Worth It

“Really?” Hart seemed momentarily surprised by that piece of information, but then his chest heaved and his lips quirked with amusement. “Good.”

“Who’s Miller Hart?” Noel asked. “Any relation?”

Asher looked him in the eye. “My dad.”

As he moved away to help Ten take chairs down from tables, Noel frowned after him. “Did he just tell us his dad killed his mom?”

I shrugged. “Sounded like it.”

“Well, fuck. That was news to me.”

“What was?” Pick asked, glancing up from his phone.

Noel shared a glance with me as if asking if he should share Asher’s little bomb of information, but then he murmured, “Nothing.”

“Mmm.” Distracted, Pick went back to typing something on his phone. After he pressed it to his ear, he muttered, “Fuck.”

“Everything okay?” Noel asked him.

“What?” Pick asked, swerving his gaze to Noel, though his thoughts were obviously elsewhere.

“Who’re you trying to get hold of so bad? You lose Eva, or what?”

“No.” Pick immediately glanced at me, and the hair stood up on the back of my neck. Suspecting his urgent call had something to do with me, I narrowed my eyes. “Just trying to reach one of the waitresses,” he said, “but her phone keeps going straight to voice mail.”

He’d been hell-bent on trying to contact a certain waitress yesterday, too. I wondered if it was the same one and what the hell this waitress had to do with me. Studying him hard, I tried to figure out what he was hiding. The guy was holding way too many secrets for my taste.

“Oh, hey. Is it Felicity?” Noel asked, making me whirl to gape at him. “Because I know for a fact her phone’s been out of commission since yesterday afternoon.”

My vision grayed as that name flooded me, drowning out every part of my brain until I was living in one big memory of her.

“How do you know that?” Pick’s sharp voice jerked me back to the present, away from visions of curly red hair, big innocent blue eyes, and a smile that had melted my soul in two seconds flat.

I blinked until Pick’s face came into focus. But my ears were still buzzing with acute awareness, and my skin wouldn’t stop tingling from just hearing that name.

Next to me, Noel was shrugging. “She showed up at our place yesterday. I guess she caught her douchebag boyfriend fucking some girl on their kitchen table, and get this. They kicked her out of the apartment.” He sniffed in disgust and shook his head. “Aspen’s having her stay at our place until she can find somewhere of her own.”

“Wait. Cam cheated on Felicity?” Mason paused beside Pick, scowling. “What kind of idiot would do that? I’m charging him double if he ever comes in here again.”

“I already was charging him double,” Ten called. When Noel snorted, he added, “What? I’ve hated that motherfucker since the first time he came in. The dick-licker rubbed me all kinds of wrong.”

I couldn’t say anything. Not that I would’ve jumped into the conversation if I could have, but all the air vacating my lungs robbed me of the ability, even if I’d wanted to. My vision went spotty all over again, and I latched on to the edge of the bar, hoping I didn’t pass out.

I tried to tell myself I was overreacting for no reason. Just because they were talking about some random woman named Felicity didn’t mean they were talking about—

But then I glanced at Pick, and when I found him watching me with that look, I knew.

Son of a bitch.

They were talking about her.

I could literally feel the color leach from my face.

Pick turned his attention from me to sear Noel with a glare. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me this sooner? I’ve been trying to reach her for over a day.”

Linda Kage's books