Winning Streak (The Beasts of Baseball #4)

Luke slid in and immediately introduced himself to Chase. Good fucking lord; they had to be around the same age, young fuckers.

Belinda popped back up without having to be waved down this time. She was a little more cheerful this time too, and after getting the new drink orders, she leaned in towards me and asked softly if I needed anything else.

Oh yeah, I do, darling, but I’ll show ya later.

She was going to be easier than I thought. Hell, one ignored glance and a cold thank you, and this chick was ready to drop her panties.

Luke was going on and on about Chase to Frank. Apparently, he knew who he was and even appeared to idolize him. “He’s one of the toughest hitters in the league,” Luke boasted.

The information didn’t impress me much; it was still the minors. “They say he’ll be the next Ace Newman,” Luke continued. Now he had my attention.

“You can’t have a next Ace Newman if the original is still standing,” I snipped.

“Our day’s coming soon,” Frank said and slapped me on the back good-naturedly. Maybe his day, but I had plenty of time left in this game. In fact, I had as much time as I wanted, I would leave when I was good and damn well ready, and not a moment before.

“I believe I’m just about ready to peak,” I smirked and slid the other shot down my throat.

Frank chuckled, but he quickly pulled himself together when I shot him a glance. I was in my thirties, not early, not mid, but now pushing the tail end and I knew that most players were worn out by then, but not me. I’m still going strong.

“I hope I’m going as strong as you in my forties,” Luke said.

“Whoa there, boy, I’m not in my forties,” I snapped, nearly crushing the glass in my hand. “You better slow your roll.”

His face turned red with embarrassment, as it should for making such a preposterous assumption. “I’m so sorry.” He obviously felt bad.

“Don’t sweat it.” I turned and waved down Belinda.

The redhead made it to the table and took my order. I bought a round of shots for the table, two for me of course, and ordered some snacks since we worked so hard on the field all day. She leaned over the table, letting me get another perfect glimpse of her smooth full chest. Her eyes lingered on mine, and her tongue glided across her lips as she wrote down my order. “I’ll be right back,” she whispered.

My phone vibrated again. I pulled it out, and my cock twitched, my balls tightening at the name on the screen. It was like I’d conjured her just by thinking of her earlier.

Holly: Hey, I’ll be in town soon. Wanna hook up? ;-)

I read the text and felt a strange sensation in my gut. Happiness. Then something else. It was like guilt, but I had nothing to be guilty about. We weren’t exclusive. I wasn’t even sure what we were, even though I was pretty sure she might be open for more.

Frank was peeking over my shoulder and grinning. I pulled my phone away from his prying eyes and motioned for Frank to let me out of the booth. “Get the fuck outta my seat,” I growled. Frank followed my instructions, and I pushed at his thick shoulders to stuff him back in before walking into the men’s room to text her a quick message back.

Me: Yep. Let me know the dates.

I washed my hands and made my way back to the booth just as Belinda arrived with the drinks. I pushed Frank over into the center and took my spot at the end of the booth where I had been sitting and slid in beside him. I needed my freedom to play with the waitresses, especially this new one, Belinda, with fire red hair and an alley cat attitude.

I slid my hand up her leg, and she didn’t flinch. Her eyes lingered on mine as my fingers moved dangerously close to the heat source between her thighs.

“You need anything else?” she asked sweetly while my fingers gripped her soft flesh.

“I’m gonna need your panties,” I purred while my eyes fucked her into a trance.

She grinned and leaned down, her lips close to my ear. “I’m not wearing any.”

She moved away, and my fingers felt so empty, so cold without the heat of her pussy to warm them. My mind raced with images of all the sweet pussies I’d played with in my lifetime, and a slow smirk spread across my face.

Luke was blushing and laughing as he sipped on his beer, almost snorting it into his nose. “You’re just like I imagined.”

I knew my reputation preceded me, so I didn’t even ask him to clarify what he imagined.

Two blondes bounced up the steps to our table and stood there with stupid grins on their faces. The tall one wore a short skirt, so short I could almost smell her sex, while the shorter one wore long jeans, a baggy sweater, and boots. She looked like the typical February New Yorker. Damn, I couldn’t wait to get to Florida to see more skin.

“Can we get your autographs?” the short one asked, directing her question to Luke.

He blushed and shrugged as she handed him a pen and an autograph book that looked like a fifth grader’s. The tall one with the short skirt was staring at me with a nervous smile. I watched as her tongue slid quickly back and forth along her bottom lip, and she shifted her weight from side to side.

“You want an autograph too, darling?” I asked.

“I don’t have an autograph book,” she said with a strong southern drawl.

I reached over and took the pen from Luke’s hand before he could hand it back to Ms. Cover-up.

“I don’t sign books.” I reached for her hand and guided her towards me before spinning her around. I touched her leg; her flesh was so soft that it made my dick take notice. She jumped a little and then giggled as my fingers pushed up the edge of her skirt. The round, full ass cheek that was exposed looked so tender that I could have taken a bite right out of it. “Can I sign this beautiful ass?”

She giggled again, and I believe I heard yes in there somewhere.

“You may have to bend over for me so I can write.” I waved the pen playfully.

Oh hell, when she bent over, and her skirt lifted higher it was like a light shining down from heaven. Her legs were pushed tightly together, but the sweet little pussy popping through her thighs was covered with red silk. I situated the pen on her ass cheek and slid her panties over to make room. I snuck a quick peek at her pink flesh as I adjusted the material. Her lips were plump and firm, and long, loose hairs grew from them randomly. I wondered if she was a virgin.

My pen slid quickly over her flesh, scrawling out my first name, and as she turned around and smiled at me, I couldn’t help but ask, “You wanna sit with us and have a drink, darlin’? If you’re old enough, that is.”

Alice Ward's books