Viper's Kiss (Back Down Devil MC #8)

“Jesus Christ,” Blaine said.

“You can watch her while I do this,” Amber said, entering Blaine’s heart again.

She slithered down his body, resting on her knees. She tugged at his zipper. Danielle inched her panties down, showing more and more beautiful smooth skin.

There were four other women in the room, all of them topless and waiting their turn. Blaine had already dropped way too much money, but what the hell was he supposed to do with his money? Save it for retirement? In his line of work, there was no retirement plan. If you were retired, chances were you were dead. And what good was money when you’re dead?

Blaine’s head swiveled back and forth.

Amber’s hand tugging at his dick, pulling him out. Her little pouty lips touching the tip of his cock, her tongue all sloppy, making circles. Then to his left, Danielle with her panties down to the middle of her thick, dancer thighs. Two fingers pulling at her sweet pussy, showing Blaine where she was pierced.

“Ah, fuck,” Blaine growled.

He reached back and slid two fingers between Danielle’s legs, feeling her wetness.

Good Christ…

The door to the room busted open.

Blaine didn’t flinch. He had one woman halfway down on his dick and he had a finger halfway up inside another woman. And there were two cops standing in the room, weapons drawn, their eyes unable to comprehend what was happening.

Amber popped up and spun around. Danielle hurried to lift her panties.

“No, no,” Blaine said. “Fuck. No. Come on. What the hell is this?”

“Stand up, asshole,” one of the cops said.

“For what? I’m not doing anything wrong.”

“Paying for a blowjob?”

“I didn’t pay. She likes me. Right, beautiful?”

Amber nodded. “Yes. I like him. I want to suck his cock.”

“See? They all want to suck my cock. They love me.”

“Stand the fuck up,” the cop said.

Blaine slowly rose up. He tucked his dick away and stepped over Amber. He walked right to the cop. He stood six inches over the guy and was twice his size.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Blaine asked.

“Sorry to break up your party,” the cop said.

“Why? Do you want to suck my cock, too?”

A second later, Blaine felt something metal smash against the side of his face. He stumbled to the left and caught himself on another woman. His face rubbed against her breasts. She stumbled back and Blaine grabbed her waist, managing to keep them both standing. She had a smear of blood on her left breast.

“I’m sorry, beautiful,” Blaine said. “I’ll clean that up for you.”

“No you won’t, asshole,” the cop bellowed. “We’re shutting this place down.”

Blaine spun around. “What? Why?”

“We have to check some licensing issues,” the cop said. “And all the women need to be checked. Got a tip about some prostitution and drug use.”

“Go fuck yourself,” Blaine said. “Who do you think you are?”

The cop swung his gun again, smashing Blaine for a second time.

“Stop hitting him!” Amber cried out.

“Make me, bitch,” the cop said.

Blaine put his arm out and caught Amber as she jumped toward the cop. She let out a scream and clawed. Blaine managed to pull her in and hold her.

“Hey, you need to calm down, beautiful,” Blaine whispered. “You’ll end up…”

“Under arrest,” the cop said. “Both of you.”

“No,” Amber said. “Please…”

“Sorry,” the cop said. “You can’t suck your way out of this one.”

Blaine balled up a fist, calculating how much it would cost for a lawyer and how much shit Miller would give him for knocking out a cop. Before Blaine could swing, Danielle jumped forward and slapped the cop across the face. The cop reacted fast, throwing a fist, hitting Danielle in the mouth.

“Shit!” the other cop yelled.

“She attacked me first!” the first cop yelled.

Blaine rolled Amber to his right, sending her to the chair. He turned and crouched, reaching for Danielle. Her top lip was bleeding, her face white.

“You’ll be fine,” Blaine said to her. “Trust me.”

The cop grabbed Blaine by the back of his leather cut and pulled. Blaine stood up and threw his back into the cop, sending him flying back to the wall. The other cop took another swing and Blaine ducked under it.

Shit, it would have been so easy to take them down.

Then Blaine heard voices screaming outside in the club. The place was being fully raided. That meant there was no escape.

Two guns were pointed at Blaine and he slowly offered his wrists.

“Motherfuckers,” he said. “Don’t hurt the girls, okay? Beat on me, but not them. They’re trying to make a living here.”

“Oh, you have compassion now?” the cop asked.

“That and a hard on.”

Blaine watched as the cops arrested both Amber and Danielle.

“Don’t do that,” Blaine said. “They…”