Unwanted Passion (Unlucky Series #2)

Screw her. And damn himself for stashing the stick. Did Bennie’s crew even know it existed? Dani’s brother sure did. That idiot had to know. Shit! What the hell had he done? He’d hidden the stick and now he had to get it. Who could he trust to go and grab it? Unfortunately, there was no one. Dani was the closest thing he had to an ally right now, and he had to admit he couldn’t even trust her right now.

He pushed through another thirty pushups. His anger carrying him through, his frustration making him ignore his fatigued muscles. Now the bunch of bozos knew he could fight. He’d taken out Samuel. It was a ticking time bomb before the idiot got him back or they ganged up on him. Luke didn’t know if he was the toughest or the wimpiest guy in the group, but Samuel was the one sent to guard him. He’d hit the dumbass hard, hopefully giving the man a concussion. Now they were extra careful around him, two guards if he left his room, none of them close enough to reach, but not too far to shoot him if he ran. And they liked to carry their freakin’ pistols.

He’d worked up a good sweat by now, fueled by anger and rage, when he heard a voice behind him. He leapt to his feet, nearly dislocating his shoulder.

Dani. Same dress. This time, the hem that was scandalously short was riding on her cocked hip as she leaned on the doorjamb, and the high-heeled shoes so casually dangling from her fingers gave her the look of a walk-of-shame. She was sex incarnate, lust made flesh. Her long, lean legs and trim waist and the way she smiled all ran from his eyes to his waist and then further down. Why couldn’t the woman just wear a pair of jeans? He had a feeling they’d be hot on her as well.

“What are you doing here?” He snarled the words, hating her for being there. Hating her for looking at him that way. Hating himself for responding. It was no use. In his jeans he could pretend the dress meant nothing to him. In sweat pants, the truth was more evident.

“I can tell you’re happy I’m here,” she said, her smile pure evil and mischief.

It was no use pretending he didn’t want her. Or she him. All that was left was to close the distance and do something about it. In two steps he had her in his arms, pressing her against him, her mouth meeting his hard enough to mash lips painfully against teeth until they found the way they fit. A hand found the hem of that dress. In one move he pulled it off over her head.

This whole thing was a bad idea.

She fought back by tearing down the sweatpants.

Definitely a very bad idea.

IF THERE HAD BEEN ANY doubt that he wanted her, it was erased in a single movement. In a heartbeat she was naked, in his arms, then on the bed, sprawled beneath him. Somewhere in there, she’d pushed down his pants, groping for him, finding that her own need matched his. There was a certain amount of too many days of pent-up frustration in that touch, and she grabbed a little harder than necessary. He gasped, bending low over her, his mouth capturing a nipple and teasing it with his tongue.

Dani gasped as he bit down. Her back arched and she clung to him, her fingernails leaving deep welts across his shoulders. It wasn’t enough, it wasn’t nearly enough, and suddenly she wanted to experience all of him. She needed to touch, to taste...

Pushing against his chest, she was surprised that he went down so easily; one moment above her, the next sprawled next to her on the bed. It was her turn to rise, forcing his sweatpants further down his legs, freeing him to her view. He swelled beneath her gaze, such utter perfection that she couldn’t resist. She took him into her mouth, her tongue caressing and licking, impatient to experience all of him.

“I’ll help you get out,” she murmured as she freed him more fully from his boxers. She left a kiss on his inner thigh, a lick along the length. “You need to be a little louder—the guard is probably listening.” She swallowed him again and this time he didn’t simply catch his breath; he let out a satisfied moan that could easily be heard through the door. She grabbed his testicles and played with them, pulling the loose skin and running her thumb over it as she placed the tip of his penis into her mouth and let her tongue run over the spongy head, savoring the flavor, thinking that if they weren’t prisoners, if there weren’t armed men who would kill him in an instant if they only knew what he was... if all that wasn’t a thing... this wouldn’t be a bad way to spend an evening.

Regardless of what he thought of her, his body was a pleasure. Touching him left her breathless. Kissing him took her to new heights. She acknowledged it here, that she was fully, irrevocably in love with this man. It was just her luck that he hated her guts.

His body, though... regardless of what was in his heart... right now that belonged to her.

If this is all I get, then so be it.

She took him in deeply and pulled back, letting her teeth rake over him, pulling the skin of the head with her and sucking as hard as she could just before letting him go. He tasted wonderful, the way she remembered. She reveled in the feel of him against teeth and tongue. Hands came around to cup his buttocks, to pull him closer. He moved easily with her, moaning with maybe a little more exuberance than necessary for the sake of the listener at the door. She stifled a laugh, and he made a startled sound. She wondered how that must feel and allowed herself to laugh again, forgetting plans and listeners and everything else as she gave herself fully to this new experiment.

He didn’t give her long to play, pulling out and reaching for her. He slid her across the bed, trapping her legs in his hands. Apparently he thought it was his turn, for he spread her wide and dove between her legs. The shock of his tongue on her sex sent a charge through her. Her squeal was genuine. And loud.

He parted her folds for better access and his tongue shot unerringly to her clit, teasing it and playing with it. All thoughts of anything left her head completely as he returned her gesture by letting his teeth scrape her sex. He nibbled the lips and then shot his tongue, quicksilver, into her hot core.

“How?” His tongue delved into her deeply. Her mind had gone sluggish. The world became a small thing, focused on her sex, on his tongue. She couldn’t track what he was saying, what he meant. She knew it was important somehow, he’d asked her question, but his tongue was in her and he had her bud in his teeth, and she reached down and took his head in her hand, pressing him to her sex.

He spun free as motion was building in her and she remembered it was Luke, Luke, the man she loved, the man she hated... no, that wasn’t right, he hated her. But he was naked and beautiful as he reared up, still throbbing from the exercise. He pulled her legs in the air and opened her to his view, and she reached for him again as he plunged into her hard.

Lexy Timms's books