Worth It

Blowing out a loud, dramatic sigh, I flipped my bangs out of my eyes, only to accidentally brush my hands against his where he was still fiddling with my hair.

Stomach beginning to cramp from all the sensual heat in there, I shifted my weight from one foot to the other and rambled out nervous words.

“I guess we could do each other’s hair, paint our toenails and gossip about cute boys, like a regular ol’ slumber party.”

The humor in his eyes made them a darker chocolate brown. “I thought you girls only had pillow fights in your underwear at slumber parties.”

I huffed out a disgusted breath. “Not even close. That’s just what you guys assume we do. The fact of the matter is we pig out until we’re disgustingly bloated, and then we try to burp our bad garlic breath on each other.”

Knox gaped at me as if I’d kicked him in the shin. “You just shattered every dream I ever had about slumber parties,” he said in the most serious voice I’d ever heard him use.

I blinked before I realized he was joking. Then I cracked a grin and shoved at his shoulder. “Whatever.”

“No, seriously. Please tell me there’s at least some experimental kissing. Or boob touching to compare sizes. Trying on each other’s panties?”

“Eww.” I sent him a glare, but he only laughed.

“Oh, come on. You gotta give me something. There has to be at least one indecent thing that actually happens at slumber parties, or there’s no hope left in the world.”

I opened my mouth to call him a pig when a knock on my door made me yelp.

“Felicity?” It was Max this time. The good brother.

He sounded concerned.

Slicing a worried glance at Knox, I called back, “Y-yeah?”

“Sweetie, I don’t want to worry you, but someone broke into the house again. We’re not sure if he’s gone yet. So I’m going to stay in your room until you get out, just to be on the safe side. But Father’s already called the sheriff, who should be here soon, so don’t be scared, okay?”

I gulped and looked up at Knox, who’d gone pale. “Oh, shit,” he mouthed.

“Umm...actually, I didn’t bring any clothes into the bathroom with me,” I told Max, biting my lip and praying he bought that.

“Do you want me to bring some to your door?” Max so considerately offered.

I slumped my shoulders and met Knox’s gaze. His brown eyes swirled with worry.

“No. No, just...can you wait outside my bedroom door? I’m not sure what I want to wear yet.”

He hesitated. I was positive he’d tell me no, but then he finally said, “All right, but hurry, okay? Father wants us all downstairs in the sitting room so we can be in one place.”

“Of course. I’ll be out in a second.”

I closed my eyes and held my breath until I heard his footsteps move across my room and then my bedroom door close.

Exhaling silently, I slipped out of the bathroom as quietly as possible, even though I had no idea why I was being quiet about that.

I tiptoed into my bedroom, and immediately I missed the close intimacy I’d shared with Knox.

Seeing that the coast was clear, I opened the door fully to set him free. He stepped into my bedroom, very pale.

“Now what?” he whispered, scowling. “He’s still right outside the door.”

Oh, right. Crap. Why hadn’t I thought that far ahead?

I winced. “Window?”

He glanced over, and his face turned a sick green. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“There’s a trellis,” I offered hopefully.

He turned back to me. “I hate heights.”

I gulped. “Oh.”

This could be bad.

But he didn’t seem to stress out about his acrophobia. He just drew in a breath and approached the window slowly, studying it like a determined man on a mission...about to face his doom. After he opened the window and stuck his head out to calculate the drop, he jerked back inside and began to breathe hard.

Linda Kage's books