Australia.

Dreadlord – A walking bag of bones, ambulated by the darkest forces known to man.

Charisma – a pixie emissary from the Fairy Realm, she’s lost her way and now spends her days tormenting humans. Deceased in Australia.

Gris-Gris – winner of the voodoo wars, he can claim to be the world’s final say on all matters concerning the religion. He is the equivalent of the Pope. Deceased in Australia.

Slipshod – exudes a negative polarity salve across his skin that makes him almost impossible to hold on to.

Sky Angel – winged and angelic, her appearance and name is a lie, Sky Angel is a monstrous creature, vampyric and addicted to human blood.

Senka – tough and muscular, she has Class-A strength, with Class-E toughness. That sad combination leads to her getting into a lot of trouble, having three long stints at Utopia. Deceased in Australia.

Bioshock – Half man, half plant, with the ability to manipulate bio-electric energy. Deceased in Australia.

Jingoku – Kabuki demon from the depths of Yomi. Deceased in Australia.

Fenris – he is the alpha wolf for all wolves throughout the world, and the stuff of legends. Ridden by a silent boy, who becomes food himself once he grows too big. Deceased in Australia.

Athene – daughter of Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom and courage, and a mortal man. Sent from Mount Olympus on a mission of good, she falls to Dr. Zundergrub’s mind powers. Deceased in Australia.

Rikishi - Hero in Japan, mind-controlled for the events of Australia. His power comes from the ability to turn into the physical personification of “Yamato-damashii” (the spirit of Japan), a massive anime-style mecha. Deceased in Australia but according to legend, his spirit will rise again and find a young Japanese boy or girl as a host.

Nevski – This big and powerful Ukranian is the hero of his native country, beloved by everyone from the Caucuses to the steps of Eastern Europe. Deceased in Australia.

Powerstaff – Paul Aufiero, parking garage attendant, and huge NY Giants fan comes upon the legendary Powerstaff and is given incredible Class-A powers of matter manipulation and toughness. Unfortunately, he used those powers for small-time robberies and eventually became a villain. Deceased in Australia. The Powerstaff was flung into the Pacific Ocean.

Odyssey – a huge mechanized robot, controlled by three pilots, who are rich Japanese industrialists moonlighting as heroes. Mr. Haha 2000 took control of the mecha and delivered it to Dr. Retcon, with the helpless pilots trapped inside. The pilots eventually died of starvation and dehydration. Device taken apart by Blackjack after the fight at Australia for parts.

Big City Wreckers

Demolition – The leader of the band, this big, leather-bound, long-haired metal band lover, injected himself and his Big City Wreckers with Serum-X, transforming them into a villainous metal bad from Hell. Deceased in Australia.

Machinegun Guy – drummer of the band, he can fire focused beams of raw rock energy from his drumsticks, creating seismic waves that can level a small town. Deceased in Australia.

iLiCkDaCliT – former guitarist of Big City Wreckers when they were a rock band, he now uses music as a weapon, with the ability to manipulate the very sound waves generated by his Ibanez JS series guitar with a self-attached amplifier. Deceased in Australia.

Peavy – former bassist of the band, he is a quiet menace, sitting in the back and using his thumping powers to manage and control a battlefield, while his more precocious band-mates bring the pain. Deceased in Australia.

Superdynamic’s Battle

Moe – Brooklyn street-thug who’s life was changed after a chance meeting in jail with Apostle (who was there to talk to soon to be paroled young black kids). Moe wasn’t just changed by the experience, his genetic makeup was modified and now he has Class-B strength, Class-A toughness, and the power to absorb energy directed towards him, transforming it into additional mass.

Ruby – British looker with the ability to control sound waves generated from other human bodies.

Ricochet – son of Olympic, possesses the ability to manipulate his own kinetic and potential energy and transfer it to forward motion, potentially to speeds beyond the sound barrier.

Templar – wielder of a Sword of Light, and faster than lightning. Young and inexperienced, he makes up the core of Superdynamic’s new team.

Focus – young martial artist from Korea with power emission abilities that are as of yet, relatively untapped.

Mirage – mental manipulator on a grand scale, master of illusions, former member of most larger supergroups and one of the most respected heroes of his age. Father of thirteen.

The Ladies of Pain

Bubblerella – cheerleader/stripper/sado-masochist, Bubblerella is in her mid-40s but still has the figure of a sixteen year-old and the fiendish nature of the Devil himself.

Deathshead – this masked villain is the “tank” of the team. Tough and unstoppable. Unfortunately, she is narcoleptic. Rides the hover-bike called the Murdermachine.

Stormfire – can control elemental energies, when combined with her partner, Skyburner, she is the deadliest and loveliest of the Ladies.

Skyburner – flamer with the ability to turn her whole body into raw plasma.

Razorstrike – the “pain” in the Ladies of Pain. She is a masochist, laden with leather, tattoos and piercings, enjoying dishing pain as much as she likes receiving it.


D.i.s.c.o. – leader of the band, one of the most powerful matter manipulators in the far East. Enemy to Rikishi. Snappy dresser.

BINGBANG – he goes bang, you go ouch.

Hyula – former JV Idol in Japan, Rikishi broke her heart and now she fights along with D.i.s.c.o to destroy him.

Random Villains of D.C. (aka Dr. Zundergrub’s Army)

Hitstreak – he is the embodiment of a video game, with upgrades, special moves and combo hits. But once the red bar over his head runs out twice, he’s done.

Dr. Aeon – armored and deadly, the doctor likes nothing more than to see people suffer, beg for mercy that he denies them.

Psychlok – insanity personified, in the form of a mad high school teacher, turned man-machine, who can turn himself into a massive 30 foot-tall lizard monster.

Satanica – wielder of the Deathlash, thought to have been used in over 1,000 murders.

Tauros – man-bull, all beast and almost unstoppable, with Class-A strength and toughness.

Random Heroes of D.C.

Angelus – sent to Earth by St. Peter himself to watch over us, Angelus’ primary power was to invoke feelings of good in those he met. UN Ambassador to Africa.

Coach – Mind controller via ethereal silver threads that she weaves into the minds of her enemies. Retired and now coaching women’s basketball at a local D.C. highschool

Nitronic –

Moonlighter – a former billionaire who lost almost everything in the 2008 financial crash. Now he has turned his remaining wealth into a battlesuit and a myriad of vehicles. He now rules the D.C. nights, fighting crime.

Brimstone Bobby – the power of a volcano rests in the mighty fists of this great hero. These days, most villains just surrender, rather than fight him.

Doppler – master of reverse convection waves that can both pull and push a victim at the same time. Has a nasty temper. Not to be trifled with.

Carbide – he can adopt the molecular structure of any element while retaining his form and all bodily functions.

Silverstone – this former fashion model has the ability to harden the molecules of air into jagged crystal that she can propel at deadly speeds.

Revolution (2nd incarnation)

Apogee – fast, strong, deadly and beautiful. You know her.

Damage – a gravity controller, known more for his ebullient personality. Tends to freelance across the globe for supergroups of all sizes.

Dominus – the world’s foremost mind-controller.

Jasper – suffering from Progeria wasn’t enough to stop this hero from becoming one of the world’s greatest. A one minute fight with Lord Mighty (with help from the rest of the Revolution) let the big guy to decide to stand off, watch the events unfold.

Snaps – amazing disintegration powers, but an unwilling them to use them carelessly led to his defeat by Dr. Aeon in a one on one fight.

Mt. Fuji – as tough as they come, with the ability to “ground” himself and make himself immobile. Killed in D.C. in action against Tauros.

Ben Bequer's books