Where Lightning Strikes (Bleeding Stars #3)

He dragged his thumb free and trailed it down my neck.

My chin lifted and my stomach quivered as he headed toward my chest.

The callused pad of his thumb ran a path over the distorted heart tattoo that peeked out between the top buttons left undone on my shirt. He traced the inscription on the tattered ribbon that wrapped around the heart as if he were reading Braille.

Ante omnia cor tuum custodi.

Deciphering the words.

As if he could possibly understand my meaning behind it.

Guard your heart.

He suddenly stepped away. “Go home, Red.”

My body slumped forward at the loss of his, and I gasped.




Anger and humiliation engulfed me, and I fumbled to gather my bearings as I staggered into blinding afternoon light. Inside, I begged for the walls to come up. For the mask to hide the hurt on my face.

What the hell just happened? What did I just allow to happen? Again.

I turned to glare back at him. “You’re such an asshole.”

He laughed this horrible, cutting sound.

“I think we’ve already established that.”

My body was on fire and my mind was reeling with the memory of how the crude, simple bear had felt in my hand. I was engulfed in emotion—hate and want and a crazy drive to know a man I didn’t come close to understanding.

Was I stupid for wanting to?

My chin lifted and I forced any connection I thought we shared aside.

Drawing blood, I bit at my bottom lip to keep it from trembling. “It’s a good thing your apologies are rare…because they don’t mean anything anyway.”

“WELL, DAMN.” ON AN exaggerated sigh, Ash plopped down into his chair between April, Shea’s long-time best friend, and me.

Twinkle lights were strung through the trees above. They draped across the space to create the illusion of an outdoor ceiling over a clearing in the wooded area behind the church where the ceremony had been held. Round tables were set up along the perimeter, making a horseshoe around the dance floor and stage that had been constructed in the center.

A cool breeze blew through the night. It rustled the leaves, mixing up the voices and laughter from the reception with the faint trickle that could be heard from the stream running in the distance.

The scene was breathtaking.

It was no wonder Shea had chosen this spot.

“Damn what?” Anthony lifted his drink, eyeing Ash with a grin from across the table where he sat beside his wife. Anthony was Sunder’s long-time manager, but I knew he was more of a friend to all the guys than simply a business partner.

Next to him on the other side, almost lost in the shadows, was Lyrik. Sable eyes severe. Dark and confusing and twisting me up just a little tighter. Right into that knot that’d refused to leave my stomach since he’d been so kind to make a fool out of me in his apartment two days ago.

But what did I expect? I knew the games those kinds of boys liked to play. And I’d willingly stepped right into the ring.

I wouldn’t be making that mistake again.

Ash huffed in astounded frustration. “I thought weddings were supposed to be all about the hooking up? Lovely ladies for miles. A buffet. A smorgasbord. Only single women here?”

He hooked his thumb over his shoulder toward a table on the other side of the dance floor. “Three chicks I already bagged back in L.A. So that leaves April and my Tam Tam.”

He waggled his brows between us. “Which of you knockouts wants dibs? One night with a rock legend.” He stretched his arms out to the sides, offering that overabundance of cockiness, dimples lighting up in his cheeks. “All-access pass.”

April curled her nose in disgust. “Ew, no…just no.”

He turned to me, blue eyes gleaming. “Guess it’s just you and me, then, Tam Tam. Only thing I ask is that you not chop my dick off in the middle of the night.” He grinned. “You kinda scare me, but I’m willing to take the risk.”

I lifted a teasing brow, playing along. Funny how I could spar with Ash without qualms or sweaty palms or fear slicking down my spine. “Feeling awfully brave, now, aren’t we?”

Leaning on his forearms, he spun the heel of his half-empty rocks glass on the table. “Brave?” He acted as if he were in deep contemplation. “No…No…I believe the correct description would be horny. Yes, yes, that’s it.”

“Ew,” April said again with a shake of her head and shove on his shoulder. He jostled into me and I pushed him back.

“What, can a man get no love around here? Does only Baz get this privilege, the lucky bastard? This is just not damned fair. Someone help a man out here.”

I laughed. “Looks like you’re going to have to help yourself out tonight, buddy, because it’s sure not going to be me.”

“Sounds like someone else I know…taking matters into their own hands.” That dark, smooth voice cut through the air.

My eyes flew Lyrik’s way.

A.L. Jackson's books