Watch Me Fall (Ross Siblings, #5)

He parked where an attendant indicated—one of Macy’s cousins, if he remembered correctly—and shared one final glance with Starla. Holding his gaze, she drew a deep breath and let it out. “Ready?”

“Let’s do it.” The four of them piled out of the truck into the mild, pine-scented air. Ashley and Mia grabbed Starla’s hands, and they all followed where the usher—another of Macy’s cousins—led them along the walkway around the side of the house.

In the back, clusters of people stood chatting among two sections of white chairs. Jennifer Rodgers spied Jared and made a beeline for him. Grinning, he caught both her hands as she reached him and planted a kiss on her cheek, then chuckled as Ashley and Mia both rushed in to give her hugs and let her smother them with kisses in return. “Everything looks so beautiful,” Starla said. And although she didn’t really know Macy’s mom, Jennifer leaned over and gave her a hug of her own.

“Thank you, honey,” she said, sounding breathless and fanning herself with one hand. “But we’ve had a last-minute catastrophe.”

“Uh-oh,” Jared said cautiously.

“Yes. I just got a call. Our flower girl started throwing up an hour ago. Can you believe it?”

“Oh no!” Starla said. She gave Jared a glance, her eyebrows raised, then looked down at the girls. Ah. Yeah, he knew what was coming.

“You know,” he ventured, “I’m sure we have two willing flower girls right here, if you need them. And if everyone is okay with it,” he added meaningfully.

Ashley and Mia both gasped with delight. Jennifer’s face lit up, and she exhaled, her relief obvious. “Thank you so much, Jared. And they just happen to be in perfect colors. Yes, everyone is fine with it, I promise.” She winked at him, then whisked the girls away inside the house, where the wedding party waited.

“Well,” he sighed, lacing his fingers through Starla’s, “now we face the ultimate dilemma.” She glanced up at him questioningly. He smiled. “Bride’s side or groom’s side?”

Starla laughed. “It is a dilemma, isn’t it? I’m here for him, but you’re here for her.”

He leaned close, putting his mouth to her exposed ear, breathing her in once before speaking. “I’m here for you.” She sighed and cuddled closer to his side, wrapping both arms around him.

“How did I get so lucky?”

How did she get so lucky? If she had never come into his life, Jared might be at home right now, alone, drinking away his sorrows, knowing Macy was getting married across town. Instead, he was here with this beautiful, amazing woman, and actually looking forward to seeing his old friend—whatever else she might have been—marry the love of her life.

“Are you serious? I’m the luckiest person here.”

Starla’s soulful brown eyes searched his, and she put a hand to his bearded jaw, stroking his cheek lightly with her thumb. “I love you so much.”

He turned into her palm and brushed a kiss against it. “I love you more.”

They mixed and mingled, Starla exchanging pleasantries with his family. For the slightly rocky start they’d had while Starla had been staying with him all those months ago, everyone got along great now. His mother was ecstatic over Starla’s cooking abilities; they regularly traded recipes. On top of all her other amazing qualities, Starla could out-cook his mom. Even more amazingly, his mother actually admitted it.

And then it was time. Jared and Starla settled on the groom’s side in the end. Macy’s mom had introduced them to Ghost’s sister and her family, who’d made the trip from Oklahoma to be here. They seemed like nice people. Starla’s friend Janelle was there, along with all the crew at both Dermamania locations and a few people Jared wasn’t familiar with—but thankfully no one they’d run across on their mission to locate Max. Brian and Candace were in the wedding party. Candace’s mother sat over on Macy’s side under an ostentatious hat, lightly bouncing Lyric on her lap while he cooed and giggled. The way he kept reaching for Mrs. Andrews’s hat, she might not be wearing it for long. He was getting big fast and had the thickest mop of black hair Jared had ever seen on a baby.

The altar at the end of the aisle was adorned with Macy’s autumnal colors in flowers and drapes with strings of clear twinkling lights woven throughout, and matching paper lanterns hung all through the huge oak tree just beyond it. There were even a few pumpkins scattered around the arrangement. And a couple of hay bales, to give it that Macy touch.

Starla’s fingers curled through his as the processional music began. “You sure you’re up for this?” she whispered.

Even if he wasn’t, it was too late now—but he was fine. Giving her a grin, he wound his arm around her shoulders and planted a kiss on her forehead. “I’m good. I promise. I’m glad I’m here with you, and I’m glad the girls can help out. They love Macy.”

Cherrie Lynn's books