Winning Streak (The Beasts of Baseball #4)

She raised on her tiptoes to kiss me softly on the lips. “Okay.”

I hated to separate from her. But I knew she was worried about her job. Why, I wasn’t sure. She was Katrina Delaney. She didn’t need a job. And if she just wanted one, something glamorous, then babysitting the knuckleheads on this team wasn’t it.

“Thank you.” She rested her head on my chest. “You know we can’t let this happen again, right?” Her voice was low, barely a whisper as she released me and took a step back.

No, I didn’t know that.

I didn’t want that.

But what choice did I have?

I blew out a breath and ran a hand through my hair. “Whatever you want.”



The ringer on my phone blasted as I struggled to find my way from under my blanket. Where was my phone? Damn, my body was so sore, so satisfied. I reached under the blanket, pushed myself up into a sitting position and panicked as Rhett’s name flashed across the front of the screen. It was barely six in the morning. What could he want?

“Hello, this is Katrina,” I said quickly, clearing my throat and working on my most professional tone.

“Good morning. I hope I didn’t disturb you this early.” His voice was crisp and clear, like he’d already had morning coffee and possibly a jog around the block.

“Of course not. I was just getting ready for the day,” I lied, sliding down against my pillow and allowing my aching hips to relax.

Thoughts of the night before shoved into my mind against my will. Rhett’s voice was traveling into the distance as I lost myself in the memory of Todd’s body pressed against mine, and the sheer pleasure he delivered with his fingers, his tongue, his cock, and oh God, the toys. What had I done?

“I was thinking that a great way to work on the team’s image is to speak with them one on one. Get to know them on a personal level.” A personal level. I almost chuckled as another image of my tongue sliding up Todd’s cock filled my mind.

“I researched each player individually before arriving. I’m not sure what else I could find out about them,” I said.

“I believe there’s much more to these men than what you can find in the media. Find out about their home lives, their passions, hell, even their childhoods could be useful to create a better, softer image.” His voice was chipper, excited, and almost full of laughter as he spoke.

“I didn’t think you wanted them to appear soft.”

“Oh, they are still Beasts. I have no intentions of taming them down to a domesticated team of felines. This is for the fans, the media. We need them to appear human, not immortal as most would believe they are,” he said with confidence.

“So, don’t file down their jagged edges, just cover them with cushions?” I asked, half laughing myself.

“Exactly. That’s why I hired you, Katrina. You get it, you get baseball, and you get the players.”

A sense of pride rushed through me at his words. I’d wondered why he hired me, an inexperienced, green kid out of college. Maybe I did have an edge over Lana in that department. She was all about the PR, the marketing, but I was more in tune with the players. The grit is what fans love to see, but too much, and they could turn on you on a dime. Rhett wasn’t a stupid man. He had successful businesses all over the country, and gearing me and Lana together on this may have been one of his most ingenious ideas yet.

“I will start today,” I agreed and disconnected the call after we’d said our goodbyes.

My confidence grew quickly as I pulled myself from the warmth of my bed. The thought of talking to each of the players on a personal level terrified me to some degree, but knowing that Rhett thought I was the best person for that job eased the fear soaring through my veins.

My designer clothes hung on cloth hangers in the hotel’s armoire, expensive shoes to match placed carefully underneath. My jewelry, some of the less expensive stuff Dad didn’t sell off was locked away in a small jewelry box, along with my sweet sixteen ring. I knew a thing or two about image, and about creating one that wasn’t true. Maybe I was more cut out for this job than Rhett truly knew. I was a fraud. Walking around like I was somebody. I was Bobby Delaney’s daughter, but that didn’t mean much anymore. He was no longer a baseball star, no longer successful, rich, or even admirable. A legend? Sure. But, once word got out about his gambling addiction and how he let his fortune fall through his fingers… the legend would be tarnished.

I thumbed through my clothes, chose a yellow silk blouse, thin gray jacket, and matching skirt. I would put on my game face, interview the players, and prod into their personal lives, digging for something useful, something good. All while hiding all the bad in my life. Hiding my personal life entirely.

I placed my clothes neatly on the bed, walked into the bathroom, and turned on the shower. I slipped out of my long cotton night shirt, letting the cool air in the room flow around my nude body. The shower nozzle was cold to the touch, causing me to shiver as I turned it on to a warmer than usual setting. I stepped inside, stood under the warm water, and thought about Todd. He was so sweet, so sensual, and he swore what happened would be our secret. Would he keep that secret?

My mind filled with panic as I realized how the players spent their time talking about conquests. I’d be one hell of a trophy, handcuffing and fucking the team babysitter during the first week. Shit. Katrina, why did you let your guard down?

I rushed my usual relaxing shower, realizing the guys would soon be ready to leave for practice. It was the first scrimmage, played at our field. I wanted to watch the interaction between Todd and Calvin but felt a little sick about focusing so hard on Todd at the moment. What if he did tell someone? How was it going to look, me following him around like a puppy dog? It was my job. I shrugged off the anxiety, dried off, and dressed for the day in my expensive clothing.

You can do this, Katrina.


There he was. God, he was beautiful. My eyes ached as they worked hard not to stare at the muscular form in front of me. “Good morning,” Todd said, turning around to catch me ogling him.

“Good morning,” I replied, choking on my words as they came out.

He laughed. His eyes danced, and his full lips curved into a half smile. My body reacted, tightening, tensing, and swelling as his eyes penetrated mine.

“Shuttle's here!” Kane shouted from across the lobby.

Most of the guys moved toward the front doors, but Todd stood in his spot. “You okay?” he asked.

I nodded. My cheeks flushed with heat, and I knew they were as red as my ass cheeks after Todd had spanked them.

“No driver today?” he asked, looking past me and into the parking lot.

Alice Ward's books