Winning Streak (The Beasts of Baseball #4)

“Baby, I’m so sorry.”

“I don’t dream about it much anymore, but I guess the fire today triggered it. And not being able to find Zoe. And my neighbors. They…” I shuddered as I thought of the elderly couple who hadn’t been able to get out in time.

“Shhh. It was a terrible thing.”

“Thank you for being so understanding, and for letting me and Zoe hang out here until we figure things out.”

He grinned. “Any self-respecting fiancé would do the same.”

“Fake fiancé,” I reminded him and the grin faded.

“Yeah, that.”

I cleared my throat. “Congratulations on the big win. You were amazing. How did you catch the ball in the dirt like that?”

He wiggled his eyebrows. “Skill, baby.” He laughed. “Actually, that was just plain old luck. No way should I have been able to reach that.”

I sat up. “It was so exciting. The ball landed in your glove just milliseconds before that batter guy touched the base. You wouldn’t believe how many times they played the rerun, looking at the timing and zooming in to see if your shoe was on the base.”



He grinned and brushed his lips over my hair. “I’ll show you sometime. Ready to get more sleep?”

I nodded and patted the bed beside me. “You?”

“Let me take a quick shower and wash off some dirt. I didn’t take the time at the stadium. Be right back.”

He stood up and began to strip on the way to the bathroom. Hoodie, t-shirt, basketball shorts were all tossed into a hamper in the corner, most of them making it.

Desire stirred, which came as a surprise since I was still sore and had just gone through such a traumatic experience. As the water to the shower turned on, I realized I didn’t care about any of that.

I wanted him. Or at least to be close to him and the comfort he provided.

Pushing through the door, I leaned against the jam, admiring Kane’s fine body through the glass shower.

Be brave.

Pulling his t-shirt over my head, I pushed my panties down my legs and walked closer, my heart picking up speed. Did he want this too?

My question was answered as he turned when I opened the door, shampoo in his hair. His eyes moved slowly down my body, and his cock jumped and began to fill. I felt beautiful and sexy at his immediate reaction.

“May I?”


He turned another knob and a second shower head opened, raining down enough water for us both. “Smart.”

He grinned and turned another one. I jumped when a stream hit me in the butt. He turned me around until I was facing it. It hit me there.

“Ooohhh… I like this one.”

“Are you still sore?” he asked, pressing against my back, his soapy hands on my breasts.

“No,” I lied.

He moved his hands lower, and I couldn’t contain the hiss that escaped at his touch. He chuckled. “That’s what I thought. Let me finish my shower, and I’ve got an idea.”

The stream of water was hitting me just right, so I wasn’t in any big hurry. “Take your time.”

He laughed. “Or you could just stand there and take care of yourself.”

I looked over my shoulder, giving him a flirty smile. “Can I have both?”

“Absolutely. Just let me watch.”

He squirted body wash into his palm and started washing himself, his hands gliding over his arms and chest. I turned, and my jaw dropped as he soaped up his abs.

“Can I do your back?”

His green eyes seemed to glow, but he said nothing, just handed me the gel, and turned to give me access.

“It’s amazing how strong you are,” I said as my hand smoothed the soap down his spine and then across his muscles, following the peaks and valleys. “And not just physically strong. You’re emotionally and mentally strong too.”

Massaging the soap into the tight muscles of his shoulders, I smiled when he moaned with pleasure. Working his shoulder muscles, I massaged down his arms and to his fingertips, even cleaning the dirt from under his nails.

Kneeling, I washed his legs, moving in circles down to his feet. Standing again, I asked him to turn around. He did, and I squirted more soap in my hand and cleaned his neck, his chest, the ridges of his abs. Moving lower, I watched his face as I took him between my hands.

His head fell back onto his shoulders as I stroked him. Moving lower still, I ran my fingers over his balls, feeling them move within their sack, before moving back farther and cleaning his perineum, all the way to his ass.

His head popped up, and his eyes opened. “Whoa there…”

“Shhhh,” I soothed and circled a soapy finger around his anus.


It was a warning, true, but also a moan.

With one hand, I tightened my grip on his cock. With the other, I slipped a finger into his body.

“Oh shit… El… damn… Iana… fuck.”

“I’m massaging your prostate,” I explained somewhat clinically as I turned my finger to find it… there. “It’s for your health.”

His hand was in my hair, and his body began to tremble. “Fuck, what are you doing to me?”

I smiled and stroked faster, pressing onto that internal gland that I heard would drive a man crazy. “I’m making you come — hard.”

And he did. Magnificently.

He cursed and tightened his hand in my hair as thick ropes of his cum shot out in long streams. Watching his face was like watching the mystery of human emotion unravel. He was panting as he nearly shouted. “That’s not fair.”

I smiled up at him as I poured more gel onto my hands, cleaning them well. “It’s like a magic button, isn’t it?”

“Fuck yeah. Shit.” He was still panting, the words coming out in harsh gasps. “How did you learn to do that?”

I snickered. “YouTube, of course. That was actually my first time. Worked even better than expected.”

“Wh-what?” he sputtered. “I was your prostate guinea pig?” He was still panting, but he also was looking sheepish, a little embarrassed.


He lifted a brow. “So does this mean turn-about is fair play? Do I get some ass play too?”

“No!” I nearly shouted and held up a finger. “Little.” I pointed to his now limp cock. “Big.” I snickered again. “Usually.”

He narrowed his eyes. “A hundred bucks says you’ll end up loving it.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. “No. I have three holes. You can play with two. Get over it.”

He hummed the chorus of “Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad,” and I rolled my eyes.

This was fun. We were bickering like we’d been together forever, and the playful back and forth warmed my heart. And other places.

“By the way, I seem to remember you telling me that you had a trick to soothe my sore lady parts.”

He turned off all the showers. “Yes, I do. Dry off and get in bed.”

I did what I was told, not even bristling at being ordered around. I actually kind of liked it, him taking charge.

When he came out of the bathroom, still completely nude, he walked past the bed and out the door. I gasped, hoping Zoe was fast asleep. Apparently, she was because there was no scream, and he was back a few minutes later, some amber drink in his hand.

Alice Ward's books