
“We believe she sees immortality as a three stage process. She’s already completed the first stage. The second stage would be to design microscopic nanorobots that would be injected into the bloodstream, patrolling and repairing the body and replicating themselves as necessary. A vast army of tiny MDs. This could theoretically extend the lifespan five hundred years or more.” He paused. “The third stage, her ultimate goal, would be set up an artificial matrix into which she can transfer her intellect. She could repeat this process any number of times. That would be closer to true immortality.”



“What do you mean by an artificial matrix to transfer her intellect? Are you saying she plans to transfer her consciousness someday into an artificial body? Turn herself into some kind of cyborg?”


“I don’t know. Maybe. Maybe she’ll just clone herself every fifty years and transfer her consciousness into a younger version of herself. And what we think she’s trying to do may never be possible. Even for her. But that’s beside the point. The key for our discussion now is that she has already managed to do the impossible: doubling human life expectancy.”


Incredible, thought Desh, as he allowed himself to truly consider the earth shattering implications of this discovery. More than incredible—surreal. But as he thought about it, it all made perfectly logical sense. If he assumed Kira Miller really could optimize her mind and become autistic-savant-like in every area of thought, she wouldn’t focus these transcendent abilities on solving pedestrian problems. No, she would go after the ultimate prize: conquering death. The ultimate Holy Grail of the species. And she was a genius in gene therapy even before any enhancements.


Now the journals Kira had been receiving at home made perfect sense. Human Brain Mapping. The Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. Both would be quite useful in her efforts to rewire her own brain. But she had also subscribed to a journal having to do with gerontology, the branch of science that dealt with the aging process. Desh had found this odd at the time, but hadn’t thought any more of it. But now the pieces of the puzzle seemed to be fitting together quite nicely.


Desh pulled himself from his reverie. “But if she was able to accomplish something like this,” he said, “why didn’t she announce it? She’d be recognized as the greatest scientist in history. She’d be an instant billionaire as well.”


“You don’t really get her yet, do you?” said Smith in frustration. “She doesn’t get off on extending life or bringing joy to the world. She gets off on the opposite. Think Adolph Hitler, not Florence Nightingale.” He paused. “Kira Miller has discovered the ultimate leverage. She can amass wealth and power beyond imagining. Every person on the planet wants to delay their aging. And she’s the only game in town. If she takes her treatment public, anyone who pays for it can have extended life. But if she keeps it and only doles it out to a select few, she can acquire a level of power that goes far beyond mere money.”


Desh nodded grimly. People had gone to extraordinary lengths throughout history in the pursuit of money alone, but that would pale to the lengths to which they would go for the fountain of youth.


“By using her treatment as currency, we’re convinced she has a number of powerful people in her pocket already,” said Smith. “Including a mole in USASOC.” He shook his head in frustration. “Although it isn’t as if anyone she’s treating is announcing themselves. She controls supply, so if they do anything to cross her, she cuts them off. Bye-bye fountain of youth.”


“Has anyone come forward?”


“Only one. And not willingly. A billionaire industrialist who helped finance her early on.”


Desh pursed his lips in thought. “What about intelligence enhancement? Is she leveraging this in the same way?”


“Doesn’t have to. Extending life gives her all the power she needs. As far as we know she’s keeping enhanced IQ all to herself. Right now she’s the goose that lays the golden eggs. The only such goose in existence. She can leverage the fruits of her enhanced genius, but why give up her golden-egg laying monopoly?”


“Makes sense,” allowed Desh.


“Besides,” added Smith, “she’d have far fewer takers for this therapy. People tend to get nervous about a treatment that screws with their brain chemistry. You can’t make dramatic changes to the brain without risking irreversible changes in personality.” He shook his head in disgust. “Others might not be as eager as she is to transform themselves into something not quite human.”


Desh knew that if Kira was to be believed, she was far from eager to undertake any further transformations. In fact, she claimed to be horrified by what her treatment was doing to her and determined to never transform herself again. Whether this was true or not remained to be seen.


They drove on for several minutes as Desh tried to get his mind around the immense implications of what he had been told. Finally, he broke the silence. “Now I understand why you had the colonel make sure I didn’t go after her once I found her. And why your men were using tranquilizer darts. You can’t risk harming the only being in existence who knows the location of the fountain of youth.”


“That’s right.”


Richards, Douglas E.'s books