Viper's Kiss (Back Down Devil MC #8)

Jett reached down and grabbed a mozzarella stick from a little kid’s plate. He took one big bite, chewed it, and then spit it on the floor. Everything tasted like shit here. Probably all microwaved. He then saw a glass of either scotch or whiskey and grabbed that. Someone started to yell at him, but they stopped when they realized who it was. Jett took the drink - decent scotch - and then put the empty glass on another table.

Stacey led the way into the kitchen. It was busting with the sizzle of the grill, the popping sound of the deep fryer, and the beeping of a microwave being ignored. People were shouting in Italian at each other, cooks and waitresses alike. The back of the restaurant should have fucking smelled great. Fresh food, right? Not here. This place smelled like a fog of grease and really bad diarrhea.

Jett rubbed his nose and got up next to Stacey. “How do you fucking work here?”

“Papa needs me,” she said. “He needs all of us. It’s hard. Hard times. Always.”

“You need to do better for yourself, beautiful.”

“I try. I swear. I try.” Her eyes welled up with tears again and she pointed to a door down a small corridor.

“Thank you,” Jett said. “Now go serve your shitty food and keep that pretty smile on your face.”

Stacey looked at him. “Have a smoke for me?”

“You shouldn’t smoke. Bad for your health.”

“You want something to suck on…” Blaine added.

Stacey turned and slapped him in the face.

“Careful,” Jace warned. “That won’t stop him.”

Jett gave Stacey a smoke and put his hand to the small of her back. Damn, if he had enough time, she would have been something fun to play around with for a night or two. He could take her to the clubhouse on a Friday night as an innocent person and then have her leave Monday morning as a pleasured woman.

Jett approached the door and made a fist and pounded on it.

“What?” a voice bellowed deep.

“Fuck this,” Jace said and pushed by Jett. “We’re not here to make fucking friends.”

Jace opened the door and they all burst into the big, clean office. It was obviously the cleanest spot in the entire restaurant. A large man sat behind a desk with a remote in his hand, his face red and sweaty, looking shocked.

“What the fuck is this?” he growled.

Jett moved along the desk and looked at the TV screen. It was frozen in mid scene of two men and one woman. One guy was at the woman’s mouth, the other guy filling her up from behind.

“He’s watching porn,” Jett said. “Fucking pig.”

“Hey,” Blaine said. “I think I have this one. Is it called…”

“Don’t touch him,” Jace said. “What if he fucking touched himself or something…”

Jett backed up. “Okay, Angelo, let’s talk.”

“Who are you?”

“Read the cut,” Jett said. “You know who we are. We need to check your stockroom. Where do you get your seafood?”

“All fresh,” Angelo said. He sat up and turned off the TV. He then took a towel off his desk and wiped his forehead.

“Do you come in that?” Blaine asked. “Then throw it in the basket with the other towels for the restaurant?”

“What’s the difference?” Angelo asked. “A man needs…”

“I’m going to throw up,” Jace said.

“Focus right now,” Jett growled. “I don’t have time for this shit. Angelo, take us to the stockroom. I need to check.”

“It’s all fresh,” Angelo said. “What the fuck do you want? You running the docks now? Controlling everything?”

“Maybe,” Jett said. “Stand up, make sure your little dick is tucked away, and take us to the stockroom.”

Jett, Jace, and Blaine made a wall at the desk.

“You’re scared to death,” Jett said. “And that waitress - Stacey…”

“Fucking beautiful,” Blaine said. “Ever see her tits, Angelo?”

“She’s my daughter!” Angelo bellowed and stood up. “You sick fuck.”

“So you’ve seen…”

“Blaine,” Jett snapped. “Fuck, man. Stop.” Jett looked at Angelo. “She cried twice, Angelo. I talked to her for two minutes. She cried twice, man. This is what you’ve given your daughter? You’re a real piece of shit.”

“I work hard!” Angelo snapped. He slammed his hands on the desk. “I work and try.”

“You fuck with other crews,” Jett said. “You get yourself in debts you can’t pay off. You fuck around. You love expensive pussy and cheap porn. And your food sucks. So stand up and take care of things right now. So I’ll say it one more time just because I’m nice and I feel for your daughter… take me to the stockroom or I’m going to put a bullet between your eyes.”

“And then I’m going to put my cock between your daughter’s legs,” Blaine said.

“And her ass,” Jace added.

“Jesus Christ,” Angelo said. He grabbed at a gold cross chain. “Jesus Christ.”

“No,” Jett said. “We’re not saviors. We’re the justice. Now fucking move, fat ass.”

Angelo took them back into the kitchen area and through another little corridor. At the end of the hall was a heavy door. It was dirty and the handle looked slimy. Angelo opened it and they all worked their way inside.

“Here,” Angelo said. “Now what?”

“I’m going to look around,” Jett said.

“You don’t need to. It’s all fresh. Right out of the ocean.”

“Yeah?” Jett asked. He pointed to a box of salmon. “This says packed from Fairland, New Jersey.”