
The next twenty minutes are pretty damned uncomfortable. I lean back against the wall, watching the door, waiting for Ocho to return to see that I’m not enjoying myself, but he doesn’t show up. Instead, I’m treated to the vision of Plato sucking the blond guy’s dick. I know shit is going to get real when the blond guy strips off, but things don’t go as I expect. He doesn’t bend Plato over and screw him in the ass. He bends over himself, burying his face between Persephone’s thighs, and he has Plato fuck him in the ass. Dark haired Persephone comes loud, and she comes hard. It’s a real orgasm, by the looks of things. Some of the other men standing around the edges of the room, quietly talking to other beautiful women in various states of undress, all stop their conversations to watch as Plato puts on the performance of a lifetime.

His skin is shining with sweat as he works himself in and out of the blond guy, who grabs handfuls of the thick carpet beneath him, head bowed, eyes closed tightly. A couple of the guys on the peripheries of the party subtly take hold of their erections through their pants, running their hands up and own themselves as the small space fills with the sound of Plato’s exertions.

“Goddamn he’s good,” someone mutters close by.

“The best.”

“Well, he’s had practice. Three years’ worth.”

Three years? Plato has been here for three years? That doesn’t seem as though it can be true. Surely not. How long can a party like this continue, after all? A night? Nothing more. People sleep. People have work. Responsibilities. Even if Plato is here against his will, the people who have paid to attend this…event have to return to their lives at some point.

One of the men watching the display before us steps forward. His pants are unbuttoned, his dick in his hand. He doesn’t even hesitate as he pushes himself into Persephone’s mouth. She accepts him; her eyes are clamped shut, and her hands are balled into fists, but she accepts him. The guy shudders pleasure as she licks and sucks at him. The blond being fucked by Plato watches with stunned, wide eyes as the other well-dressed man fucks Persephone’s mouth. He moans, a ragged breath of ecstasy escaping his lips, and then he’s coming, his dick pulsing as he spills his come everywhere into the carpet.

“Holy fuck,” someone whispers.

“Quite the show.”

Next to me, a tall guy with a black button-down and black leather gloves turns to the woman kneeling naked at his feet and strokes a hand over her hair. “Do you see?” he whispers. “This is how it goes. This is everything. This is what is expected of you.”

The woman looks shocked. She can’t be more than twenty, and her bottom lip is wobbling. Her tits are small, less than a handful, and they look bruised, as if someone has been biting them. Small wheels of purple and black mark her skin on her stomach and on her shoulders, too. On the flesh between her thighs. She shivers as the guy wearing the gloves reaches into his back pocket and produces and short, rigid whip with a flayed leather tassel on the end. He runs the end of the whip down her back, between her shoulder blades, stopping short just above the curve of her buttocks, which look as though they’ve already been treated once or twice with the whip prior to now.

“Behave yourself and you’ll come to like this,” the guy whispers. “Misbehave, and it’s within my power to make your time here the most unpleasant thing imaginable. Unbearable, even.”

I have a rage inside of me the likes of which I have never experienced before. I am boiling. My veins are filled with bubbling battery acid, and if feels like my lungs are about to explode. I clench my hands into fists.

“Do you understand?” the guy whispers.

The girl looks up at him, and there are tears in her eyes. Her whole body is trembling. “Please. I just want to go home. Please. I swear I won’t tell anyone about this. I promise, I—”

A gloved hand flies out, cracking across her cheek, sending her sprawling out on the floor, and that’s it. I have had enough. I’m reaching for my gun before I even realize what I’m doing. It’s instinctual, and I’ve never been very good at ignoring my instincts. A loud crack splinters through the air, and then I’m staring at the naked blonde girl on her knees, because her face is splattered with blood and her eyes are bugging out of her head.

The room is silent.

The guy who was schooling her on how to behave a moment ago sways a little, a bizarre, confused look on his face, and then he slumps to his knees right in front of the girl, slowly touching a hand to a smoking hole in his chest. He looks down at the hole, and at the blood that’s slowly beginning to trickle from the wound, and then he laughs. Just once. One surprised, disbelieving snap of laughter. His eyes roll back into his head, and then he topples forward, head first into the blonde girl, who shrieks and scrambles back, terrified.

Plato and his companions have stopped fucking and are all looking at me like I’ve lost my mind. In fact, everyone is looking at me like I’ve lost my mind.

“You…that was…really fucking dumb,” Plato says. His dick is still hard, which is kind of off putting, but impressive. None of the other assholes in the room have managed to maintain an erection. Their balls look like they’ve well and truly shrunk up inside their bodies.