Up for Heir (Westerly Billionaire #2)

Skye’s expression had turned serious. “Are you happy?”

Hailey stood, crossed over to where Skye was sitting, and gave her a long hug. “Oh, honey, I sure am. Do you know that the best day of my life was when you were born and I became an aunt?”


Hailey kissed the top of her head. “Really. I was even in the room when you were born because your mother knew how much I would love you.”

Skye’s eyes had widened. “Dad told me you were there. He said you cried.”

Hearing Skye mention Ryan gave Hailey hope that the worst might really be over. “I did. I knew my life would never be the same—in the best possible way.”

Skye had searched her face, then nodded. “I love you, Auntie Hailey.”

“I love you, too.” Hailey had smiled even as she blinked back tears. “I’ll call Delinda right after we get dressed.” She checked the time on her phone. “We’d better hurry, though. Want to race? First one fully dressed with hair and teeth brushed gets to do the breakfast dishes.”

“Wait. Wait. Wait. Who would want to win that?” Skye had asked with a laugh.

“You used to love to wash the dishes. I was always pulling you out of the sink when you were little.”

“I’m not a baby anymore.”

“Okay, then loser does the dishes.” Feeling more lighthearted than she had in long time, Hailey had posed like a runner at a starting line. “Deal?”

Skye had run off in a flash, and Hailey had smiled all the way through getting dressed. I can’t worry about all the ways this could go wrong. Stay positive. One foot in front of the other. Stay strong and true to yourself and you’ll find happiness again. My brother was a very wise man.

Spencer strode through his secretary’s office to his. What the hell was that? What was I doing?

He went to the window, but she was gone. I don’t want to look back any more than she does.

A memory of her boldly kissing him and luring him away from his work by whispering what she wanted to do slammed through him. His cock jerked as his senses flooded with anticipation at the possibility of having her again, tasting those sweet lips, gripping her delicious ass to raise her so he could thrust up into her. So there’s that.


Spencer pulled out his phone. This is his fucking fault.

S: Hailey came to my office today.

Despite the fact that Jordan hadn’t answered any of his messages that week, his reply was fast.

J: The Hailey?

S: Yep.

J: How is she?

S: Gorgeous. Single.

J: But?

S: Not interested in me. Couldn’t get away from me fast enough.

J: Then she’s gotten smarter with age.

S: Fuck you. (He knew Jordan laughed at that.) Hey, I know I’ve been a dick lately. I found out that my father isn’t my father, and it’s screwing with my head. When Jordan didn’t have a quick answer, Spencer added: My stepfather was my biological father.

J: I know. I’m surprised you didn’t.

S: Wtf?

J: You’re blond. Mark was blond. Everyone else in your family has dark hair like your mother and her first husband. It was a no-brainer.

S: Thanks for fucking saying something.

J: I thought you knew.

His grandmother had said the same to him. At the time he hadn’t believed her, but now he threw back his head and laughed without humor at how stupid he’d been to not see it.

S: I didn’t. From now on, just assume I’m dumb as fuck and mention that kind of shit to me.

J: Okay. Then you’re probably wrong about Hailey.

S: What?

J: That girl loved you.

S: So much that she broke up with me for someone else.

J: Did she? I don’t remember her as the cheating type.

S: I saw her with him.

J: Or you thought you did. You are not exactly Mr. Intuitive.

There was no arguing that, so Spencer didn’t. He wasn’t introspective by nature, and he’d never found any value in asking people why they did what they did. He wasn’t sure anyone even fucking knew.

But if Hailey didn’t leave me for someone else—why did she leave? And who was she with that day?

S: I need her phone number.

J: I don’t know it.

S: But you know how to get information like that.

J: Look her up on social media. That’s how it’s done nowadays.

S: I want to call her, not stalk her. Come on, Jordan.

J: Just her number.

Spencer counted in his head. A phone number appeared via text before he got to ten. Jordan was that good.

S: You’re amazing.

J: Spencer.

S: Yes?

J: Don’t hurt her again . . .

I never, Spencer typed, then paused before sending. Or did I? Was it me? She asked if I cared, if I’d ever cared. Didn’t she know?

S: I won’t.

Chapter Five

A nervous acid churned in Hailey’s stomach as soon as she saw several cars parked in Delinda’s driveway. She was out of the car and halfway up the stairs of the main house before Pete had time to offer her a hand. The front door opened.

Michael had that anxious look on his face again. “Mrs. Westerly probably should have asked you—”

“Yes, she should have. Who’s here? Who is she introducing Skye to?”

Just then a small herd of children squeezed by Michael and burst down the steps. One of them, a boy who looked about Skye’s age, stopped right in front of Hailey and called over his shoulder, “False alarm. It’s just some lady.”

The group turned in unison and stampeded back into the house.

Real panic rose within Hailey. She and the therapist had plans to introduce children back into Skye’s life. It had to be done carefully so as not to traumatize her. “Where’s Skye?” Hailey asked in a high pitch.

“She’s inside,” Michael said. “If I might be so bold as to suggest—”

Hailey pushed past Michael. “Please don’t tell me what to do or not to do when it comes to my niece. I need to see Skye. Oh my God, this must be overwhelming for her. Delinda has to realize that she can’t keep pushing her.” Rushing through the house, Hailey called out to her niece again and again. She didn’t answer, and Hailey crossed the rest of the foyer in a run.

She spotted Skye darting out the back door with several other children and chasing after them. They looked as if they were playing some sort of tag game in and around a large stone chess set. She called out to her again, but Skye didn’t hear her.

“It’s good to see her playing with other children, isn’t it?” Mrs. Holihen asked as she joined Hailey.

“Yes,” Hailey answered automatically, but she was still full of adrenaline and worry. “You should have called me when they arrived.”

Mrs. Holihen’s mouth rounded in surprise. “I thought you knew.”

Ruth Cardello's books