Viper's Kiss (Back Down Devil MC #8)

Miller went into protection mode, shutting the clubhouse down, including keeping Ella and Beck safe. Rightfully so.

Blaine felt it too. Each time he saw Jessa, his stomach flipped as he thought about the life growing inside her. Meeting at the table left the guys scrambling to work out the logistics of their gun move and debated on how to keep hell out of Frelen. By staying silent and in the clubhouse, they hoped to show their message that they weren’t going to act fast.

Each time Blaine sat at the table, he thought to himself… think bigger. It nagged at him. Thinking bigger than himself, his dick, the club, Jessa, everything. It wasn’t easy to do.

“So, when do we attack?” Shay asked.

The table was full but quiet. It was dark outside. Another day had wasted away.

“They’re pushing hard,” Nate said. “I made a few calls and they’re dealing heavy. Frelen isn’t safe.”

“And we have Ethan up our ass,” Jace said.

“Literally,” Trev said. “He’s got guys parked out back.”

Blaine watched the conversation unfold.

Of course Ethan found out about the prospects’ murders. There was no case though because why would Ethan give a shit about the MC? He only cared if and when the MC retaliated.

“We’re doing the right thing here,” Blaine said. “Waiting. It’s driving Vin nuts. The longer we wait the more paranoid he’ll get.”

“That still doesn’t give us a plan,” Shay said.

“We already talked,” Blaine said. “We go for the guns. Their shipment. We take it. Cut them off.”

“That’s suicide,” Landon said. “You’re fucking with the cartel then.”

“We get the guns,” Blaine said. “And we get Vin. Godammmit, the only way to stop him is to get him.”

“Blaine is right,” Miller said. “We can figure out how to do this. It’s going to take planning and some serious distractions.”

“We can work it out,” Gaige said. “But there’s information being passed. I don’t like it. We were set up more than once.”

Gaige looked at Blaine.

“Why the fuck are you looking at me?” Blaine asked.


“You got something you want to say, Gaige? Clear the air, brother. Come on. Clear the fucking air.”

“Let’s clear the table,” Miller said. “Too much thinking leads to overthinking.”

“Aye,” Shay said. “I agree. Nothing like a little whiskey and pussy to clear your mind.”

“How about some good news?” Miller said. He reached and squeezed Blaine’s shoulder.

Blaine raised an eyebrow.

“Tell them,” Miller said.

“Tell us what?” Erik asked.

“Someone pop your cherry, Blaine?” Nate asked.

“No,” Blaine said. “That was done a long time ago. This stripper with really long fingers. She got way up there…”

“Ah, shit,” Gaige said. “Do I have to listen to this?”

“I’m going to be a father,” Blaine said.

Everyone looked around.

“Oh,” Shay said.

“Jessa is pregnant,” Blaine said. “We, uh, well…”

“Jesus Christ,” Gaige said. “You made a child?”

“That’s right.”

“You’re going to have a kid?” Erik asked. “A real kid?”

“Yes,” Blaine said.

Shay slowly stood up. “So you finally slipped one in there, huh?”

“To quote you, Shay… aye…”

“Well, fuck me,” Shay said. He walked around the table. “We’re in the fight of our lives and this dirty, scumbag, piece of shit not only confesses he used to be a detective but he also has a pregnant woman in our clubhouse…”

Shay put his hands to Blaine’s shoulders.

“When you put it like that, Shay…” Blaine said.

“You motherfucker,” Shay said. “You’re going to be a dad.”

Miller made a fist and hit the table. Then Gaige did the same. Then Trev, Nate, Jace, Erik, and Landon. Shay reached over Blaine and hit his fist on the table.

Then they all started to scream and cheer for Blaine.

“I knew you’d do it,” Gaige said. “You just had to find the right hole to stick your dick in.”

“Thanks,” Blaine said.

“Our family is growing,” Miller said. “We have more reasons than ever to fight and protect our town and our club. The future of this MC is waiting out there. But the present is right here at this table. Remember that.”

Miller called the table clear and everyone took a moment to congratulate Blaine.

“Free sex,” Landon said. “You bastard.”

“It’s amazing,” Blaine said.

“What are you going to tell your strippers?” Erik asked.

“I’ll break it to them gently. Let them fight over my cock one last time.”

“That’s why you and me took care of that guy?” Trev asked.

“Yes, brother. How’s your shoulder?”

“Great. I can’t believe this. You as a father scares me.”

“Scares me too,” Blaine said.

“No, it fucking terrifies me,” Trev said. “I need a drink.”

The room cleared except Blaine, Gaige, and Miller.

Blaine saw Gaige shut the door and nod.

Oh, fuck.

“We’re not done,” Blaine whispered.

“Not yet,” Miller said.

“Congrats on the kid,” Gaige said. “Emily is going to drive me fucking nuts now. She’s been wanting to do it for a long time.”

“I could help with that,” Blaine said.