Xavier Cold (Hard Knocks #2)

These are legitimate thugs—the kind authors write stories about, the kind who are ruthless and will kill on a dime and then laugh about it. And Xavier seems at ease with them.

It makes me really wonder about his past. He told me once, he should be in jail for some of the things he’s done, and now, after meeting Kai, it’s scary to know he was serious.

Now, I see why Nettie was freaking out about Xavier meeting back up with this Bishop person.

“Fuck, enough about all that. What about you, man? We’ve all seen you on TV, getting famous and shit. We know you have to be fucking rollin’ now.”

The muscles in Xavier’s back tense beneath my touch, and I can tell he doesn’t like where this is heading.

“Nah, man. I don’t make as much as you all think,” Xavier says.

Kai tilts his head. “Now, see, that’s not what Bishop found out. According to last year’s tax return he had pulled on you, you’ve got some money.”

I peek up at Xavier’s face, and see his jaw muscle flex. “That’s all gone. You think I’d be staying here if I had money?”

Kai suspiciously eyes Xavier and then flicks his gaze to the house before looking back to Xavier. “You could be telling the truth . . . but maybe you’re just trying to fuck with me. Either way, Bishop wants to see you. He wants to talk business.”

Xavier shakes his head. “Not interested.”

Kai jerks his head back, and his eyes widen. “Not interested? You do realize that you’re refusing Bishop.”

“I don’t give a fuck who it is. I’m not fucking getting mixed up in the shit that goes down around here.”

“Don’t be fucking stupid, X. I’m telling you, as a friend, get in this fucking car right now. Don’t make me put you in there.”

“We both know that will never happen. Don’t try me, Kai.”

Instead of backing down, Kai takes a step, closing the space between himself and Xavier. “You’ve been out of the hood for too long. Maybe you need to be reminded about how things work.”

Xavier’s fingers flex at his sides, like he’s readying himself for a fight. “Fucking try it.”

Kai stares up at him and smiles, causing my breath to catch.

“Go in the house, Anna,” Xavier orders.

Kai’s eyes snap to me and then flit between me and Xavier. It’s like he’s just noticing me for the first time. “That your girl, X? She’s fine. Maybe Bishop needs to meet her, too. What do you say?”

“Lay one fucking finger on her—”

“And you’ll, what? Kill me?” Kai smirks. “We both know you don’t have the stomach for that. Words are only a threat when someone will actually carry things out.”

A primal growl rips up from Xavier’s throat as he draws back his fist to crush every bone in Kai’s face, but before he can make contact, all three of the men rush toward him at the same time. Xavier struggles against them and lands a solid right hook into a guy’s face, causing him to stumble back in a daze.

The other two struggle against Xavier, and they are having a hard time restraining him.

“Get the girl,” Kai orders the man who is still shaking his head, attempting to get his bearings.

“No!” Xavier roars. Then, he blasts the next goon in the face.

Kai, realizing Xavier is free, takes a step back.

Blood trickles down Xavier’s face from a cut above his left eye, but he doesn’t seem to bother him. “Anna! Get in the house.”

“I won’t leave you!” I cry.

“Get in the fucking house.”

I stand there, frozen. There’s no way I’m leaving him out here, alone with these guys. I might not be strong, but I will help him anyway I can.

Kai laughs. “You’ve lost your touch, X. Seems you can’t even control your bitch.”

Without warning, X delivers a hard fist into Kai’s face, causing his head to whip to the side.

Kai traces his lips with his fingers and then spits a mouthful of blood onto the ground. “Is that how it is now?”

Xavier nods while his chest heaves. If looks could kill, Kai would already be in a body bag.

Kai steps around the front of the truck. “This isn’t over, X.”

Xavier allows the men to throw around their promises of retribution and doesn’t make a move to attack them. Rather, he stands firm in full-on protection mode until the men lock themselves inside the Escalade and drive away.

Chapter 9


Adrenaline is still flowing through every inch of my body. “What in the hell was that all about?”

Xavier swallows hard. “Old friends.”

I crinkle my eyebrows inward. “Those were your friends? My God, Xavier, I would hate to see your enemies.”

“This was a mistake, coming back here. We should leave.” He starts toward the back of the house.

“We can do that. Quinn and Aunt Dee will let us stay there,” I remind him as the loose sections of blacktop on the driveway crunch beneath the soles of my shoes.