
Limping slightly from the hammer blow Fernando dealt him the other night, Plato leads the group of men and women down the stairs, and a small sigh of anticipation runs through the crowd. Fernando’s Servicio are all dressed in white, from head to toe. The men wear pristine white suits, complete with white shirts and white ties, their hair either shaved close to their heads or slicked back with styling products. The women are all in white dresses or short white skirts, with revealing, low cut tops, their cleavages spilling over the tops of the material. Their makeup is immaculate, not a hair out of place. Strangely, they all look very calm. Flat, even. Their eyes are a little glassy as they follow each other down the stairs toward the awaiting crowd, and I get the sneaking suspicion that they’re all dosed and high as fuck right now. Seems like something Fernando would do—have his workforce drugged to be compliant and docile.

I curl my hands into fists, growling under my breath. Next to me, a tall guy leans against the wall with a dark-haired woman on his arm, both of them scanning over the Servicio, whispering to each other when they see someone they like.

Him: “The woman with the wavy blonde hair. Her tits are amazing.”

Her: “Oh god, yes. Her lips are to die for. I can’t wait to see your cock in her mouth.”

Him: “Fuck. This is crazy. I’m already hard.”

Her: “What about her? The girl with the white ribbon around her neck? Her ass is incredible. Picture me between her legs, eating her pussy, baby. Would you like that?”

Him: (Groaning) “Shit. I want to see that right now. Give me your hand. You have to see what this is doing to me.”

The woman smiles seductively, holding out her hand. The guy takes it and casually places it over his cock, squeezing so she can feel how hard he is. I have to look away.

Her: Baby…What about the guy at the front? He’s very handsome, don’t you think? Would you like to watch him fuck me? Would you like to be in my ass while he is fucking my pussy?

Him: Is he the one you want, my love?

Of course, they’re talking about Plato. He’s almost a head taller than everyone else. And I’m a dude, but I’m not fucking blind. I can see that he’s a handsome guy. Why else would Fernando have gone to the trouble of snatching him otherwise?

Plato’s gaze slips over me like he doesn’t even see me when he walks by. He’s holding hands with a slim dark-haired woman I haven’t seen before, and the two of them together, so perfectly manicured and turned out, look like Ken and Barbie dolls come to life.

“Welcome everyone!” A cry goes up from the other side of the foyer, and then Fernando is standing on a chair, tapping a fork against the side of his champagne glass. “Welcome, welcome. I am so glad you all could make it to this celebration at such short notice.”

I hadn’t even thought about that. Fernando announced the party three days ago, and all of these people have somehow managed to get here in time. These are the top one percent, though, the richest of the rich. They don’t have jobs to attend, and it’s unlikely they have families to care for, either. They probably all have private jets they can fuel up and fly off in whenever the fuck they want.

“I am pleased to see some familiar faces here this evening. I’m equally as pleased to be meeting many of you for the very first time. For those of you who are new to my household, please note, you are welcome to participate in any kind of sexual activity with my friends in white. All that I ask is that you are respectful and make sure you are not jumping the line ahead of another of my guests. We are all gentlemen and gentlewomen here at the Villalobos estate, and my friends are happy to accommodate all of you. They will be taking regular showers as the night progresses in order to maintain the height of cleanliness. All of the women in white are on birth control, so please feel free to ejaculate where you wish. Similarly, all of the men in white have had surgical procedures to ensure they are not capable of fathering children. If you would like for them to complete inside you, all you have to do is ask.”

I feel like I have razor blades underneath my fucking skin. He has to be fucking joking. He’s not only doping the Servicio, but he’s got the women on birth control? I suppose they’re no good to him if they get knocked up. And the guys have all had vasectomies? I’m itching to lose my shit. I’ve never been so furious in my entire life. This, from the man who happily discards dead bodies in open graves for the animals to pick over, though. Should I have expected anything more? Bile rises up the back of my throat, leaving a sour, acidic, bitter taste in my mouth.

This will all be over soon.

This will all be over soon.

This will all be over soon.

I have to repeat it over and over in my head, otherwise I’m not going to be able to keep a lid on my temper. I try to tune out, then. Try not to see anything, or hear anything, but it’s pretty impossible. The crowd is swarming around the bottom of the stairs now that the Servicio have arrived, and it’s like a fucking meat market, people dressed in black, arguing passive aggressively over the people dressed in white. Plato smiles blandly as three people try to talk to him at once, trying to get him to go with them. The girl he was holding hands with laughs strangely as a guy with full sleeve tattoos and a nose piercing picks her up and throws her over his shoulder, like she’s a sack of potatoes. Three other men join him as he carries her through one of the reception room doorways off of the foyer.