Viper's Kiss (Back Down Devil MC #8)

“You had no right to kill them. Whatever you thought, it was all wrong.”

Blaine slowly moved into the room. Jessa wanted him to just shoot Vin and end this. But Blaine tucked his gun behind his back. Jessa sort of understood it - he wanted to torture Vin.

“I’ll kill whoever I want, when I want,” Vin said. “That’s why you shouldn’t have been there. You shouldn’t have ran either. Then you talked and talked. Where did that get you?” Vin crouched down to face Jessa. “I’ve been watching you for a long time, Jessa. I’ve had eyes on you. I know everything about you.”

“You don’t know a thing,” Jessa said. “You don’t know what I’m capable of.”

Vin smiled. “That’s nice. You take that false sense of strength right to your fucking grave.”

Jessa spit in Vin’s face.

Blaine was right behind him.

Vin’s face turned bright red with anger. He had no idea of his surroundings.

Vin brought his hand up, fist locked tight. That’s when Jessa broke her stare, for a split second, to look at Blaine behind Vin.

As Vin held his fist back, his face dropped.

Blaine put his hand to Vin’s fist.

It all happened so slow up to that point.

Then it sped up.

Blaine swung his other hand and hit Vin in the side of the face. He dropped down and grabbed Vin’s hand, keeping the gun away from Jessa. That didn’t stop Vin from pulling the trigger. Jessa started to crawl away, saving herself and her unborn baby.

When she turned she saw Vin and Blaine tangled up. Blaine grabbed Vin’s wrist and slammed his hand on the floor until he let the gun go. He then came down with a punch to Vin’s face. Vin threw a left and connected with Blaine’s jaw.

“Come here,” another voice said.

Jessa screamed and looked up to see Nate standing there. He put his hand out and helped her up.

“Help him,” Jessa said.

“No,” Nate said. “This is his fight.”

Nate pulled at Jessa’s wrist. But she didn’t want to move. She wanted to watch.

“Nate,” she said. “There’s a woman named Terri in the closet in the hall. She was tied up.”

“I’ll get her. Don’t get involved in this.”

Jessa lingered in the doorway and watched.

Blaine threw Vin over the surgery table. He rushed around and Vin started to kick. Blaine dropped to one knee, took a kick to the mouth, and then punched Vin again. The hit was so hard, it smacked Vin’s head off the floor. That paralyzed Vin for a couple seconds. Blaine stood up and put his foot to Vin’s throat.

Just like that, the fight was over.

The war was over.

Blaine looked at Jessa. Blood ran down the corner of his mouth. His cheek was swollen. Sweat on his face.

“Are you okay, sweetheart?”

“I am now, Blaine.”

“You’re going to want to leave the room for the next part,” Blaine said.

“You’re going to kill him,” Jessa said.

Blaine’s eyes narrowed with a deep evil. “He’s not worthy of just death. I’ll need a bag for all the body parts.”


Blaine pulled the last knot as tight as he could. Vin was completely strapped to the surgery table. Restraints across his shoulders, his stomach, and his legs. A balled up towel was stuffed in his mouth to keep him from screaming. But Blaine planned on taking that out of his mouth before he started to work on Vin. Blaine wanted to hear and feel and remember every last scream Vin had to offer. He wanted to watch Vin’s neck strain as he screamed. Hell, maybe with a little luck Vin would burst his vocal chords.

“Now what?” Nate asked.

“I want you to take Jessa out of here,” Blaine said. “I need my time right now with him.”

“You don’t want my help?” Nate asked.

“No, brother.”

Blaine sat in a chair next to the surgery table.

Nate walked around and put a hand to Blaine’s shoulder. He leaned down and kissed the top of Blaine’s head. “I’m sorry for what he did. But we saved Jessa. Remember that, brother. We saved your family.”

With that said, Nate exited the room.

It was quiet.

Deathly quiet.

Vin stared at Blaine. His eyes were glazed with tears. Blaine wasn’t sure if Meghan and Janey cried before Vin killed them. If he tortured them at all. Or if he just burst into the house and started pulling the trigger.

Blaine stood up. He took a scalpel and put it to Vin’s forehead. Vin started to kick.

“No,” Blaine said.

He pressed the blade into Vin’s skin and twisted.

Vin screamed a muffled scream.

Blaine took the blade away. Blood gently dripped to right side of Vin’s head.

Blaine then put the scalpel to Vin’s chest, right at his heart. He pressed, twisted, and watched blood seep into his shirt.

“That’s what you did,” Blaine said. “You shot Meghan in the head and Janey in the heart. They did nothing to deserve it.” Blaine put the scalpel to Vin’s throat. “You fucking piece of dirt.”

Vin kicked and screamed.

Blaine took the scalpel away and put it on the counter.