Winning Streak (The Beasts of Baseball #4)

She handed me a card with a magnetic strip on the back and my picture on the front. “This will get you anywhere in the building,” she said. “Only use it for areas I approve.”

I struggled to keep up with her as we walked back toward a private elevator. It took us down to the lower level. Once the doors opened, I realized we were in the indoor practice arena. The chatter of the players, the sound of the balls shooting from the machines, and the clank of the bats slamming into the leather brought back so many good memories. The players acted oblivious to our presence, all continuing their practice without so much as batting an eye in our direction. I had them all memorized in my head, their numbers, their faces, and their social media histories.

Ace Newman leaned against the wall, watching Kane Steele in the batting cage. His social media presence had been the most lengthy to remember, most of which was not good. I admired him for cleaning up his act though; to me, that took more strength than anything.

“They’ll be heading to Florida in a few days, first the pitchers and catchers, then the rest,” she explained to me as if I didn’t already know. If she’d done her homework, she’d know I was Bobby Delaney’s daughter, and baseball scheduling was something I had flowing through my veins. I nodded, smiled, and pretended to soak in her every word.

“Practice is about over, so we’ll meet Rhett in the locker rooms,” she said, turning quickly back toward the elevators.

I took in the beauty of the players one last time before turning to go back up with Lana. As a girl, I’d neglected to appreciate the toned, hard bodies of the players, but as a woman, I was appreciative, very appreciative.

“Holy shit,” I exclaimed before I could stop myself after we stepped through the double doors.

Lana shot me a glare for my outburst. “Not your typical locker rooms.” She appeared momentarily amused by my reaction.

The large room offered up wide-screen televisions on every wall, leather seats in front of each locker, a large sectional in the center of the room, and various seating options with drink stations, snacks, fresh fruit, and even a sushi bar. It was amazing.

“There is a movie room to the left, a full therapeutic service area in the back, and a heated pool on the right.” Lana spoke with trained enthusiasm. Seriously, a pool?

“Rhett didn’t skimp on the locker room luxuries, did he?” I asked, still in awe of the design.

“Mr. Hamilton didn’t skimp on anything,” she hissed, making it clear she didn’t like me calling him Rhett.

“Did you get the full tour?” Rhett asked, sneaking up behind us.

“Yes. This place is impressive, to say the least,” I replied.

He smiled with pride as he looked around the room. “Yes. I wanted only the best for the Beasts.”

As he mentioned the team name, the chatter was growing louder as they neared the locker room entrance. They pushed through, some acknowledging Rhett, others continuing their banter as they headed to their personal space.

Practice uniforms were quickly stripped from their hard bodies, leaving me breathless as I took in their chiseled abs and rolling shoulders. “Hey, ladies, keep it PG. I have someone I’d like you to meet,” Rhett announced loudly.

The room grew quiet as all eyes pierced me like needles. My nerves were already rattled from the sexiness that oozed from many of the players. The scent of masculinity had brought my nipples close to the material of my thin blouse, and the humidity from testosterone in the air was beginning to dampen my panties.

“This is Katrina Delaney, your new social media manager. She will be responsible for making you morons look good, especially those of you who have a tendency to make yourselves look bad on a regular,” Rhett said loudly but playfully.

“Delaney, any relation?” Ace Newman called out.

His eyes were so blue they about melted me upon contact. It was obvious now why Holly stood by his side through his addiction. He may have been one of the older players on the team, but he was still one of the sexiest.

“Yes, Bobby ‘Spaceman’ Delaney is her father, so she knows a thing or two about dealing with a badass.”

I didn’t even have to look to know Lana’s eyes rolled at Rhett’s words. I could feel them go up in her head.

“How is your old man?” Blake Osborne called out. I recognized him from my dad’s old team. He was getting up there in age as well, but he still looked good.

“He’s doing well,” I lied.

“Don’t we have enough babysitters?” The question pulled my attention to Todd Morris, notorious bad boy of the Mets. I hadn’t seen his name on the roster. This must’ve been a recent acquisition. Why would the Mets give up Morris? He was one of the best catchers in the league.

His dark skin set off the deep blue eyes that narrowed like a cat’s. No… a tiger’s. His uniform already stripped off from the waist up gave me a spectacular view of his chiseled chest, rolling abs, and rounded shoulders. Holy shit, he was perfect!

“Some of you need as many babysitters as I can afford,” Rhett barked back with a chuckle.

Morris kept his eyes on me as Rhett continued to explain my position on the team. From the corner of my eye, I peeked at his high cheek bones, the light stubble that surrounded his full lips, and tried my best not to become weak-kneed from his attentions. I’d done my homework on everyone else, but not Morris. He was mysterious, sexy, and from the way he looked at me… trouble.



I’d met Lana briefly upon signing on with the Beasts. She was a tough cookie, and Rhett warned me not to piss her off. Even though he chuckled when he spoke, I knew he was serious. I planned on doing my best to stay out of her way, but this new girl, there was nothing about her that scared me. Intrigued me, excited me, yes. Scared, no.

Bobby "Spaceman" Delaney’s daughter. Wow, she was a looker. She looked young, and her demeanor was nervous. A slight hint of pain washed over her expression when her dad was mentioned, something I didn’t think anyone else noticed. I did.

Her petite frame stood stiff, tense next to Lana, who was more comfortable in the men’s locker room than I was at the moment.

My eyes lingered on her delicate hand as it pulled at the long strand of blonde hair falling from her loose bun.

Ace was throwing out questions about Spaceman, and Katrina was cringing as Rhett answered each one of them that was directed to her.

“Spring training is right around the corner,” Lana spoke with authority and grace.

Some of the guys began to howl at the announcement to show their excitement. “You will all be on your best behavior. We will not tolerate any repeats of last season,” she hissed as her eyes locked hard onto Ace.

Alice Ward's books