Wolf Betrayed (Talon Pack #4)

She smiled widely at him, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes—it never did anymore. “Thanks. I got lucky there for a minute. Leah is much faster than I thought.”

Bram reached out to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear, and they both froze. Deliberately, he finished what he was doing and let out a breath. Her hair was so freaking soft. He remembered exactly what it felt like when it was draped over his body as she rode him.

Seeming to know where his mind had wandered, Charlotte’s eyes darkened, though a slight ring of yellow appeared around the iris, telling him her wolf was out to play.

Damn it. They needed to talk, and soon.

“I think the game’s over,” another voice said from behind him, bringing Bram out of his thoughts.

He turned and moved to make room for Shane. The other man hadn’t been playing because no one was sure how strong he was yet, nor how much control he had. Shane needed a little more training and a whole lot more time with his wolf before he could even simple things like play a game of football with a bunch of werewolves.

“I guess it is,” Charlotte said as she looked around the field. Bram followed her gaze and noted that people were pairing up with mates or friends, leaving the field in gales of laughter and growls. “Did we win?” she asked.

Bram shrugged. “I think so. We’re usually better at keeping score.”

Shane let out a rough chuckle. “Yeah, you guys won, and even though you don’t kick for extra points, I’m assuming everything else is the same point system as human football?”

Bram nodded. “Yeah, same system. We used to kick for extra points but ended up losing the ball nine times out of ten because we kick it so hard. We don’t even kick off anymore.”

“I noticed that,” Shane said, a smile on his face that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I guess everything is a little different here.”

“It is,” Charlotte agreed. “But you’ll learn.”

Shane stuffed his hands in his pockets, looking a little more lost than he had before. Bram wanted to reach out and brush the hair from the other man’s face as he had with Charlotte, but he didn’t think any of them were ready for that yet.

“We should find someplace quiet and talk,” Bram said after a moment. “It’s time, don’t you think?”

Shane met Bram’s gaze, warring emotions shining through so brightly that Bram couldn’t fathom what the other man could be thinking right at that moment. “Come to my place,” he said. “I don’t get many visitors.”

Bram had a feeling he didn’t get any visitors other than those who needed something from him. What would it be like to be cut off from everything you’ve known your entire life and thrust into a situation where not everyone trusted you? Hell, not everyone wanted Shane alive at all. Bram fisted his hands and forced them into the pockets of his sweats so the others couldn’t see.

“Let’s go, then.” He turned to Charlotte. “You ready?”

She licked her lips, and his dick hardened. “As I’ll ever be.”

“Well, this should be interesting,” Shane mumbled.

Interesting indeed. Just three people who had pasts so rife with confusion and angst they could barely breathe from it all, finding that they were mates but not knowing if they were a triad or just three people who could pair off. Add in the fact that one was a former human turned maybe-wolf, another a wolf with too much strength for the body it was in, and another who’d grown up chained in a basement and it made it a party.

The three of them made it to Shane’s place in silence, though it wasn’t as tense as Bram had figured it would be, considering they were about to talk about a future that might never come. Hell, maybe Bram was the tense one.

There wasn’t much in the small bungalow house Walker had scrounged up for Shane. A few older pieces of furniture but nothing personal. Hell, Shane didn’t have anything personal. He’d left it all behind when he’d come to the Talons.

Bram ran a hand over his head as he watched Charlotte look around the place, a frown on her face. Shane had his hands in his pockets, confusion and a little bit of embarrassment evident on his face.

“Is there a place we can go to get your stuff?” Bram asked suddenly. “I mean, things that are yours that you might want?”

Charlotte smiled at him while Shane’s eyes widened. “We can get it for you,” she added in. “I mean, this is your home now. Let’s make it yours.”

Shane slid his palm over the bottom half of his face, rubbing his jaw. “There’re a few things in storage I can probably get. The things that were at the barracks weren’t really that important to me, and I don’t think I’ll be getting those back anyway.”

“Then we’ll get your stuff from storage,” Bram said simply. “Just tell us where it is.”