With Every Heartbeat (Forbidden Men, #4)

“It’s in the dryer. Where have you been?”

She pulled back, blinking as if she couldn’t believe he’d dare to answer her question with another question. “I was out working on a group project for my World Geography class. I told you that. Why are you here, alone, with my roommate?”

He glanced at me, answering, “She called, looking for you. She thought you were with me. I thought you were with her.”

I thought I detected a bit of accusation in his voice, so I quickly said, “The water line to the toilet broke and I didn’t know how to turn it off or how to get a hold of the super. You weren’t answering your phone.”

She looked down and pulled her phone from her purse. “Oh, I must’ve turned it off. Hmm. Wonder when I did that.” She turned it on and checked over the half a dozen or so messages from both Quinn and me. Then she looked up and smiled at us brightly. “So...everything’s fixed now?”

“No,” Quinn said. “The line’s still broken. You’ll need to get a hold of your super.” Then he leaned in and sniffed her. “You smell like alcohol.”

She scowled. “Well, yeah. We finished the project a couple hours ago and then went out for a few drinks. Is that okay with you, dad?”

He nodded even as he answered, “I just...I could swear you said you were staying in and doing something with Zoey tonight.”

“Are you sure?” When he kept bobbing his head up and down, she sighed and pressed her hand to her temple. “I don’t know, maybe I did say that. But I meant I was going to work on the group project with Sydney and Kallie and all of them in my World Geo class.” When Quinn didn’t respond, she looked at him. “You believe me, right?”

Again he stayed silent, but he swished his head up and down, letting her know he did believe her.

“Good.” She let out an exhausted sigh. “Well, I’m beat, so I’m going to bed.”

When she started down the hall, Quinn followed her. He went into her bedroom with her, and then he shut the door.

I slumped against the wall and hugged myself. I felt sick because I knew what he was going to be doing with her. And I felt even sicker because I could’ve sworn Cora told me she was going to be with Quinn tonight. But why would she lie to both of us?

“Want to ride to class together?”

Cora’s question made me stumble to a halt just as I reached the front door of our apartment Friday morning. After the night I’d had dealing with the plumbing, my limbs were sore and my head ached from how exhausted I was, but strangely enough, I felt kind of exhilarated.

My roommate’s question warmed me from the inside. This might’ve been the first time since the car wash that she’d asked me to do anything with her that didn’t involve her health. But she just had to pick the worst day ever to ask, didn’t she? For once, I actually had plans.

“Sorry.” I winced in genuine apology. “But I’m going over to Caroline’s straight after class.”

Caroline wanted me to go to the show with her tonight and watch the newest bartender at Forbidden sing with his band for the first time. It’d also be a first for me. It’d be the first time I’d step inside a bar. We were supposed to go to her place this afternoon after classes and get ready together.

“Where’s Quinn?” I asked, thinking Cora could ride to class with him since he’d stayed the night.

But that question made her eyes narrow. “He had to leave early for his morning weight training session.”

I winced. He’d gotten off work at two thirty last night, and then stayed up later to help me. And then he had to go in early for weight lifting? I suddenly had no reason whatsoever to complain about being tired. Poor guy.

Stepping between me and the door, Cora crossed her arms over her chest. “Well, I was going to have this discussion in the car, but since you obviously already have plans...” She sneered the word as if she couldn’t believe I’d make my own plans. It made me feel guilty because I was here in this town for her, to make sure she stayed healthy. What was I doing, going out with Caroline to football games and concerts?

“Are you okay?” I asked, immediately concerned. “Did one of your tests—”

“I’m fine.” She rolled her eyes and sighed. “This is about Quinn.”

I blinked, totally confused. “Quinn?”

“Yes! Your crush on my boyfriend is getting a little ridiculous.”

Not at all expecting her to say that, I stumbled back a step and pressed my hand to my heart. “Wha—no... Excuse me?”

I couldn’t even believe...