ueen Fae (NYC Mecca #3)

Why do I have the feeling we might be having this exact same conversation multiple times over our life together?

He sent me back a bunch of images of him in the woods, axe in hand, chasing down intruders. Well, at least I think that’s who he was chasing, because I lost all train of thought at the sight of my lumberjack mate. Holy sweet nectar of life, Kade was so goddamn hot. Almost unfair, really.

Before I completely lost my mind, he was back, and in a stroke of genius was wearing the guard’s uniform, white furs and all.

“Brilliant,” I whispered, because we had really been pushing it expecting people to believe an almost seven foot tall, ripped warrior-looking guy was here to give out scones.

We started moving again. We were close to Violet. I could feel her unique magic. A magic which had been part of my life since before I could remember. A magic and person I could not live without. Rounding the final corner of the servants’ ramp that led to the dungeons, I saw two large guards at the door. Violet’s energy pulsed then, I could feel it. She knew I was near and was reaching out.

“Forgive me,” Kade whispered to me, before he abandoned the cart and grabbed me by the hair. I immediately knew where he was going with it, so I cried out. His hold didn’t hurt, he was barely pulling, but I had to play my part convincingly.

My scream brought the attention of the guards.

Kade called out down the hallway: “This one was caught stealing from the queen. She’s to be locked up until her punishment is decided.”

I kept my head low and made a painful face, letting out a distressed whimper.

“Please don’t,” I begged. “I just wanted some extra food for my family.”

One of the guards was walking toward us now. He scanned Kade briefly, before focusing on me. “We’re all hungry! That doesn’t give you the right to take what the queen has paid for!” He was pretty much shouting in my face, and I could feel Kade tensing even further. I just hoped he could keep his bear under control until we got inside.

The guard, apparently done with his show of dominance, turned to his buddy. “Open it up!” Then he grabbed my arm, trying to take me from Kade.

This time Kade’s grip did tighten on my hair, to a painful level. “She’s mine. She kicked me in the manhood when I tried to catch her. She’s gonna get some payback.” He growled at the guard, one of his more menacing rumbles.

The guard paled a little, before recovering some of his previous arrogance. He let out a rattle of a chuckle. “I understand. Take her in.”

Kade had to duck his head to step through the low doorway, making sure to keep a tight hold on me in case the guards were watching us. As soon as we were farther inside, the heavy door clanked behind us and I relaxed a little.

Hang on, Vi! We’re coming.

Kade let me go when we reached a short set of stairs. There was no other path, so we moved down. From below I could hear moaning and faint screams, and it sent chills up my arms.

“Are you okay?” Kade ran his hands through my hair gently, dropping them to my shoulders for a brief rub.

I nodded, reaching up to give his hand a quick squeeze. “Let’s go get her.”

He grabbed my arm, underneath the armpit, and proceeded to descend the steps with me. We would keep up this guard and slave charade for as long as it worked. As we dropped off the last step into a dark hallway, I could see a row of large arched stone doorways, each with heavy bars across them.

I wanted to scream Violet’s name, but only a few doors down a guard was sitting on a chair reading something. As we neared, he looked up and I immediately focused on the set of keys visible in his pocket. A few silver keys had fallen out, glinting in the fire lights. Kade must have seen it too, because he called the guy over.

“Hey, you won’t believe this. Come look.” He pointed to something on my neck.

The guard looked intrigued, standing to walk the three short paces to us. The second he was in arm’s reach, Kade dropped my arm and slammed the fae’s head into the wall. It bounced off with a wet thud and the guard landed heavily on the floor. Kade knelt and scooped up the keys from the guard’s pocket.

Kade and I made quick work of getting the guard back in his chair, draping him against the wall so it looked like he was having a quick nap. Then I ran down the hall, whisper-screaming Violet’s name, peering in each of the cells, which were full. But none held my friend. Finally, near the end farthest from the stairs we’d used to enter, I heard a faint response.

“Ari!” A weak sob followed my name. Kade had his borrowed sword unsheathed and was running after me, ready to cut down anyone who got in my way.

I passed the last few cells, glancing in to find mostly women and children, but no Violet. Seeing the browbeaten fae had my blood boiling, but I couldn’t focus on that. Finally, white hair came into sight – well, mostly white … a lot of it was streaked with dirt … or blood, the old, dried kind that turns a dark brown-maroon. She was strung up by metal chains attached to the stone walls, hanging limply, just like in my dream.

“I’m here, Vi!” I shouted.

Kade quickly fit one of the keys into the lock and it clicked open. With ease he slammed the heavy door open and I burst into the room. Scents assaulted me, human waste and torture, which I fought to ignore.

After a quick survey of the cell, to make sure we were alone – the room was empty except for a small table that held a dome glass artifact similar to a snow globe – I ran to Violet. My hands were shaking as I waited for Kade to uncuff her. Her skin was so ashen it worried me.

“Don’t touch me or their magic born will see,” she whimpered, eyes still shut.

My teeth gritted, I forced words through my rigid jaw. “Let them see.” I wanted to kill everyone responsible for this treatment of Violet. Let them send their magic born so they could meet their death.

I placed one hand on Violet’s wrist to steady her arm for unlocking the cuff, and received a little jolt, a shock that ran down my arm and dissipated. Kade growled behind me.

“What was that?” he murmured.

“You felt that?”

He tried the first key but it didn’t work, before he moved on to the next, trying them all one by one.

“Yes, it felt like mecca.”

My words were hurried: “It was probably the spell the magic born put on her. Now they know we’re here.”

Get ready for the exit plan. I’ve got Violet, I said to Finn.

Finn’s reply came back rapidly. I know. Nikoli is fighting one of the magic born right now.

Crap. We needed to go. Finally the fourth key worked. As Kade undid the cuffs, Violet fell into my arms like a sack of flour. My mate gave me a look that said we needed to hurry, and he went back to stand guard at the door.