You Had Me At Christmas: A Holiday Anthology

“Betty, pay attention while I’m trying to impress you.” He picked up her hand. “‘My bounty is as boundless as the sea—’”

“I can feel your bounty pressed against me,” she teased. “Are you sure you’re here to study, Bob?”

“I’m here to study you.” He kissed each knuckle. “Are you going to let me?”

She opened the blanket in invitation. “And Betty thinks to herself, ‘Well, okay, it’s not like we can get too carried away. It’s not as if we’re in a car or anything.’”

She finished tucking the blanket around them and looked up. Her breath caught. A guy with a goofball grin was looking back at her.

I remember you.

“Sure, Betty,” he said. “A couple of kisses won’t hurt. At any time, the parents can arrive home, or the kids can wake up. That means Bob’s hands are tied.”

“They sure don’t feel tied, Bob. Did you just undo my bra through my shirt?”

“Did I? Let me check.”

His palms slid over the soft cotton to push the loosened bra up and over her breasts, thumbs teasing her nipples. “Hell, maybe I did.”

“No clothes off,” she said. “Maddie—”

“No more clothes off,” he promised, and burrowed under her sweater to tongue her breasts.

She arched to give him better access. “So you’re happy to get blue balls twice in a week, Bob?”

“Totally worth it.” He returned to his work.

“Bob,” she gasped. “Kisses, remember?”

“Whatever you want, Betty.” He pulled down her sweatshirt and they kissed.

Each kiss was unhurried and perfect, an end in itself. Sweet kisses that acted as a narcotic, dulling common sense, which drifted away, unmourned. Kisses that melted every bone in her body until she was sliding down the couch.

She forgot she wasn’t taking any more clothes off, and kicked off her leggings. “No clothes other than those,” she amended.

They got lost under the blanket—hands moving, bodies pressing, breath coming faster. She undid his fly and reached for the satiny hardness of his cock, knowing just what Bob liked, rough sure strokes. He groaned in her mouth.

She wrapped her bare legs around his jean-clad hips so he could push against her damp panties. “Just move your bounty…oh yeah, there, Bob.”

His hand moved to push her panties aside. “See,” he breathed, “I’m not removing clothes.” He eased into her, all heat and fullness, and it felt like forever since they’d joined like this.

Her head banged against the arm of the couch and he pulled her farther down. She reached between them to cup him where they joined.

Friction built, slick heat. Both mindless now, the repressed hunger of the past few days violent, insatiable. She could feel her climax building, rolling toward her.


Kayla’s eyes snapped open, the first tremor of her orgasm receding. As Jared shuddered into her, her scrambled brain identified the location of the shout—the bedroom. No small face beside the couch, thank God.

“I wanna drinka water!”

“Coming, baby,” she called in a voice that quivered with an awful need to laugh.

“Liar,” Jared breathed her ear. “Shit. I really was like a teenage boy, blowing his load before he satisfied his girlfriend.”

She did laugh then, rubbing her face against his stubbled jaw. “Lucky you’re a renewable resource.”

He kissed the side of her neck. “Stay there, I’ll bring something to clean up.”

“I need water.” Maddie yelled. “An’ a tissue.”

“Daddy’s coming, sweetheart.” He threw a towel from the basket of clean laundry in Kayla’s direction, and refastened his jeans.

“No, I want Mommy!”

“I’m on my way.” Kayla cleaned up as best she could, hauling on her tights while Jared fetched the water. She turned around and lifted her sweatshirt so he could refasten her bra.

“Thunderbirds are go,” he said.


“Thunderbirds are go,” she repeated. Hauling up pants seemed to be becoming a habit. Sooner—not later—they were going to get this right.

Chapter Eleven

While Kayla resettled their daughter, Jared straightened the living room, unsure whether their date had been successful or not. Damn, she’d been so close. If only Maddie had waited another minute. If only Bob had. He chuckled, deciding to see the funny side.

Kayla was right, he was a renewable resource, and they still had the whole night ahead of them. More importantly, they were growing closer. He could feel his wife’s affection returning, and tonight it had felt within tantalizing reach.

Taking the wine glasses into the kitchen, he tipped the remnants down the sink, and flicked the switch on the kettle. If Maddie was restless, it would be easier to get up through the night without a second glass.

Karina Bliss & Doyle,Stephanie & Florand,Laura & Lohmann,Jennifer & O'Keefe,Molly's books