What the Heart Wants (What the Heart Wants, #1)


As if she were that much of a skinflint. The house would have central air in a New York minute if she had the money. “Let’s go to the den.” Insulated by being at the center of the house, it stayed cool in the summer and warm in winter.

Jase settled down on the leather couch and pulled out his phone. “I need to report in to Maxie and check up on Lolly.”

Okay—so maybe he was going to stick around for a few more days, but Laurel knew there was no use bargaining with God for any extra favors. She’d already been given more than the few hours she’d asked for.

She picked up a romance novel she’d been reading and made herself comfortable in the recliner as Jase called home.

“Yeah, Maxie, Laurel’s okay now, but I’m gonna camp out in Bosque Bend for a while to be keep an eye on her.” He grinned from across the room and winked. “Scouting out some real estate too, the usual thing…Is Girl Child there?…May I talk to her?”

“Hi, sweetheart. Hope you’re doin’ okay…Tennis? I didn’t know you were interested in tennis…How much will it cost?…Who else is taking the class?…Where is it being held?…Well, okay…Love you too, baby.”

He put his phone down and looked at Laurel. “I think Lolly’s put the mother business behind her. She’s enrolling in a class ‘a real hottie’ is teaching at the country club. Let’s just hope this roots crap has been postponed for a while.”

Laurel made herself relax back in the chair. Judging by what Jase had told Maxie, the length of time Jase would stay in town would depend on how long it took him to check out the local real estate market. But sooner or later, he’d return to his home in North Plano. After all, that’s where his home was.

She took a deep breath, determined to embrace the inevitable, and gave him a bright smile. “It must be hard for you, even with Maxie helping. I mean being a single father—the bottom-line decisions are all up to you.”

“Yeah, there’ve been times that were worse than others, but all in all, it’s worked out. Lolly’s a really great kid.”

He held out his hands to Laurel and pulled her up to him, front to front. His chin rested comfortably on the top of her head.

“Com’ere, woman,” he growled, smiling broadly and joining his hands behind her back to mold her against himself. “I helped with the dishes, and surely the laborer is worthy of his hire.” Grinning wolfishly, he cupped her breasts, then circled the rising crests with his thumbs. “And you know what I desire in payment.” He raised her up a little and butted himself against her hips.

Bending her head back to see her lover better, Laurel was hit by a wave of desire so scorching that her eyes closed and her body went limp. Jase quickly transferred her to one arm and used his other hand to release his slacks. They fell to his ankles and he stepped out of them, ready for action.

Before she could even begin to protest, he’d peeled her out of her robe.

Her ego flared with indignation. Did he take her so much for granted already? Well, she had other ideas! Her cheeks flamed with excitement, and her gray eyes sparkled black.

Twisting away from his embrace, she grabbed her robe and backed toward the doorway, her eyes shining with challenge. “But I did more cleanup than you did. I washed—you just carried!” With a roar of frustration, Jase leapt after her.

Giggling with delight, she danced out of reach and flapped her robe at him as if it were matador’s cape, daring and taunting him.

“Toro! Toro!”

Jase stood still for a moment, the shirt hanging loose from his shoulders. Relaxing onto one hip, he pretended he’d lost interest in the game, but Laurel could tell that his eyes were tracking her every move.

Closer and closer she came, flirting with him, watching him, brandishing her robe, teasing him to action, but he knew to bide his time.

Finally she moved close enough that he thought he had a chance. He lunged for her, but she laughed and eluded him easily, scampering down the wide front hall just out of reach of his fingertips.

Jase roared and ran after her. He hadn’t played strong-side linebacker for nothing.

Laurel liked this titillating new game, sort of a remake of Daphne and Apollo, but unlike the stupid wood nymph, she wanted to get caught—eventually.

She glanced back at Jase, enjoyed the sight of his nudity in action. The furniture was fully clothed, but Jase was naked, naked, naked.

And so was she. Her full breasts jiggled against her chest as she ran, and her thighs rubbed against each other. She had never done anything like this before, and part of her was aghast at her daring. The other part of her was stimulated beyond belief.

Jeanell Bolton's books