Xavier Cold (Hard Knocks #2)

“You got it.” Tyler works on punching my order into the computer.

I glance over to Quinn, who is busy flirting with Brock through the window where the orders are sitting, waiting to be picked up by the servers.

They are adorable together, really in love, and if it weren’t for worrying about embarrassing Quinn in front of a roomful of customers, I would call them out for being so darn cute.

Quinn notices me watching the two of them and quirks an eyebrow before she stops beside the bar. “Hey there, cuz. Looks like you’re in a better mood.”

“I am.” I grin and then reach for my glass. My bottom lip pokes out a bit when I realize it’s empty. “There might be something to this drinking thing. I can’t stop smiling.”

She turns to Tyler. “How many have you given her?”

He flings a dish towel over his shoulder and then runs his hand through his thick blond hair. “She just finished her sixth.”

“Six? Damn it, Tyler. I said loosen her up a bit, not fuck her up. She won’t be able to walk out of here if you give her any more.”

Tyler defensively holds his hands up. “Hey, that’s only two drinks an hour. I think I’ve paced her pretty well.”

“That’s an acceptable pace for someone who’s used to drinking.” Quinn sighs. “Anna doesn’t drink. Last time I took her out, two drinks had her feeling pretty good.”

“Hey,” I interrupt before a hiccup slips out. “I think I’m doing fine. I only had one little accident when I knocked over that glass.”

Quinn pats my arm. “I know, but you haven’t tried to stand up in a while, and when you do, all the liquor is going to hit you. I want you to sit here for the next thirty minutes while I finish my shift, and then we’ll go home.”

I raise my hand and flick my thumb up. “You got it. I’ll stay right here.”

“Okay.” She snickers and instructs Tyler to watch me and try to sober me up.

A coffee is placed in front of me, and I glance up at Tyler, wearing a frown. “I don’t really like black coffee. Do you have iced coffee?”

He shakes his head and then lays a spoon and four creamers next to my cup. “That’s about the closest you’ll get to sweetened coffee around here.”

I open the creamers and dump them in my cup. “You’re so nice, Tyler.”

A bashful smile spreads across his face as red creeps into his cheeks. “So are you.” He’s quiet for a few moments and then asks, “Are you still seeing Phenomenal X?”

I raise my brow. “You know who he is?”

“Of course I do. I love wrestling. X is a badass in the ring.”

“That he is.” I sigh. “He scares the shit out of most men.”

“That’s why I never dragged up the courage to ask you out once I found out you were seeing him. I knew I would never have a shot.”

I stir my coffee as my mind drifts to when I saw Xavier earlier. “We’re kind of in a fight right now.”

I admitted that a little too easily, and then it hits me that Quinn is probably right about me being drunk. Typically, I wouldn’t have divulged that information.

Tyler braces his hands on the bar across from me. “What about?”

I shrug. “He allowed another woman to kiss him.”

Tyler raises his eyebrows and then shakes his head. “Man, if he’s messing around on you, he’s an idiot.”

The corner of my mouth lifts into a small smile. “Thank you. That’s sweet.”

“It’s true. Any man who has you would be an idiot to mess things up. Not only are you really nice, but you’re also the prettiest woman I’ve ever seen.” He sighs and then lays my bill down. “I hate to give you this, but you know Andy would shit a brick if I didn’t make you pay.”

“It’s okay. I don’t mind paying.” I reach for the small white paper lying on the bar, but someone reaches over my shoulder and takes it before I can get my fingers on it.

Standing next to me is a broad-shouldered man with brown hair who is covered in tattoos from the neck down. He’s wearing a smile that causes his dark eyes to twinkle. “I got this one.”

“Oh, um...” I hesitate, knowing that situations like this make X to freak out. “Thank you, but I really should pay for that on my own.”

The man slides onto the stool next to me, still holding my bill. “Consider this a welcome-to-the-neighborhood present.”

I raise my eyebrows. “What makes you think I’m new?”

His eyes search my face, like he’s trying to think of an answer to my question. “I’ve never seen you in here before.”

My lips twist. “That’s funny because I used to work here. Surely, you would’ve seen me then if you were a regular.”

He nods and then runs his hand through his mussed hair. The blue shirt he’s wearing catches my eye. On the sleeve of his shirt, there’s some sort of weird symbol that has a scythe, a dollar symbol, and a square on it. The interesting pattern is definitely custom because I can’t imagine anything like that being sold in a store.