Winning Streak (The Beasts of Baseball #4)

I was better off alone.

“Look, kid, why don’t ya go help Frank out with those two honeys.” I motioned towards the couch. Everything and everybody was pissing me off, and I needed something to take this edge off before I punched someone out.

Frank looked like he was in heaven, but the women looked trapped. They knew he had money, which might get him a blowjob, but not much more. Luke, on the other hand, was handsome, charming, a little gullible, just the type they’d love to eat alive and spit out freshly chewed. Go get ‘em, boy.

A few more of the guys came in, each bringing several women to spread around the party. The louder the party got, the more annoyed I became. The more my skin felt like it was getting too tight. I needed to get out of here for a minute.

Heading up the stairs, I went straight to my bedroom where I closed the door behind me, leaning back on the cool wood. My eyes focused straight to my dresser, but I headed into the bathroom instead.

Splashing water on my face, I reminded myself that I was starting this season fresh. No drugs. Less drinking. Fewer women. I met my reflection in the mirror. I looked like fucking shit. Old.

Fuck it.

I snapped off the light and went straight to the dresser. It ain’t the damn season yet.

Digging into a drawer, I found what I was looking for. A small baggy with some of the best powder a couple grand can buy. Just this once, I told myself. Just so I can have some fun at the party, not be such a douche to my guests.

Before I could talk myself off the ledge, the powder was spilled out onto my dresser, and the credit card in my hand was sliding it into two large lines, chopping with a familiar rhythm.

Just this once, I reminded myself as I rolled a fifty into a straw.

One good snort, a second to drain, and then the other nostril took its turn at the burn. In seconds, life was pumped back into my tired body, and I breathed it in, feeling like Superman had taken over my system.

Damn. Why did I even think about quitting? Fuck, I deserve to feel like this every day.


Elation morphed into irritation in an instant, and I pushed the evidence of my failure into the top drawer, wiped my nose, and opened the door to the female voice.

“Did ya miss me?” It was the chick from last night. Belinda. And she was giving me her best sex kitten look.

No. No, I didn’t fuckin’ miss her. Who invited her?

“Hey, darlin’.” I tried to remain polite, but I wanted to know who in the fuck invited her to my house. “What—?”

She stalked into the room, like a hunter seeking her prey, and before I could say more, she was working on my zipper. The hiss of its downward descent was the only sound in the room as I tried to deal with everything slamming into me at once.

The drugs still seizing my system.

Being interrupted before I was ready.

Being fucking assaulted by someone I didn’t want or expect.

Before I could speak, my button was undone, my zipper down, and Belinda’s hand was searching for my cock.

“Who’d you come with?”

“I came with a couple of the girls.” I barely felt her nails piercing into my flesh as she dragged my still soft cock from my boxers.

“Oh yeah, what girls?”

She pumped me like she was trying to give CPR to my limp dick, squeezing what little life it had from the tip of my cock.

“You act like you don’t want me here.” She pouted, loosening her death grip on my poor penis.

I gripped her shoulders, pushed her away gently, sliding my body away from her hand. “No, it’s just…” I didn’t know how to finish that sentence. It’s just that I didn’t fucking invite you. You’re not who I really want. What the hell was I supposed to say?

“I wasn’t expecting to see you,” I said, forcing my voice to stay low and even.

Her bottom lip puffed out even farther. She moved closer, her hand reaching for my cock again. “Surprise.”

“I’m just a little worn out tonight, darlin’.” I stepped backward, quickly fastening my pants.

“I see.” Her eyes grew as cold as her tone. Here we go. “I’m good enough to shove your cock down my throat while I’m at work, but I shouldn’t disturb you at home, is that it?” she snapped.

“Look. I’ve been nothing but nice to you. You wanted my cock down your throat, sweetie, so let’s not forget that part, and it was after my tongue was in your pussy, so don’t even pretend our exchange was one-sided.”

She opened her mouth, but I held up a hand.

“I didn’t invite you here. You show up at my bedroom door and try to maul me without even saying hello. I’m trying to be polite, but you’re being rude. So, you want it straight, I’ll give it to you straight. When I want another nob polish, I’ll come get it.”

Her face turned pale, her mouth opened, and that once pouting bottom lip began to tremble. Dear God, I didn’t mean to make her cry. Here comes the water works.

“I’m sorry. Don’t cry.” I opened my arms and moved towards her. I patted her on the back as she wiped her tears, and I’m pretty certain, her nose on my shirt.

“I just thought you’d be happy to see me.” She sniffled. “Is it because of her?”

My mind raced. Because of who? Holly? How did she know about Holly? And of course, it wasn’t fucking because of her. I stared at Belinda, trying to figure out who she was talking about.

“The blonde?” she offered, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Oh.” I couldn’t believe I’d forgotten about her already. It had only been a little over twelve hours since I’d gotten her out of my bed and into a cab.

“No. Of course not.” I rubbed her lower back.

Her large breasts smashed into my chest. Her heartbeat was rapid, her breathing sporadic, and her hand back to my crotch. Seriously? This is why I don’t repeat women.

My thoughts drifted to Holly. I’d repeated her several times — hell, several dozen times — I was even considering seeing her again. She usually stayed here with me when she came into town. I found it odd that she decided to stay with Whitney this time instead. I was half-expecting her to be on my doorstep after practice today when Calvin told me she would be in this afternoon. When he added that Whitney was excited to have her stay there, it stung a little.

My cock pulsed in the softness of Belinda’s hand, and she smiled before sinking to her knees. She looked up with her big green eyes, slowly parted her perfectly painted red lips, and took me into her mouth.

My head fell back against my shoulders, and my eyes closed as Belinda’s tongue began to work its magic. Then images of Holly’s smile filled my mind. Her beautiful blue eyes had small flecks of green in them, only visible in the right light. Her smile was crooked, not in a Popeye kind of way, but cute. Adorable actually.

What was she doing at Whitney’s?

Was she out with her and Calvin?

What had she been doing all this time in Indiana while I was in Hawaii?

Alice Ward's books