With Every Heartbeat (Forbidden Men, #4)

But Cora had assured me Zoey was cool with it. As I stared at Zoey, though, I knew Cora had never bothered to even ask her.

“I...uh...I was...already here,” I admitted, flushing hard.

When Zoey turned a bright tomato red as well, I lifted my hands. “Is that okay? If you don’t want me here after a certain time, I totally understand. I’m so sorry. I thought Cora had cleared it with you. She told me you were okay with me staying over some nights.”

“No.” She started to shake her head before she blushed again. “I mean, no, Cora hasn’t talked to me about it yet.” A frown creased her brow as she glanced away. “She must’ve forgotten.”

“Oh,” I said dumbly, still not sure what she thought of me being here.

The griddle popped behind me, making me jump and reminding me it was heated and ready to cook pancakes.

Zoey glanced at the griddle and then back to me before she self-consciously shoved her sleeve up to cover her exposed shoulder. “You know, it’s Cora’s apartment. Whatever she wants is—”

“No, it’s your apartment too,” I argued, not wanting her to think she didn’t have a say about what happened here. I really wished Cora had just talked to her about it. “You pay half the rent. You have just as much say-so about what happens here as she does.”

Zoey made a face of disagreement. “But she was here first and took care of setting everything up.”

“That doesn’t matter. You still have just as much—”

“You can stay the night, okay,” she burst out, letting me know she didn’t want to argue about this. Then her face turned scarlet as she realized what she’d blurted out.

I wanted to apologize for being an idiot and arguing with her over such a silly issue.

“Okay.” Ducking my head, I cleared my throat and turned back to my batter. I kept my back to her as I asked, “Want some pancakes?”

I knew she didn’t want me there, but I had a feeling if I’d left right then, it would’ve made her even more uncomfortable.

When she murmured, “No thank you,” a muscle jumped in my jaw. I hadn’t realized how much I’d wanted to impress her with my Saturday morning special until the disappointment over her rejection ran thick through my veins.

But I said, “Okay. No problem,” as if it didn’t matter.

Behind me, she cleared her throat discreetly. “So, I guess Cora forgave you last night.”

I glanced over my shoulder at her. She was wringing her hands at her waist and biting her lip as if she wanted to flee but wasn’t sure if she was allowed to.

With a slow nod, I took in her bare feet. They were cute and petite for someone with her height. The toenails were painted a pale pink.

“Well, that’s good,” she said.

I lifted my attention back to her face, and the effect her large green eyes had on me was like a punch in the gut. I turned my attention back to the pancakes and forced a big breath from my lungs. I was never so happy to hear footsteps coming down the hall.

“Good morning,” a new voice greeted as Cora breezed into the kitchen.

Relieved to have her here and unknowingly playing interference between me and her roommate, I turned to greet her with a smile after I flipped a pancake. “Hey, you.”

Her eyes warmed with pleasure. “Hey, yourself.” Sweeping up to me, she wrapped her arms around my waist, stepped up onto her tiptoes, and kissed me long and slow. “Have I ever told you how much I love Saturday mornings?” She glanced around and frowned. “What? No strawberries today?”

I laughed and tweaked her nose. “You’re up too early. I haven’t gotten them out of the refrigerator yet.”

I had to pass Zoey as I went to retrieve the strawberries. That smell of hers was particularly strong this morning. I held my breath until I’d passed by her again, hoping it didn’t mess with my hormones today as it had the other night. “Are you sure you don’t want any pancakes?” I asked her again. “We have strawberries too?”

She shook her head just as Cora said, “Of course she wants pancakes. Seriously, Zo. You can’t turn down Quinn’s pancakes. They’re legendary.”

I ducked my face. “They’re not really. I use a mix.”

“But he grills them to perfection.” Cora opened a cabinet door and pulled down three plates. “You’re eating.”

So the three of us ate breakfast together.

Cora talked the entire time, meaning there were never any uncomfortable silences. “Quinn used to cook bacon to eat with his pancakes. But I can’t stand the smell of bacon, so he stopped, just for me, and transferred over to strawberries.” She grinned up at me and slid her hand up my forearm before returning her gaze to Zoey. “Isn’t he just the best boyfriend ever?”