
She lay on the floor, gasping. A moment later, he settled between her thighs. “May I, mana mila?” She nodded. He slid into her, making love to her slowly until he threw back his head and exploded inside her with a strangled moan.

After a long moment, Sophie sat up. Her hair would be a wild mess, and she couldn’t imagine the state of her dress. “My God, what time is dinner? Are we late? You’ve probably been ticketed…”

“You worry too much.” He rolled over and started hunting for his pants. “Dinner is not for another two hours. I parked in a lot three blocks over.”

“Two hours? Why did you call for me so early?”

He smiled wolfishly. “So that I would have time to fuck you at least twice before we left. Maybe three times.”


Signe and Maxwell had trouble dragging their eyes off Michael throughout dinner. Their joy at having their son back was impossible to deny. Both looked years younger than when Sophie had left nearly two months before. While their scrutiny scared her a little, they also made it very clear that she had their approval.

Michael was uncharacteristically and charmingly nervous. His eyes flickered over to her at regular intervals, especially when Signe started making broad hints about the recent wedding of a family friend’s daughter. Sophie had to hide a grin with her hand.

After dessert, they relaxed around the table with tea. “Dinner was lovely, Signe. Thank you so much,” Sophie said. Signe smiled delightedly.

“My pleasure, dear. It is truly a celebration to have Mikael back home, especially now that you two are finally planning a future together.” After this startling remark, she turned to her son. “Go to the living room and relax. We will clear the table.”

“It is good to have you home too, dear.” Signe and Sophie carried the dessert dishes into the kitchen. “I have never seen Mikael so happy.”

“I’m glad,” Sophie said. “I’m very happy too.” She thought Signe’s smile couldn’t get any wider, but apparently she was wrong.

“He is a wonderful boy, is he not? Now go sit with him. Max will help me with the dishes.”

She left the kitchen and found Michael hovering in the hall. “Hi.” She snuggled in to steal a kiss. “Are you all right?”

“I was nervous.” He dropped warm kisses across her face. “But not anymore.”


The four of them talked about Orlisia, the war, and politics through the rest of the evening. Michael sat on the floor at her feet, his hand cupping her calf. She scratched her fingers across his scalp, and he purred with contentment.

Signe got up to put their empty mugs in the kitchen, and Sophie saw it was after eleven. “Maxwell,” she said, “can we talk before you go to bed?”

“Of course. Let’s go to my study, shall we?”

“Come.” She held out her hand to Michael, who was looking at her with a raised eyebrow. They followed Maxwell to his office where Sophie handed him an envelope. “This is how I spent the money.”

He unfolded the sheet of paper and scanned it. “When do Sergei and Sevastian arrive?”

“Next week. I’ve lined up a place for them to stay with a friend of mine. I’ll get them connected with the services they need to get on their feet. They’ll do well here if they stay out of trouble.” Michael made a small noise in his throat but said nothing. “Thank you for all you’ve done to ensure their safety, Maxwell.”

“I’m glad I could help. And I have something for you as well.” He reached into his desk and handed her a bulky envelope.

Sophie frowned at his cryptic words, then opened the envelope. Out tumbled dozens of folded pages. She picked one up and studied it.

“My cell phone bill?” Michael asked, hanging over her shoulder to peer at the pages.

She flipped through months of records. Two numbers had called Michael’s phone every single agonizing day he was missing. She recognized her own number, of course. The other looked familiar.

Michael did. “You called my cell phone every day? Both of you?”

CJ Markusfeld's books