Worth It

“And I would never want you to go through that,” Mason argued. Then he glanced at me. “You’re not watching it.”

“Mason!” Reese yelped, setting her hands on her hips. “You’re not being—”

“Look, I watched the whole thing, okay.”

“You...you what?” Reese shook her head, frowning. “When did you do that?”

“Later. After you went to bed. I don’t know why, but I had to see it through. I just...I couldn’t end it like that, after seeing what we saw.”

“What did you see?” I demanded, about ready to tear down their apartment around them to look for this video myself.

Reese gulped, and Mason wouldn’t meet my gaze as he ran his fingers through his hair.

“They raped him,” Reese finally mumbled to her feet.

“Reese,” Mason gritted out.

I had to wait until my ears stopped ringing before I took a deep breath, licked my dry lips and carefully said, “Excuse me?”

Reese was having a stare down with her man. “If it were you, I would want to know.”

Mason growled out a sound and whirled away as he clutched his head. “It wasn’t our place to tell her, sweet pea.”

“Wait.” I held up my hand, which I realized was quivering like crazy. “You’re joking, right? I mean, that doesn’t really happen in prison. That only happens in the movies?” When neither Reese nor Mason answered, I bit out, “Right?”

Tears coated Reese’s lashes. “I am so sorry, Felicity.”

I shook my head. “No. That’s not...it’s not even possible. It couldn’t have happened. No! Not to Knox.”

“I don’t think it was the first time either,” Reese whispered.

Mason made a sound from across the room, letting us know he didn’t approve of her giving me more details. But Reese hugged herself and kept watching me. “At the beginning of the video, there were three of them who ganged up on him. And their leader guy...the way he talked to Knox, he made it sound as if he’d caught Knox before, and you know...raped him before. And Knox made it sound that way too. He said he wasn’t letting that guy touch him ever again, not over his dead body.”

My breathing picked up and my chest heaved. Shuddering, I backed away from her until I bumped into something. When I glanced back and saw it was her couch, I gratefully sank down and clutched my knees. My skin felt cold. My hands numb. And my heart. Well, that just felt shredded.

“Give me the video,” I said in a low, steady voice.

“Felicity,” Reese started, her eyes full of torment, but Mason snapped, “No! He asked us to destroy it, and we’re going to respect his wishes.”

Storming to a laptop on the table in the kitchen, he ripped a flash drive from the side and snapped it in half.

Just like that.

I gasped, feeling as if he’d snapped me in half. Pressing my hand to my heart, I hissed, “How could you?”

He glanced at me, his jaw clenched. But when he saw my face, he growled and gripped his hair. “Fine. You want to know what happened that day, I will tell you what happened. But there was no way I was actually going to let you watch it. It was...horrendous.”

“Really, really horrendous,” Reese said, sitting next to me and taking my hand.

Mason slumped into a chair across the room from us and sighed into his hands, looking as if he’d aged a decade. “I should’ve snapped the damn thing in half as soon as Reese and I stopped watching it the first time. That video will haunt me for the rest of my life. I had to work with him two days after watching it, and I couldn’t look him in the eye. I couldn’t... I just kept seeing what they did to him.” He shuddered and glanced at Reese, then me.

Linda Kage's books