Worth It

“You okay?” I asked.

She smiled at me, one of her warm, lovely City smiles. “Sure.” Then she shrugged and blushed, chagrined. “I mean, other than being totally embarrassed that Ten saw us and rocking all this sexual frustration, yeah, I’m great.” She moved toward me as if she was going to hug me.

I held up a hand, jerking my head back and forth. “That shouldn’t have happened.”

Slowing to a stop, she frowned, her smile dying. “What?”

I looked away because I hated her disappointment. “I told you, Felicity, we can’t ever be together again. And I fucking meant it.”

I hurried from the room before she could respond, even though she looked too hurt to do so. Then I blew past both Ten and Asher, along with the other waitresses who’d worked tonight, and I escaped.

Once outside, I found the same shadowed place where I’d hidden the night Felicity had first tried to find me, and I pressed my back to the wall, aching with regret.

But she’d get over it, I told myself. Breaking her heart and pushing her away so she could go on to live a happy life with all her Forbidden friends was better than letting her get caught up with me, when I’d no doubt self-destruct one day and take her down with me.

She was safer this way.

“I want you tonight,” I repeated. “I want to go all the way with you.”

Knox stared at me, dazed, for a full five seconds before he muttered, “Jesus, City. You know I want you too. It’s all I can think about. But I wasn’t expecting this tonight. I...I’m not ready.”

I blinked, not at all expecting him to say that. I tried to pull away, feeling slutty and gross. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to push. If you’re not ready, I—”

He caught my arms, keeping me close, and laughed.

“No, baby. You misunderstood. I’m not ready as in...I didn’t bring anything.” When I only blinked at him, confused, he lifted an eyebrow and added, “A condom.”

“Oh.” I flushed hard, feeling stupid and immature for not even thinking about that. “Sorry, I didn’t even think.”

“It’s okay,” he reassured me, pulling me in close for a hug before kissing my hair. “I have an idea, though, of something we could do instead of going all the way.” He met my eyes to send me a look that made me feel warm...all over. “But it involves third base. You interested?”

My sex clenched hard, and I brightened immediately, exhaling my joy and relief. “Yes. I’m definitely interested.”

He slid his finger over my breast and then down, down toward my navel. “And you have to get all the way naked.”

I made a sound in the back of my throat, not sure if it was from nerves or excitement. But I bobbed my head, accepting those terms. “Not here, though.” Not this close to my family. “If you get caught here again, you’ll definitely go to jail.” I shook my head. “I don’t want to be worried about that the entire time.”

He nodded, understanding and respecting my wishes. “The dock, then?”

Perfect. “Yes, please.”

He grinned back, looking as excited as I felt. “Okay, then. Climb on.” When he turned his back to me and crouched down, I frowned. He huffed out a breath. “I’m not letting you traipse through the woods at night barefoot, and I don’t think I can wait for you to go all the way back inside to get some sensible shoes, so I’m carrying you.”

Shaking my head over his gallantry, I climbed onto his back, trying not to strangle him as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

“So...” He reached back and caught my thighs before hefting me higher. Then he started walking. “How was the cotillion?”

I waited until we were away from the gazebo and finally in the woods before answering. “Fine.”

“Mmm.” He made a noncommittal sound in his throat before asking, “Anything good to eat there?”

“Seafood,” I answered, glumly.

Linda Kage's books