Viper's Kiss (Back Down Devil MC #8)

I always mark my fucking territory.

“Cover yourself,” Blaine said.

Those words never left his mouth before.

Jessa pulled the covers up and ran a hand through her hair.

She was beautiful.

Of course she was beautiful. She had always been beautiful. Even last night as she took his cock over and over. Even after the third time he came and she was sweaty, ragged, worn the fuck out. But that didn’t stop Blaine from going one more time. He fucked until she couldn’t move. Until there were tears in her eyes. Until her entire body was waving a white flag.

“Morning,” Jessa said.

Blaine pointed to the nightstand. There was a glass of water and two white pills. “Breakfast.”

“What kind of pills are these?”

“Take one for the pain. Take the second if you want to forget last night.”

Jessa blushed and grinned. “I’m…”

“Vin is dead. Just thought you’d want to know.”


“I made a call to an old friend. Vin got killed last night. I guess he ran his mouth and someone took him out.”

“Holy shit.” Jessa grabbed the glass of water and drank. “I mean… holy shit. Right?”

“Yeah, right.” Blaine nodded to the door. “All your clothes are still on the kitchen floor.”

“Oh. Right. Yeah.”

“I’ll give you a ride to the clubhouse so you can get your car.”

“Of course,” Jessa said. “Then… I guess I’ll head home.”

“That’s the plan.”

“The plan?”

“What? You want to stay here? You want to keep doing this? Fucking with guilt and anger? Please.”

“You’re an asshole.”

“Yeah, but at least I didn’t fuck my best friend’s fiance.”

Jessa gasped. Her face dropped. “Get out.”

“It’s my fucking room. It’s my fucking house.”

Jessa got out of the bed and took the sheet with her. She held it around her body with one hand. “I can’t believe you said that to me. After…”

“After what? After we fucked? What did you think it was? Something romantic. Please. You’ve wanted my cock for years, sweetheart. So I threw you one. You’re welcome.”

“Prick,” Jessa growled.

She hurried to race by Blaine but he stepped in her path. “I’m sorry but the sheet has to stay in the bedroom.”


“I’m going to make my bed and get ready to go to work.”

“Who the fuck are you? Where’s the guy that was looking at me last night.”

“Drop the sheet and I’ll look at you again.”

“Fuck yourself.”

Jessa took a step and Blaine grabbed the sheet. One quick pull and the sheet tore from Jessa’s body. He balled it up and tossed it to the bed.

Jessa hurried out of the bedroom and down the hall. Blaine stood in the hallway and watched her move. Her slender back, the hourglass cut of her body, those goddamn hips, and that ass. Blaine made fists. He knew he could track her down and have her again, right there in the kitchen. She had been his dinner last night… now she could be breakfast.

But Blaine didn’t move. Even when Jessa grabbed her clothes and disappeared out of view. He just stood there. She got dressed and then appeared again.

“I’m ready to leave,” she said.


Blaine made a line down the hall and wanted to get to the front door. Jessa grabbed at his arm and squeezed.


Blaine pulled away. “That was my fucking kill to make. You don’t understand that.”

“You think I don’t? Because…”

“I know, you saw what happened,” Blaine said. “I’ll get you a fucking trophy.”

Jessa slapped him across the face. Blaine didn’t even flinch. He didn’t even give a shit. He could turn it all off when needed. All emotions. All care. All pain.

“He’s dead and I didn’t get my shot at him,” Blaine said. “Because I was fucking you.”

“Sorry then,” Jessa said. “Last I remembered you were the one throwing me on a table.”

“Please. Your pussy needed it.”

Jessa tried to slap him again. He grabbed her wrist and spun her around, putting her against the wall. Blaine put his body against Jessa’s. He stood there, just breathing.

“I hate you,” she whispered. “I’ve always hated you, Blaine. For what you made me feel and what I wanted. Because I knew I’d do this to Meghan. Because she was never right for you. I hated her sometimes. But I hate myself the most because she's dead. I let her slide into your grasp and I didn’t pull her away. I could have convinced her to leave your sorry ass but I never did.”

“Yeah, keep talking,” Blaine said. He thrust himself at Jessa. “Keep running that mouth and I’ll make your ass really sorry. You thought it hurt in your pussy…”

“Yeah, do that,” Jessa said. “That’s what you want, right? Tough guy. So fucking tough.”

Blaine broke away from Jessa and opened the door. He showed her the way out. “I’ll call a fucking prospect to take you back.”