With Every Heartbeat (Forbidden Men, #4)

He drew in a deep breath, nodded, and left me alone. After he was gone, I took the beer he’d left on the coffee table and I got drunk. I was still drunk when a knock came on the front door.

I didn’t feel like talking to anyone or being civil, but I stood up and checked to see who it was anyway.

It was Zoey.

I knew he was drunk as soon as he opened the door. I covered my mouth as I stared up at him. “Oh, Quinn.”

While my eyes wanted to fill with tears, his eyes remained dry. And hard and accusing. “Did you know?”

“What?” Pain sluiced through me. I shook my head fiercely. “No! How can you even ask that? You know...you know I had no idea. You know I...I never would’ve helped you with the ring, or...or...oh God. She betrayed me too. I’m supposed to be her friend, her closest confidante, and she kept something like this from me. I’m...I had no idea.”

With a relenting nod, he stepped back and let the door fall open. “Well, this seems to be the party for the betrayed. Come on in.”

I stepped over the threshold, smelling the alcohol immediately. When I spotted the half-empty bottle sitting open on the coffee table, I started for it. “We need to cut you off.”

But Quinn caught my arm and whirled me to face him. I gasped when my chest bumped into his. “How ’bout we don’t,” he said softly.

I gulped and lifted my gaze. He stepped in toward me, and I backed up a pace. As if my retreat irritated him, he turned me and pressed my back to the wall.

“Quinn?” I said, my voice small. My skin buzzed with apprehension. His expression looked so severe. I had no idea what he was thinking, and that scared me. I wasn’t afraid of him exactly, but I was definitely afraid of the moment. Anything could happen, but what I feared most was what I’d let happen.

A relieved breath rushed from me when he released my arm. But the small moment of freedom didn’t last. He slid the back of his finger up my bicep toward my shoulder, making me suck in a shaky inhale.

“It’s funny what you remember when you’re drunk, you know.” His gaze seemed fixated on the place he touched me. “Like I was just sitting here, remembering the last time I drank. Do you remember that night, Zoey? Do you remember what we almost did?”

He cupped my cheek with one palm while he pressed his other hand against the wall beside my face, so close that his wrist brushed my hair. I gulped and tried to soak deeper into the sheetrock. But he was still right there, invading all my senses.

“Do you?” he pressed.

I closed my eyes. “Yes,” I whispered, because in that moment I didn’t know how to lie to him.

He let out a harsh breath. “Why didn’t I remember that until now? I almost had my mouth on you but I stopped because I wanted to be faithful to my girlfriend. What a joke. Faithful? She doesn’t even know the meaning of the word.”

“Quinn,” I started, but he took his other hand off my cheek to set it on the wall too, neatly trapping me into place.

“Do you think I’m a joke, Zoey?”

“What?” Flabbergasted by the question, I shook my head. “No. Never.”

His gaze met mine. “Does she? Does Cora? She’s probably laughing at me, right now. Isn’t she?”

Again, I swished my head back and forth. “N-no. The last time I saw her, she was crying.”

Mouth curling into a hard smile, he let go of me and stepped back. “Good.” But as soon as the word left his lips, he shuddered and his eyes filled with pain and remorse. “What is wrong with me?” Cupping his head, he backed away some more until the backs of his legs hit the couch, and then he slumped down, sitting on the cushions and still cradling his head in his hands. “I’m glad she’s crying? How wrong is that? Hours ago—just hours ago—I thought she was the love of my life, and bam.” He snapped his fingers. “Just like that, I hate her? That doesn’t even seem possible. But it is. I mean, seriously, I want nothing to do with her. I don’t want to see her, I don’t want to talk to her, I don’t even want to think about her. She’s dead to me. How can I be that coldhearted after I was this close to asking her to...?”

He shuddered again and bowed his face, looking more tormented than I could handle. Unable to stay away, I peeled myself from the wall where I’d still been hovering and went to him.

“You’re not coldhearted.” I set my hand on his shoulder. “You’re just...brokenhearted.”

When he leaned into me, I shifted my fingers from his shoulder to his hair, and he wrapped his arms around my waist. So I wrapped mine around his head. His large frame quivered again.

“Oh, Quinn.” I wanted to help him, anything to end his pain. So when he tugged me down onto his lap, I went willingly; I even kissed his hair.