With Every Heartbeat (Forbidden Men, #4)

I snuck over to Quinn’s apartment on Sunday night after he texted to tell me Ten was working and he was home alone. It was my first booty call? I realized, and it made me giddy as I stole up the stairs to his apartment.

He looked similarly excited as he opened the door for me and let me in. His blue eyes sparkled with mischief and he bit his lip as he took my hand and pulled me inside and closed the door behind me.

“Did you have any problems getting here?” he asked, his voice hushed.

I shook my head. All he was doing was holding my hand and I wanted to attack him, but I only shifted a step closer. “I was home alone too, so no one noticed me leaving.”

His grin spread and he tipped his head as if he was going to kiss me, but he didn’t. “Good,” he whispered.

I couldn’t handle it. I lifted my fingers and touched his face, grazing my nails over his dimple. “Why’re we whispering?” I had to ask, my voice just as quiet and conspiring as his. “I thought you said Ten was working tonight.”

“He is.” Quinn dipped in closer until our brows brushed. “But it feels naughtier to talk like this, like we’re sneaking around.” His eyes fluttered as if he was going to close them, but he didn’t. Then he glanced his cheek off mine and admitted in a soft, husky voice directly into my ear. “I like feeling naughty with you.”

Lifting my second hand, I cupped his face in my palms before slipping them up his jaw and dipping my fingers into his hair and then grasping fistfuls. Then I whispered into his ear, “You can be as naughty as you want with me.”

A growl rumbled from his chest as he crushed his mouth to mine. His tongue speared into me, and I whimpered as he picked me up by the bottom and spun me around to press my back against the wall and anchor me there while his lips attacked mine.

We couldn’t get enough, grappling and tugging at each other’s clothes, teeth nipping at the other’s skin, hands unable to stop gripping and tearing.

“I want to do you right here against this wall,” he rasped into my ear as he tugged my panties, the last of my clothes, down my legs.

I was in no condition to deny him anything, so I just nodded, staring down at him with wide, amazed eyes as he knelt in front of me to help me step out of my underwear. He lingered down there, and I squirmed a little inside, remembering how his tongue felt on me. I was so wet it was embarrassing. And yet thrilling.

A long breath escaped him as he looked up and met my gaze. “You are so beautiful,” he murmured.

My heart fluttered in my chest and I didn’t know how to answer. His gaze captured me as if he knew he possessed every freaking molecule of my being.

“When you look at me like that, I feel like a helpless little fly caught in your web.”

His confession caused a laugh to blurt from me. I was the one caught and entranced under his spell.

“Do I hear another biology lesson coming?” I asked.

His grin exploded across his face. “The spider builds his web to catch his food.”

I groaned and covered my face as if I hated his biology lessons, when actually I loved them.

He ran his fingers up the insides of my thighs. “As soon as his victim comes along and gets caught in his web, he strikes.”

I yelped when Quinn’s arms snaked around my legs and wrapped around me. His naughty grin grew. “After he binds his silk around his little fly so she can’t possibly escape, he bites her with his venom.”

Quinn sank his teeth into me, right between my legs with a playful kind of nip. I groaned and buried my fingers in his hair, pulling taut at his scalp when his tongue licked across my clit. He killed me with his mouth, massaging that sensitive little bundle of nerves until I was squirming against him, so close to the brink that I didn’t care how hard I was pulling his hair now, or that I might’ve hurt his back when I wrapped one leg around his shoulder and dug the heel of my foot into his spine. When he plunged two fingers into me, I lost it.

I was loud and unashamed by what a commotion I made, because the louder I got the more enthused and hungry he turned. I loved that. I wanted him ravenous.

When I finally breathed out a drained breath, he broke his mouth from my * and wiped the back of his hand across his red, swollen lips. His blue eyes were especially bright when they met mine. His gaze told me how amazing he thought I was, how much he loved being here with me like this, how precious this moment was to him. But he didn’t verbalize any of that. He didn’t have to. Instead, he said it in his own way…his geeked-out, biology-loving way.

“So after the spider injects his venom, he retreats a safe distance to let her die.”