Xavier Cold (Hard Knocks #2)

“That’s because I’m not on it. I’ll walk out there with him because I have to in order to keep this job. Doesn’t mean I’ll be lovey-dovey with him—pretend or not.”

I turn to walk away, but the second I pivot, something catches my feet, sending me flying forward. Pain shoots through my hand as I land awkwardly on my left side.

I glance up, only to see an evil snarl showing up on Deena’s face, and it’s clear that she caused me to fall.

What is it with all these bitches tripping me?

“Anna?” Brian bends down next to me. “You all right?”

I stare at the pinkie finger on my left hand, and it’s beginning to bruise already.

Brian grimaces. “Let’s get you to a trainer. Someone needs to take a look at that.” He helps me to my feet. “I’ll show you where it is. I’ve got a little time until my main event.”

“Don’t worry,” Rex chimes in. “You won’t be the main attraction for much longer. Come Tuesday, I’ll be taking that belt.”

Brian’s lip curls back, and it’s easy to tell that he’d like to rip into Rex.

But Brian exhibits perfect self-control and simply says, “The only reason you’ll be getting it is because I’ll be giving it to you willingly. If this were a real fight, you and I both know you wouldn’t have a shot in hell against me.”

Rex’s nostrils flare, but he doesn’t argue with Brian.

“Come on, Anna. Let’s get you looked at.”

Brian’s quiet as he walks me to the trainer, and as soon as we get there, he alerts the doctor to our presence. “Looks like a busted little finger, Doc.”

The tall redheaded doctor stands up and walks over to me before gingerly inspecting my hand. “How the hell did this happen?”

“I fell backstage,” I answer, leaving out the details about Deena tripping me.

Doc sighs. “All right. Let me get you some paperwork to fill out. We’ll need to take a urine sample to test for drugs and pregnancy—you know, the standard workplace accident protocol—and then we’ll get you X-rayed.”

“Good luck,” Brian says before he ducks out of the room.

After I complete all the paperwork and pee in a cup, Doc checks out my hand. “Well, you want the good news or the bad news first?”

“Bad news,” I answer firmly, wanting to get the worst part of whatever he’s going to tell me out of the way.

He sighs. “Your little finger is sprained.” He opens a kit and lays out a few supplies. “We’ll need to splint your finger, so you won’t be able to wrestle for a couple of weeks.”

I laugh. “I highly doubt Tension ever planned on me doing that, considering I’ve never been trained.”

“Okay then, I guess that news wasn’t too horrible for you.”

“Nope,” I tell him. “So, what’s the good news?”

Doc gets busy wrapping my finger in some gauze. “You’re pregnant.”

My eyes grow wide, and I slightly shake my head. “Excuse me? I don’t think I heard you correctly. Pregnant?”

He nods as he keeps working. “I’m not an OB/GYN, but that’s what the test says. I highly recommend you make an appointment to confirm it.”

My mouth falls open, and all I can think of is telling Xavier.

How is he going to react?

One thing’s for sure, this isn’t the kind of thing you leave a message about. Suddenly, I’m anxious to call him because I need help digesting the information myself.

Doc secures the gauze tape around my finger. “Okay, that should do it. Ice on for fifteen minutes and then off for swelling. Take some Tylenol for pain and swelling, and you should feel better in the next few days.”

“Thank you,” is all I can manage to get out because I’m still reeling from the shock of the news of being pregnant.

I walk out of the training room, and the world around me floats by in a fog as I make my way through the maze of hallways to find the women’s locker room. I quickly change into my street clothes and carry my ring outfit outside with me.

“Need a car, Anna?” Freddie asks.

“Please,” I reply. Then, I lean against the wall next to Freddie.

“You okay?” he asks.

“Fine,” I lie. “Just tired.”

He nods. “A good night’s sleep will do wonders after a stressful day.”

A black SUV pulls up, and Freddie opens the back passenger door, allowing me to climb inside.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I say.

“Yeah, okay. Bye.” He shuts the door, and the car begins to move.

I fish my cell phone out of my back pocket and frown when I notice there’s no new message from Xavier. I’m unable to stop myself from calling him.

His phone rings twice and then goes straight to voice mail.

“Xavier, if you don’t call me back tonight, I’ll know we’re finished.”

There’s so much more I could say, but I decide what I’ve said is clear and concise. If he doesn’t call back after that, I’ll have my answer.

Chapter 21


The distinct aroma of gingerbread cookies fills the entire house, and it makes me smile. Today is going to be a good day. Whenever Mama makes her special cookies, no matter the time of year, she’s always in a good mood.