Watch Me Fall (Ross Siblings, #5)

He grabbed both cheeks of her ass, giving her back the entire length of him as her head rolled back on her shoulders and her eyes rolled back in their sockets in pure bliss. “Here,” he growled. With one seemingly effortless twitch of his body, she was under him again, legs splayed over his shoulders. Like this, he plucked a chord of something almost like pain deep inside, and she cried out. But she loved it. Men in the past had needed adornments to reach every part of her…piercings, toys, etcetera…and oh yes, there was something to be said for all of it. He sought out her pleasure spots and devastated them with nothing but his natural talents.

“Let me see,” she said desperately, clawing her way to a semi-sitting position and interlocking her fingers behind his neck so she could watch him disappear into her over and over. It was better than any fucking porno. He was still except for his hips, pistoning his cock into her on their power alone until she began to think she might climax again before he did. Oh God, she was. That spot, that spot, he kept hitting it and every time was like a shock to her system. “I’m gonna come,” she told him helplessly, half in wonder. But it wasn’t so much a peak as a plateau, a long, slow, rolling tidal wave of pleasure washing her under and keeping her there, tumbling her deeper and deeper until she finally emerged wet and exhausted just in time to see him jerk out of her and strip the condom off with one hurried upward sweep of his fist.

And it was as beautiful as she’d hoped. His fingers bit into her thigh, his head arched back, and muscles corded in his neck. Drops of him scattered across her chest and belly, and his groans were rough and guttural and so fucking sexy, she had to pull him down to kiss him, to taste those sounds.

At last, he exhaled, lowering his forehead to hers, and she chuckled. “Mmm. Thank you.”

“Thank you.”

Chapter Twenty

They talked and dozed and laughed and caressed and talked more until the sun came up. Jared must have explored every inch of her by then, every tattoo, every color. He must have tasted every inch of her too, and he couldn’t get enough. But if he didn’t get his ass to work today, his own dad was going to fire him. So, reluctantly, he dragged his aching, pleasantly exhausted body from the bed to shower and feed his animals while Starla made breakfast. The sight of her when he joined her in the kitchen—her rumpled platinum, pink, and turquoise hair with her three-sizes-too-big Misfits shirt, long inked legs, and the knowledge she wasn’t wearing panties—was something he could get used to. Her skin still wore the sultry musk of their lovemaking, and he breathed it deep when she gave him a coffee-flavored kiss, hoping he would carry it with him all day.

Naturally, the kiss turned into a groping session, and he damn near bent her over the island right there, but he didn’t have a condom, and he was already so damn late. The little mew of disappointment she gave when he told her broke his heart and warmed it at the same time. “See,” she said. “Hardest man to fuck I’ve ever met.”

“Hey.” Gently grasping her chin, he made her look him directly in the eye. “I’ll show you hard when I get home tonight.” Then he released her to wrench up the back of her shirt and smack her bare ass, and she squealed happily. Once he’d shoveled down her spectacular food and headed for the door with his truck keys, she trailed after him uncertainly.

“Is there anything you need me to do while you’re gone?”

It was the first day he’d gone to work since she’d been here. He paused, his hand on the doorknob. “No, not that I can think of. I don’t want you to sit around bored all day, though.”

“What about dinner?”

“We can worry about that later.”

“I know what it’s like to have a slug on the couch, and I don’t want—”

“Hey.” He took her shoulders. For all her flirting a few moments ago, she suddenly looked miserable, brown eyes searching his for…something. He wished he knew what. “This is different. This isn’t some situation where you have to, I don’t know, earn your keep. I don’t care if you do sit on the couch all day, as long as that’s what you want to do. But I don’t want you to feel like you’re stuck. If you want to go out, go, and let me know where you are, and be careful.”

“Okay. I’ll probably go to the hospital for a little while.”

“Good. Keep everything locked up, and I’ll check in with you throughout the day. Call me if you need anything. I mean it.” For a moment, staring down at her, he considered giving her the combination to the gun safe. If he did so, she would be the only other person on earth who had it. People he’d known and trusted his entire life weren’t able to get into that safe, not his parents, not his brother—there had never been much reason to give it to them, but still, it was something to consider in case anything ever happened to him.

Surely she would be fine; he would feel much better knowing she was protected, but he doubted she would take it anyway.

“Have a good day,” she told him. He gave her another kiss, savoring her scent and taste, the softness of her hair, the sound of her sigh. It was so hard to let go of her, but he did at last.

Cherrie Lynn's books