Wings of Fire (Protected by Dragons #2)

Isola!” I hear my name shouted as I walk out of school, and I look through the students, seeing Dagan walking through them and towards me like a man on a mission. He looks stressed, his black hair looks like it has had his hands run through it a million times. I look down, seeing the shadows under his eyes and the tight-lipped expression he is giving me. He has a black coat on, tight black jeans, and a grey jumper underneath. It makes him look like a normal guy, a hot god type guy, but still not someone I’d expect to be a dragon.

“Hey,” I say, wondering what he wants when he nods his head to the left of me and walks around me, not stopping once. I follow him, looking over when I hear Elias bike roaring, and seeing him driving out of the car park. I don’t see Korbin’s car, so I think he must have left without Dagan. Dagan walks to the bus stop, sitting down on the empty seat as students walk past us. There are three other students around when I sit down next to him, but they have their headphones in, or they aren’t paying attention to us. Both of us are silent for a long time, just watching nothing. I just wait for something from him, any sign that I haven’t messed everything up when I need his help.

“I have fucked up dreams,” he says quietly.

“Yeah?” I mumble.

“Yeah, kitty cat, dreams that make me believe what you are telling me,” he says and reaches over, taking my hand in his and linking our fingers. His hand feels warm, rough and right.

“Do you believe me?” I ask him.

“Yes, I believe you. Or I want to,” he admits, sending relief crashing through me.

“I need you all to remember, only you can help me. Or I’m not going to make it long, and people will suffer in our home world if I don’t try to fix things,”

“Tell me some things you know about me? About my home land?” he asks.

“Honestly? We only knew each other for a month or so. You are a dragon guard, and I’m a royal. Even though I haven’t known you that long, I know a lot. I know you’re one of the bravest, most stubborn men I’ve ever met. You are cocky, protective, and sometimes even charming,” I chuckle when he grins.

“Seems you liked me.”

“Sometimes,” I laugh but it dies away when the seriousness of everything rushes back. “Dragca needs me, needs us. I’m meant to be on the throne, meant to be ruling and uniting everyone. But right now, it’s got Thorne, one of my old guards on it,”

“Old guard?” he asks.

“Longer story, you kinda dislike him. Elias hates him, but I see something in him, even though most of me hates him for the things he has done,” I say quietly, and Dagan leans over, moving a little bit of my hair over my shoulder, before trailing his fingers down my side.

“You are so much of the light, you know that?” he asks me, staring at me strangely.

“What?” I ask, wondering why he would say such a strange thing.

“In my dreams, a girl I’ve never seen tells me you are the light. All the light left to save us from dying in the dark,” he tells me and I stare wide-eyed at him.

“What does the girl look like?” I ask quickly.

“Honestly, green. Like a green Barbie doll, and the size of one too,” he says, making my heart pound. Bee told him something, I don’t know how it’s possible, but she did.

“A lot of things are so uncertain for us, maybe it would be best if you got up, and walked away. Lived a life as a human, and I go back to my world, face what I’m running from alone,” I say and he shakes his head.

“Every little bit of me tells me I could never let you do that alone, Isola,” he bites out, anger clouding his blue eyes.

“Dagan, get Korbin and Elias, and go. I can’t do this, I can’t let you try and fight with me,” I suddenly realise. I couldn’t lose them, and taking them back to Dragca would mean I could. They are safe here, safer than another place, even if they don’t remember who they are.

“All I know, is that I want to be close to you, and this distance between us is driving me fucking insane. I’m with you, no matter what,” he says as the bus turns up, but neither of us move as we stare at each other. Our faces inches apart as he leans closer, and a car beeping makes us shoot apart before he can kiss me. We shouldn’t anyway, no matter how disappointed I feel.

“You shouldn’t want me, we can’t be together. There’s a curse, a curse that says you will lose your dragon if you fall in love with me,” I blurt out loudly to him and then look around quickly, noticing all the people have thankfully gotten on the bus so they didn’t hear us.

“Apparently, I’ve already lost my dragon, so what more could any curse do to me for doing this,” he says and moves over, slamming his lips onto mine. I slide my hand into his hair, fully accepting his kiss, loving how his lip ring feels as it slides across my own lips. He groans, pulling me as close as we can get without me climbing in his lap, sliding his hands into my hair.

“Kitty cat, I feel like I’ve wanted to do that forever,” he whispers against my lips and then kisses me again before I can answer. Maybe he has wanted to kiss me for a long time because I know in this moment, I’ve wanted to kiss him for just as long.

Chapter Nineteen


It’s about time, I’ve been waiting in this place for an hour. Go to sleep on time please,” Melody’s voice comes through the haze, and I open my eyes to see her standing over me as I lie on the floor.

“I made the mistake of checking on my future girlfriend and her life, only to see her with another guy,” she says, as I stare up at her.

“Is she not out the closet yet then?” I ask.

“Nope, but I’ve seen us together. It was my first vision, and the only one I’ve had about myself,” she tells me. I always wondered if she sees a lot of her own future, and how creepy that must be.

“You must be excited to meet her then,” I say.

“We already met, but it’s complicated as she doesn’t remember me. Anyways, you should get up as we don’t have much time as you didn’t go to sleep,” she says, offering me a hand. I stand up, looking around at the trees and more trees that surround us. I look up, seeing two moons, so I know its Dragca.

“What is this a warning of?” I ask her, ignoring her whining about me not going to sleep on time. I didn’t know she was waiting for me, it’s been over a week since she last came to my dreams.

“Wait for it,” she waves a hand behind me and I turn, seeing myself running through the woods in the distance, three men are chasing after me. I look desperate, broken, covered in blood in a long dress that catches on everything I run past. I watch myself run and I step forward, wanting to save myself. A person in a walk after the guards and me, following them but not looking in any rush, dark smoke trailing after her cloak on the ground. The smoke slides up the trees next to her, burning them into dust. I’ve never seen anything like it and it honestly terrifies me.

“What happened to me?” I ask quietly.

“I don’t know, I only see this one after you come for me. There will be no more warnings for a while sister,” she says sadly, and then I hear myself scream. The scream goes on and on, and then there’s a loud bang that makes me and Melody cover our ears. Fire shoots up in the air, blasting out in every direction and heading straight for us. It burns all the trees in its path, and blue lights come out the trees, floating up into the air. I can feel their sorrow; the lights seem to look into my soul. The fire goes around us, like we’re immune to it and yet part of me wants to stop it.