Wrong Place, Right Time (The Bourbon Street Boys #2)

He kicks at the gravel, moving it around with his toe, and for the first time I can really see the vulnerability. It only makes him more attractive to me, knowing that he’s not full of himself, that he’s a humble, self-effacing person. I much prefer that type of man over a guy who thinks he’s God’s gift to women.

I stand there digesting everything that he’s told me. Here we are, two single people, both looking for love. We made a pact to find it with other people, but destiny brought us back together again. That can only mean one thing, and I’m not so dense that I’m going to ignore it this time.

“So where does this leave us?” I bite my lip after I ask the question to keep from blurting anything out that shouldn’t yet be said.

He reaches down and takes me by the hands. My purse drops to the ground at my feet, but I ignore it.

“I think this means that we should go out on a real date and see what happens.”

I try not to be too excited that he’s thinking the same thing I am. “It’s a risk, though. Hearts can be broken.”

He shrugs. “No guts, no glory. I’m up for it if you are.”

I bite my lip again. He’s so beautiful. So good inside. I don’t care that he put a false profile on a dating website. I get it. I mean, I really, really get it. I get feeling lonely, I get lacking confidence, I get being paranoid and worried that people won’t like you for who you are. After Miles left me, I had no hope that I would ever find somebody who would want to be with me again. How stupid would I be to walk away from this opportunity?

“Okay, I’m in.” I feel like I’m going to vomit, I’m so scared and happy at the same time.

Dev smiles and then that look comes over his face again. That beautiful, gorgeous dimple that I love so much caves in and turns him from a warrior into a teddy bear. A bald one. A big, bald, teddy bear of a man who makes me feel safe and happy and ready to take on the world.

“Well . . . we’ve already had dinner,” he says. “What would you do on a real date after dinner?”

I’m feeling sexy, so I risk the answer that’s in my heart. “I’d ask you if you want to go have a drink at my place.”

“Are your kids home?” he asks, getting a devilish look in his eye.

I pout. “I’m going to be a terrible mother and say, unfortunately, yes. They are. On a real date I probably would have made sure they’d be elsewhere. Sorry. I’m seriously out of practice.”

He scowls. “My son is home too.” He squeezes my hands and looks at me forlornly. “Too bad you’re such a classy lady.”

I raise my eyebrows at him. “Why is that bad?”

“Because . . . if you were a little more on the wild side, I would tell you about how big my backseat is.”

I can’t help giggling.

“Why are you laughing?” He moves in closer and pulls me up against him, his hard body sending a shock of pleasure through me. The giggling stops immediately.

I look up at him, my eyes full of the heat building inside me. “Because. I’m really not all that classy.”


I can’t stop giggling. My dress is bunched up around my waist, and we’re crammed into his backseat, trying to use it as our launching pad into this new thing we have going on, whatever it is. I’m not going to label it or wonder how long it’s going to last. I want to enjoy it while I can.

“I’m too damn tall,” he says, frustrated as he bangs his head on the back passenger window.

I pull him down to kiss me again. My lips are swollen from all the making out we’ve been doing. “You’re not too tall; you’re perfect.”

He grins and dives in. Our tongues tangle together and our mingled breath heats up our faces as we move to deepen the connection.

His hand is between my legs, his fingers stroking me over my panties, making me squirm with anticipation. Sweat drips off his forehead and lands on my neck as he looks down at the space between us. “What I wouldn’t give for a bed right now,” he growls.

“We could do this sitting up,” I suggest.

He stops everything he’s doing and stares down at me. “Really?”

I nod, biting my lip to keep from laughing. It’s not that this is funny; it’s just so much fun I want to laugh and get buck wild naked at the same time. I’ve never experienced anything like it. I’m in a parking lot, screwing a near stranger in a Pontiac, for God’s sake! Then it hits me: How poetic is my sex life right now? It’s literally being resurrected from the ashes inside a Phoenix. I can’t stop giggling.

Dev tries to get up, managing to not only give himself a few new bruises in the process but also to yank his headrest right off the top of his seat.

“Oh my god!” I squeal as he growls and throws it onto the floor in the front of the car.

“Get over here,” he says, as he sits down in the backseat, stretching his legs as best he can under the seat in front of him. His knees are against the back of it, and a bulge is standing up at his crotch, straining his zipper.

I’m on my knees next to him, staring at it. “Wow,” I say. I felt his package before when he was kind of on top of me, but I don’t think I fully appreciated how big it was then.

Elle Casey's books