Wolf Betrayed (Talon Pack #4)

“You don’t shut up,” Quinn agreed. “I’m not sure how your family can stand you since most of them are so growly they make a bear with a thorn in its paw look happy.”

At that, Bram cracked a smile. It was true that many of the Brentwoods weren’t the…cheeriest of wolves, but he couldn’t blame them considering what they’d lived through before they’d eventually taken over the Pack from the older generation that had threatened everyone’s lives.

“They can’t help but love me,” Max said with another grin. “And I know I was eavesdropping, but we’re all wolves here, so it’s not like we can help but listen.” He winked, and Bram had to roll his eyes. If Bram didn’t know any better, he would have thought Max was the Omega of the Talon Pack, not Brandon. You just couldn’t quite stay angry or upset around the other wolf.

“It’s fine,” Bram bit out, though not angrily. While the other wolves had been listening, he and Quinn hadn’t been using specifics. While some might know parts of the story, he didn’t want anyone to know the full extent of it except for the three people who mattered. Thankfully, those who knew more than others were giving the three of them space. For now, at least.

“You’re not, but I get it,” Max put in. “And I know you’re going to hate what I say next, but you might have to actually do something you hate in order to fix the situation.”

“And what is that?”

“Talk to them.” Max shrugged, and Quinn let out a snort.

Bram glared at the two of them. “I talk.” Just not as much as others. Namely Max.

“When you need to, yeah,” Quinn put in. “But we’re not talking about the fact that you have this broody and silent vibe going on. I know you don’t like speaking about what’s going on in that head of yours, but you’re going to need to if you are going to figure this out. Believe me, man, I messed up before and almost lost it all when I didn’t say what I needed to say.”

They were oh so careful not to actually mention what was going on, and Bram was grateful for that, but he didn’t need to talk to these two about what was going on in his head. That would be for Charlotte, and even Shane, once he got to know the other guy more.

“Let’s get back to training,” Bram said finally.

The others shared a look but nodded. “Two on one?” Quinn asked.

That seemed to be the theme of his life recently. Bram raised a brow and grinned. “Deal.”

Max and Quinn each pounced then, their claws tucked in, meaning they were going to fight with full force. Game on.

Bram ducked and kicked, his fist shooting out and connecting to Max’s jaw even as he rolled out of the way of Quinn’s punch. While the other two were very, very strong wolves, Bram was that much stronger. He still couldn’t win this fight without either cheating a bit or getting help from another. In a real fight, he’d cheat like hell because it was life or death, but right then, he just needed to hone his skills. Max was one fast wolf, but Bram knew one wolf who was even faster.

And he could scent her coming his way.

The other enforcers and lieutenants had already dispersed, their training over for the day. While a couple lingered to watch the fight, the others left, having already seen it before. Bram enjoyed grappling with these two and did it as often as he could. They each had different strengths, and training with them helped Bram immensely.

But that scent was coming closer, and he and his wolf wanted nothing more to do with Max and Quinn. They wanted Charlotte and everything she brought with her.

With one last kick to Quinn’s thigh, Bram held up his hands and called it a day. Max gave Bram a knowing grin and headed off with Quinn to get some water. Bram had needed that bout, but his wolf was still on edge, far too close to the surface to be near Charlotte.

When she came up to him, a tentative smile on her face, he was lost. She’d always had shadows in her eyes, even before he’d truly gotten to know her when they were children, and then later young adults who had become best friends. He supposed that anyone who went through what she had gone through would end up a little scarred and full of shadows. Her family had done so much to heal that, but he wasn’t sure anyone would be able to fully escape the past that haunted her. And even if she could, he was pretty sure she was the one who would have to do it, not those who loved her.

When he and Charlotte had found out they were potential mates and then found out the bond hadn’t worked, he’d put even more shadows in her eyes. He hated himself for that, but now he had a small inkling of hope, something he didn’t normally have. If Shane were theirs, that meant there was a chance the bond would take this time. Maybe some of the darkness that wrapped itself around her would fade away.

Maybe this human that wasn’t so human anymore would be the light to their dark.

But they couldn’t do anything until they talked it out, and he wasn’t sure any of them were ready for that.