
Fernando turns, pinning Harrison in his severe gaze. “You took his phone?” he says slowly.

“Yeah, well, I mean we had to. He could have had anything on there.”

“And what did you find?”



“Well.” He shuffles his feet, looking awkward as fuck. “There were some weird pictures on there. Some fucked up text messages. But nothing untoward.”

“And you did not return it back to him?”

“I didn’t think it was important.”

“How are you to know what is important and what isn’t important? Give him back his phone.”

Harrison, unsurprisingly, has the damned thing on him. It’s probably been giving him a boner, knowing that he’s taken my toy away and it’s been sitting in his pocket this whole time. He thrusts it out to me, the dark look on his face just daring me to say something to him. I take it, smiling pleasantly.

“Thank you, Harrison.”

Fernando waits for the exchange to be over, and then he pivots on the balls of his feet and slaps Harrison across the face, hard. Harrison’s head whips around with the force; his eyes are the size of dinner plates. He’s shocked. He’s overflowing with anger too, but he’s not that stupid. He knows he can’t do anything to retaliate. “Leave,” Fernando commands. “Kechu and I must talk alone.”

Harrison looks stung that he’s being sent away. No doubt he wants to stick around to listen to Fernando threaten me in some way, but it looks like today is not his lucky day. He leaves, and Fernando places a hand on my shoulder.

“I already know about your conversation with my daughter the other night, Kechu. She came to me very first thing the next morning and told me herself.”

What the fuck? She told him about our conversation? I glance sideways at Fernando as he guides me out of my room and down the hallway. He doesn’t seem as mad as he should be, but then again the man always seems cool and calm. He’s had two days to allow the information to settle, too. Still, I’m ready to fight, ready to jam my knuckles into his throat and throw him over the bannister, down two flights of stairs if I have to. He sighs, slowly shaking his head. “She explained that you ran into each other in the kitchen, and you held a conversation at her insistence. I was perhaps too quick to tell you that you should not talk to her alone, Kechu. This house is big, but it’s only so big. You’re bound to run into one another, and it would be discourteous of you to ignore Natalia. I have reconsidered my rule. You may talk to her as and when you see fit. However, if I discover that you have tried to abuse her good nature, or mine, in any way, there will be repercussions. Is that clear?”

“Absolutely.” So she was covering our asses, not informing her father of my identity? The wall of relief that hits me is massive. He’s gonna know exactly who I am before too long. I’m going to tell him myself, as I’m digging the pointy end of a fucking screwdriver into his eye socket, but I’m not ready for that yet. I like to think while I work out, and for the past two days, as I’ve been counting off my push-ups, I have been thinking very deeply indeed. How long did Laura suffer here? How long did she hold out before she finally decided she couldn’t handle it any longer and she took her own life? A very, very long time. So I’m not going to rush this. I’m going to wait, bide my time, and I’ll know when the perfect opportunity presents itself. In the meantime, I’m going to continue playing this game, figuring out my enemy, and I’m going to be patient.

Fernando leads me downstairs, through the foyer and out the front door, where the mud splattered Patriot is waiting for us, engine idling. “I apologize for Harrison’s behavior. He can be a little petty sometimes. Overzealous. It’s a trait I’ve noticed in many of you American men. Anyway, now that your property has been returned to you, please feel free to contact your employer and let him know that he is expected. And in the meantime, I’d like to take you hunting with me and my men. I’m sure you have spent time with a rifle in your hand before, no? I find hunting to be a stress-relieving exercise. I’m positive you would benefit from some time outdoors, after being cooped up for so long.”

He makes it sound like he had nothing to do with the fact that I was barricaded in my room for forty-eight hours, when he is the only person who could have ordered such a thing. I’m not about to point this out, though.