Wolf Betrayed (Talon Pack #4)

Charlotte raised a brow at the normally quiet man’s words. Well okay, then.

Before Charlotte could say another word, Walker came out from Shane’s bedroom, exhaustion clear on his face and blood on his pants.

Shane’s blood.

Three wolves from the Talon Pack had tried to kill the man that could be her mate, and they’d nearly succeeded. The elder who had taken Brandon away from Shane’s side had indeed been in pain, having opened a chest he’d thought he’d lost long ago that contained memories of his long-dead mate. The three attackers had used that fact to their advantage, having waited for just the right moment. She wouldn’t know how close Shane had been to death unless Walker told her, and she wasn’t sure her wolf could take the truth.

“Everything okay?” Bram asked by her side since she hadn’t been able to speak.

Walker nodded slowly. “He took a beating, that’s for sure. He’s healing faster than he would have as a human, but not quite as quick as a wolf.” He met her gaze. “That’s to be expected of anyone in his position, so it’s not a reflection of how he was changed. If it continues like this after tomorrow, well, then that’s a hurdle we’ll have to jump when the time comes. I also Healed him completely.” The man gave a weary sigh, and she immediately went to his side.

“Sit down. No wonder you look ready to keel over.” She shook her head and put her hand on Walker’s forehead as if checking for a fever. She blushed and put her hand back down. She met Bram’s eyes over Walker’s head, thankful that her best friend hadn’t growled for her being so close to another man during the mating heat. It was a testament to how strong Bram’s will actually was that he could act so rational all the time. “I’m not a Healer, so I can’t do anything for you other than tell you to sleep after you eat. You’ve taken all your energy stores, haven’t you?” Healers only had so much energy within them to Heal their Pack. Yes, they could draw on the Alpha and the rest of the Pack in the process, but it still tired them out, and if they weren’t careful, they could kill themselves. And she could have kissed the man after she kicked him for doing so much for Shane, and hurting himself in the process.

Walker closed his eyes, his face weary. “He needs to be fully healthy to make it tomorrow, and we both know that.” That was all he said in answer. He didn’t need to say anything else, as they all knew what was at stake at the next full moon.

“You need to go home and sleep,” Bram said after a moment. “The hunt is tomorrow, and they’ll need you.” He paused. “We’ll need you.”

She and Bram would be hunting with the Talons the next night to be by Shane’s side. It wasn’t unheard of for the two Packs to share full moon hunts, but this one was special.

“I’ll take him home.” Brandon moved forward and pulled his brother, his fellow triplet, to his feet. “Come on, brother mine. I’ll make you a nice steak and tuck you in with your blankie.”

“I’d flip you off, but damn if that doesn’t sound amazing.”

Charlotte smiled at the two as they walked out of Shane’s home despite the brevity of the situation. “Walker will be okay. I don’t think the Brentwoods will let one of their own be in pain alone.”

“Then we’d better make sure we Redwoods don’t let Shane be alone right now. He’s probably going to be sore since Walker’s healing doesn’t fix everything.” Bram put his hand on the small of her lower back, and she sucked in a breath.

He’d always been so careful not to touch her.

She turned in his arms and cupped his face, knowing she was about to take a step that would once again change everything. “Thank you for saving him,” she whispered. “And thank you for not getting hurt yourself.” She brushed her lips across his, once, twice.

He stood still, his body hard against hers for a moment before pulling her closer with his hand on her back. His mouth parted and his tongue slid along her lips. She opened for him, savoring his taste, the feel of him, everything about him.

She pulled back before she could want too much, and far too quickly for either of them by the look in Bram’s eyes.

“Let’s go check on him.”

He licked his lips, his eyes dark but for the bright yellow rim around the irises. “We’re doing this,” he growled softly. “When he’s whole, when he’s healthy, we’re doing this.”

There was no question about what this was, but she wasn’t sure she was ready for that. A kiss was far from a declaration. An acceptance of fate. And a lifetime of heartache if the bond were to fail once more.

“I need more time.”

He tilted his head. Oh, his wolf was close to the surface. So close.

“Then you’ll have it. You need only ask, but I’m not giving up easily.” He smiled then, a flash of teeth against dark skin that made her shiver. She loved it when he smiled, but he didn’t do it often. “Now let’s go see our boy.”