Wicked Heart (Starcrossed #3)

As much as I’d like to think everything that happened is now water under the bridge, it’s clear from our little confrontation in my office that there are issues that still need to be sorted out between us.

Feeling nostalgic, I grab my phone and find the picture of us from the first night we met. Liam’s hand is on my face, and he’s kissing me so deeply, just looking at it gives me tingles. That was the first time I ever laid eyes on him. The first time I ever kissed him. The first time my inner voice ever warned me to stay away from him.

There’s a light knock on the door, then Josh says, “Are you decent? Looking at porn? Waxing anything interesting?”

I smile. “None of the above, perv. Come in.”

When he opens the door, he gives my room the once-over. “Dammit. Just once I’d like for some underwear to be lying around. Especially those little red ones with the bows on the back.”

“Josh, how many times have I asked you to stay out of my underwear drawer?”

“Twenty-three times and counting.”

“Well, this makes twenty-four.”

“Noted, and ignored.”

“Good, then.”

He shoos me with his hand. “Make room, woman.” When I move to the far side of the bed, he climbs under the covers next to me.

I quickly shut off my phone before he can see the photo.

“So,” he says as he turns on his side and props up his head with his hand. “What’s up?”

“Nothing. Why?”

“Well, you just watched most of an episode of Dance Moms without hurling abuse at the television. That’s never happened before.”

“I’m just tired, I guess.”

“Uh-huh. And perhaps you’re preoccupied because of a certain ex-flame.”

I pick imaginary fluff off the sheet. “Nah.”

“Yeah.” He grabs my chin and makes me look at him. “Are you ever going to tell me what went down between you and Quinn? I got the impression you guys were just about the hot animal sex, but you really liked him, didn’t you?”

“I didn’t want to.”

“But you did.”

I shrug.

“Lissa, talk to me. You’ve been keeping your feelings for Quinn on the down-low for years? What the hell?”

I rub my eyes. This is one subject I don’t feel comfortable discussing. What I shared with Liam feels like a precious secret, and if I talk about it, the things I remember as bright and shiny will tarnish.

Josh lies on his back and closes his eyes. “Have it your way. I’m just going to rest here for a while. If you want to tell me a story of love and loss, that’s cool. If you don’t, no problem. I’ll just have extra time to refold everything in your underwear drawer.”

I smile and push him so hard, he almost falls out of bed.

“Fine,” I say as he chuckles and makes himself comfortable again. “Once upon a time on a Friday night, me and my pushy best friend had a date in Times Square.

Six Years Earlier

Times Square

New York City

“Hey, beautiful lady. Where you headed?”

A random drunk dude steps in front of me, and I hit him with a withering gaze. “I’m meeting my karate-expert boyfriend, so step aside or risk him splintering you like a kickboard.”

“Oh, sure. You just saying that to get rid of me? Or do you really got a boyfriend?”

I roll my eyes. “Look at me. I’m fine as hell. Of course I have a boyfriend. He’s right over there.”

I step around him, but I can feel him watching me as I climb the giant red staircase to where Josh is waiting.

“Hi, sweetheart,” he says before bending down and planting a soft kiss on my lips. “Can’t wait to take you home so we can have all the sex.” He says it loud enough for Random Drunk Guy to hear.

“Me, too,” I say, just as loudly. “The sex with you is my favorite. Your penis is like magic. And afterward, you can practice your lethal karate moves on people who hit on me.”

Random Drunk Guy scowls and turns away, and I sit down and sigh. It’s ridiculous how often we have to do that.

“The magic-penis line is new,” Josh says as he casually drapes his arm around my shoulders. “I like it. It’s good for my ego.”

“I’m glad. But you know if you ever say something about my vagina, I’m going to hurt you, right?”

“Yep. I haven’t forgotten last time. Neither have my balls.”

I smile and lean my head on his shoulder.

Having a boy for a best friend can be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, I always have a way to duck unwanted male attention when needed, but on the other hand, guys I want to notice me see Josh and assume I’m attached, so they steer clear. It can be frustrating.

I haven’t dated anyone seriously since high school, and even though I’m mostly happy about that because men are a distraction I don’t need right now, sometimes I have a twinge of longing. A wistful desire for something more.

At least I have Josh. Tonight we’re doing one of our fave activities, which is sitting in the middle of Times Square and playing “Fuck, Marry, Kill” with people who pass by.

“Okay, let’s do this,” Josh says as he points to people loitering in front of us. “Cowboy hat, skinny jeans, and chubby suit.”