
I can’t fucking help myself. I lean closer to her, doing my best to ignore my dick, which is demanding I take charge of this situation right now and fuck her senseless. “You want me to become your vice?” I whisper.

She watches me for a second, eyes wide open, and for the first time she really looks at me. None of this furtive sidelong glance bullshit. No looking away as soon as I turn and see her. She really looks at me, and she seems fascinated. She reaches up with her hand, just as slowly and carefully as I did when I stroked her hair, and she cups my face in her palm. Her hands are cold, but the contact feels like it’s burning into me. “No point in trying to prevent something that has already happened, right, Mr. America?”

I know with every bone in my body that I should back the fuck away right now—this can only end in pain and misery, after all—but the bone in my pants has other ideas. I can’t hold back anymore. Not with her looking at me like I’m some kind of goddamn miracle. And not with my blood charging around my body, filled with adrenalin, making me feel high and drunk all at the same time. I need her. I need to act now, before common sense prevails.

Rushing forward, I take hold of her neck in one hand and pull her to me, bringing my lips down on hers. Her mouth is fucking amazing, her lips so fucking unbelievably soft. I’ve kissed plenty of girls before, but none of those kisses have lit up the inside of my head like it’s filled with motherfucking C4 explosives. She feels so fucking small and vulnerable beneath my hands. I kiss her harder, guiding her lips open, and then I’m sliding my tongue into her mouth, past her teeth. She tastes so goddamn sweet, like cherries, and strawberry, and mint all mixed together. She sighs as I massage her tongue with my own, licking, laving and tasting her, exploring her mouth, and the sound of her moaning softly nearly catapults me into outer fucking space.

She’s shaking, her body trembling violently, and I can’t tell if it’s because she’s soaking wet and the damp has penetrated down deep into her bones, or if it’s because the kiss is overtaking her and she can’t fucking breathe.

I should pull away and give her a second, but I don’t. I wrap my arms around her and I pull her to me, crushing her body against mine. She laces her arms around my neck, and then there’s no going back. I lift her into my lap, my hands on her waist, guiding her, and then she’s straddling me.

How the fuck did this happen? How did we end up here, when I’ve been on my best fucking behavior? It makes zero sense. Her mouth on mine makes sense, though. The feel of her tits crushed up against my chest. The way she arches, grinding her hips against mine, as I stack my hands on the small of her back. All of these things make perfect sense to me.

Natalia pulls back, breaking off the kiss. Her lips are parted, pouting and swollen from the fever of our kiss, and her eyes are burning with need. “Fuck me, Cade. Please. Don’t overanalyze. Don’t think about what will happen when the rain stops. Just give me what I need.”

I can’t say no to this woman. I don’t want to say no to her. In the back of my mind, I’m aware that I’m about to cartwheel head fucking first down a vertical slope, and I’m liable to break every bone in my body on the way down. There’s nothing to be done, though. No ripcord. No escape hatch. No eject button. There’s only Natalia, and the way she’s staring into my eyes, as though she can’t possibly look away.

“I’ll give you what you need. On one condition.”

Her fingernails dig into the back of my neck, pressing in just hard enough to send a frisson of pain ricocheting around my body. “Anything,” she whispers.

“You don’t let him touch you again. You hear me? You never let him touch you again? You fucking call for me, and I’ll be there. I’ll be there no matter what.”

Natalia blinks. Her eyes fill with tears, but she doesn’t let them fall. “Okay. I promise.”

I growl, grabbing hold of the bottom of her tank top. It peels from her body with ease and makes a wet slapping noise as I throw it over my shoulder. Natalia gasps as I bury my face into her cleavage, licking and biting at the swell of her tits. They’re glorious, seriously fucking glorious, and I haven’t even taken her bra off yet. She writhes against me as I slide my hand down, rubbing my fingers between her legs; her head kicks back, and she gasps, a look of surprise on her face.