ueen Fae (NYC Mecca #3)

“Let’s move.” Kian swung the gate wide open and Shelley nudged the horse and small cart through. As Kade and I followed, my knees almost buckled as a burst of energy caressed my body … and then I could hear Finn yelling in my head.

Ari! My familiar sounded frantic.

I’m here! We’re coming. We’re all safe. Tears filled my eyes, overflowing and trailing down my cheeks. I couldn’t help it, I missed my dear friend, and his voice in my head was the greatest sound in the world right now. High-pitched shrieks above me told me that Kade had signaled Nix.

Finn’s tone sounded emotional when he said: Violet is healed. Get to the campsite north of Winter Mountain. I’ll find you there.

For the second time, a surge of relief just about brought me to my knees. I had been in survival mode during my imprisonment, and at the back of my mind had been a deep-seated panic for my friends and family. I had no idea if they had escaped, if Violet had survived. I hadn’t been able to think about it or I’d lose my mind and never break free, but now that I knew everyone was okay…

I crumbled.

Kade wrapped his arms around me, hauling me up and cradling me close to him, almost like a baby. I struggled for a second before realizing I needed the comfort. So, for a few moments, I let myself be hugged, let Kade take the burden of my emotions. He strode across to the cart and with no effort at all climbed in, sitting with me cradled in his lap. Kian jumped up to the bench seat, beside his mate, and then we were off.

Letting my body relax into Kade, I enjoyed our closeness as I tried to calm the tumultuous emotions crashing inside of me. It took some time, but finally I was able to speak without my voice wavering. “Where has Nix been during our capture?”

Kade’s breathing got a little deeper, his voice raspy. “She attacked a few of the guards trying to find us, but then they started hunting her using magic, so she hid out for a bit, keeping herself in position should I reappear again.”

“She must have been so worried not being able to communicate with you,” I murmured.

His chest rumbled. “She was.”

He didn’t say any more. His fury of what had happened was only growing.

Deciding I’d been babied long enough, I slipped off Kade’s lap to see our surroundings better. A small section of the cart, just in behind the bench that Kian and Shelley were on, was covered, and I peeked inside to see a sleeping boy bundled in a blanket. A little white rabbit was snuggled on his lap. His familiar I was guessing.

“So where am I going?” Kian asked, turning his head around to see us.

“North of Winter Mountain, to a campsite. Help is waiting,” I said, and with that the horse took off and we left the Winter Court behind.

Kade was looking at the sleeping boy, emotion swimming in his amber eyes. “Is that…?” His voice was very husky.

Shelley reached back and took Kade’s hand. “Nathanial, your nephew. We have told him all about you and your mother and New York. We talk about you guys every day.”

Now my eyes were swimming with emotion, and Shelley took her hand off of Kade’s and placed it on mine. “Thank you for coming to get us. Even if by accident. It’s all I have prayed for these past five years.”

I could only nod, emotion clogging my throat. My mate’s brother had been found, alive and well. With a wife and child. It was sort of a miracle. And right now, we really needed all the miracles we could get.

Chapter Eleven

The insidious creep of frostbite.

During the first twenty minutes of travel, which were thankfully uneventful, I used our bond to tell Kade everything I had learned about my bloodline and true mother. To say he was angry was an understatement.

They both deserve to lose their heads over their treatment of you. He had me wrapped up tightly against him, shielding my body with his. The Red Queen is only slightly less guilty, because she clearly tried to protect you from the fae.

I sighed, relishing our closeness. It had been scary being separated, taken by our enemy, not knowing if we would ever see each other again. This was a gift.

Yes, she did, but it was her fault to start with. How could she be so stupid as to begin an affair with a winter prince?

Kade stared off into the snowy distance, his warm furs tickling my cheek. I only met her a few times, but her weaknesses were obvious from the start. Arrogance and love of power. It clearly blinded her.

I snorted. Yeah, she probably thought she would be the one to control him, to gain the Otherworld side of the mecca power.

I had no doubt that both of my biological parents had started their affair in the hopes of manipulating the other. In the end though, I had ruined both plans.

Not wanting to think about it any longer, I turned my head to regard the couple up top, who were controlling the horses. I cleared my throat to break the silence, and both looked in my direction.

“I’d really love to know your story,” I said. “How did you two meet? How did Kian end up in the Otherworld?” Shelley and Kian exchanged a look, and he gave his mate a nod. I felt Kade straighten beside me, and knew he was ready to hear this story too.

Shelley twisted around to see us better, her voice low and even. “My father betrayed the queen a long time ago, and it was my duty to work off the debt. The queen heard of my gift and employed me to use it on anyone she saw fit for the many years of my sentence. I confused people into seeing things that weren’t there so the queen could slip in and do whatever she wanted.” Fine lines formed around her eyes; her regret and pain were clear. I decided to return her earlier kind gesture, and I reached out and grasped her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

She continued with a wonky smile. “One day the queen said she had found a way into the Earth realm, and wanted me to confuse the bear king so she could get some information. I was scared but I agreed. She had already killed my father and was threatening to kill my mother. I felt I had no choice. A few magic born opened the portal, and as we stepped through I was amazed. The bright lights, the tall buildings!” Some of her sadness dissipated under the awe reflecting across her face. Yep. New York City would do that to a person, capture them and never let go. My heart ached for my home.