Where Lightning Strikes (Bleeding Stars #3)

“Yes,” she whispered frantically.

I rocked back in, hard. Her walls clenched around my dick as I took her as deep as I could go. I shifted and clutched the caps of her shoulders, tight and tender and trying with all of me not to completely let go.

But she felt so good.

So damned good I couldn’t see.

Couldn’t grasp on to reality or sanity or that dwindling sense of loyalty.

Couldn’t feel a single thing but Tamar.


Blues and reds and blacks and blinding light.

For a year, I’d been dying to get inside this girl.

The first time I saw her, I knew sex with Red would blow my mind.

She was like a bundle of fireworks just waiting for a match.

Now I was standing in the flames.

I fucked her, relentlessly, while she panted and moaned.

“Lyrik. Lyrik. Lyrik.”

A tingling feeling weaved through my chest and compressed my ribs.

Was it wrong how much I liked that?

Hearing her cry out my name. Struggling to get closer while I was filling her so full each utterance left her mouth on a panted breath.

Pleasure wound fast. It spread across my lower back and tugged at my balls.

“Blue. Need you to come, baby. You feel too good.”

It’d been five weeks since I’d been in a girl. Worse yet, it’d been my whole life since I’d been in this one.

Sick part?

If I could, I’d keep this moment forever.

Keep this girl.

Like I could ever deserve her.

“Touch me,” she whispered.

Inching back a fraction, I slid my hand between us and rolled my finger across her clit.

That was it.

All she needed.

My blue-eyed angel lit.

Tamar screamed my name.

I pumped harder and faster as she came, her body nearly floating up beneath mine. My hips snapped against hers. Frantic and uneven as intense feeling swept over me. Head to toe and everywhere between. Something bigger than I’d ever felt.

Something both blinding and bright.

Energy and life.


RAIN PATTED GENTLY ON the roof, and Lyrik pulled me deeper into his hold. My back was to his chest and his breath was all around me. The pound of our hearts had finally begun to settle like the waning storm.

He pressed a kiss to the back of my head. “How do you feel?”

On a heavy exhale, I let myself be drawn closer. My mind and body drifted on the comfort. Light and free.

I braided my fingers through his where he had his hand pressed over the tattoo centered on my chest.

“Amazing.” It was a reverent whisper as I lifted our entwined hands and pressed my mouth to the back of his.

“You are what is amazing,” he murmured back, his nose nuzzled in my hair and his words slithering across my skin. Slipping in and over and working all the way through.

I rolled over so I could look at his face. Inky eyes stared back at me in the darkness. His hair was a sexy mess and those red lips were swollen.

A shiver rolled through me.

I chewed at my bottom lip.

I’d just had sex with Lyrik West.

Holy shit.

And it’d been exactly that.


Undeniably, extraordinarily amazing.

I hadn’t felt lost to fear or panic. I didn’t feel a prisoner to the memories.

I felt…liberated.


Wanted and desired.

He smirked as if he’d just latched onto my thoughts. “You’re looking a little…satisfied.”

I giggled. Yeah. I giggled.

Then it just got worse and I was giving into this rippling sense of euphoria as I grinned and brushed my fingertips across his chin and thought back to the day when he’d openly challenged me out in the market, provoking me by saying the only thing I needed was to be satisfied.

And God, had this man challenged me. Challenged every belief and fear and hope I’d harbored. Chased me down until I faced them.

“Don’t go and get too proud of yourself, rock star.” I went for a tease, but there was no keeping the thick emotion from my words.

God. I’d gone and gotten myself in deep.

That smirk. “Oh, I’m feeling pretty proud right about now.”

A smile tugged at my mouth. “Oh, you are, huh?”


That was the thing. I could see it.


But he wasn’t proud of himself.

He was proud of me.

“Thank you.” My words were hoarse and came from that place within me I’d never thought I’d see again. The place he’d exposed.

He gentled his fingers through my hair, this hard, cryptic man who was so utterly soft. “No…thank you. Thank you for trusting me. For letting me get to see a side of you that nobody else knows. For allowing me to help her shine.”

He hooked his finger under my chin and lifted my face to him. “She’s incredibly beautiful and I feel honored I was the one who got to meet her.”

A million nerves fluttered.

That was the crazy thing. He knew me better than anyone. Maybe it was even crazier I felt as if I knew him best, too. As if only I held the power to understand the veiled truth within him. As if I was so close yet still watching from afar.

A.L. Jackson's books