Winning Streak (The Beasts of Baseball #4)

“Mornin’ Ace,” he said, that cocky grin firmly in place.

“Wildman,” Anna giggled, looking like she could go another round.

For a moment, I wanted to hush her like I was some damn chaperone, telling her to quiet down. But hell, I didn’t want Holly to open the door and see her, bring that sadness back into her eyes. That was the last thing I needed right now.

I relaxed a little when we stepped into the elevator and did my best to ignore Luke’s hand snaking toward her breast. The ride was awkward. I didn’t speak Spanish, that hadn’t changed, so I really couldn’t say anything to her, and I had absolutely nothing to say to Luke.


I met his eyes in the elevator mirror. He was holding something in his fist. My skin began to itch, and I casually stepped backward and took it from him. A baggy of coke, from what I could tell. I slipped it in my pocket, nodding my thanks.

“Better than coffee to jump start your day.”

I looked at myself in the mirror, not liking what was reflected back. Just this once, I told myself firmly. This would put me at the top of my game.

I was finally released from the metal box from hell that had trapped me for last thirty-eight seconds of my life.

“Adios, wild man,” Anna waved as Luke put her into a cab.

I looked around for our shuttle and headed that way, not waiting for it to pull to the front.

“Wait up.” I didn’t, but Luke jogged and caught up. “So, did your girl give you hell last night? That what’s got you looking so pissed off?”

“My girl?” I snarled.

He rolled his eyes. “Yeah. That Holly chick.” He laughed. “She looked like a feather could have knocked her over when she caught you nearly banging Anna.”

I was still caught back in the part about Holly being my girl. She wasn’t, of course. But I hated like hell the thought of her being with someone else.

“I’m sorry, Ace. I just thought she was your main girl, ya know. I’ve heard the guys talking, is all.”

I stopped walking and turned to him. “Who’s talking? And what are they saying?”

His face tightened. It was obvious he didn’t want to tell me. My thoughts drifted to Calvin, or even Marty. Those two sappy fuckers were always trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. Just because Calvin wanted that life, and Marty craved it, didn’t mean they had to push their beliefs on me. Those two were like Jehovah Witnesses, banging on your door on a Sunday morning after you’d been out on a bender. They’d try to push their shit down your throats, not caring that all you wanted to do was watch football, scratch your balls, and nurse a hangover all day long.

The stadium shuttle pulled up beside us, and I beat a hasty retreat inside. Luke followed, and the driver pulled up to the front where several other guys were waiting, Calvin and Marty included.

Calvin squeezed in beside me. “So, how was your night with Holly?” he asked.

Luke chuckled. I wanted to slap the stupid outta that boy, and one day I would.

“What’s that about?” Calvin asked, bypassing Luke and looking directly at me.

“Nothing. Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.” I rubbed the palm of my hand against the top of his head, messing up his hair and causing it to fall into his eyes.

“Old Ace here just about got caught with his pants down,” Luke continued, not caring about my warning.

I glared at him with all the hatred I had in my body.

“Oh yeah?” Calvin asked.

I could tell by the look in his eyes he wasn’t gonna let it go. And it was pretty damn obvious that stupid over there wasn’t going to shut up about it either. “Holly just showed up at a bad time,” I clarified.

A muscle twitched in Calvin’s jaw. “You knew what time she was coming, didn’t ya?”

“Yeah, but I forgot my watch, and my nanny didn’t tell me it was bedtime.”

Luke hooted and slapped his thigh. “He had this Anna chick naked in the hot tub, ready to pick an end when his girlfriend walked up and busted us.”

“Us?” Calvin asked, looking from Luke to me.

“Yeah,” I said quickly, not really wanting to give out details.

“You should have seen how quick our old man here was out of the water and practically begging for forgiveness,” Luke chortled.

Calvin’s expression didn’t change. “And did she forgive you?”

I smirked, raised one eyebrow, and gave him a what do you think look. “You can’t let a little thing like being caught with another woman ruin your night,” I gloated and looked out the window. I still felt sick about hurting Holly.

Marty shook his head. “Holly’s a nice girl, Ace. You should really treat her better.”

Who the fuck asked him?

“I treat Holly just fine,” I insisted. “She knows the rules and doesn’t have any complaints.”

Calvin grunted.

I scowled at him. “What was that?” I demanded.

He shook his head. “Nothing. Just clearing my throat.”

The van unloaded us at the stadium. The guys piled out and headed for the locker rooms while I slowed down to stick with Calvin. “What was that?” I asked again.


“The grunt. You know what the fuck I mean.”

He stopped and faced me. “You said she didn’t have any complaints. That isn’t entirely true, now is it?”

“I don’t know, is it?”

I was growing irritated with his games. If he had something to say, he needed to just fuckin’ say it.

“I just think Holly is ready for more than just, well, whatever this is you two are doing.” Calvin scratched his head, pushed his hair back from his face and tried to soothe his harsh words with a smile.

“You don’t know what we’re doing,” I huffed.

“You’re right. I don’t. And neither does anyone else. That’s the problem.”

Wow, Calvin Malone’s got a set of balls on him that weight ten pounds each.

“I might be ready for more myself,” I admitted for the first time aloud.

“Really?” Calvin raised an eyebrow. “And when did you come to this conclusion, before or after she busted you in the hot tub with the naked chick?” he snapped.

Make that twenty pounds each.

“Look. I know I haven’t been boyfriend material, but that can change. People can change. She’s a good girl. She means more to me than just a piece of ass. She’s different,” I argued.

Calvin wrapped his arm around my shoulder, let out a laugh, and squeezed my arm. “That’s good to hear, old man.”

“Quit calling me old, you little cock sucker.”

He knocked off my hat, mussed my hair, and laughed. “I’m the cock sucker? You were the one in the hot tub with Luke.”

“Shut the fuck up,” I warned, picked up my hat, and slapped him on the back as we entered the locker rooms.

Alice Ward's books