Under Pressure (Body Armor #1)

He’d been clear about wanting her sexually, and even clearer that he’d be sticking around to help with Kevin’s transition.

But more than that? She didn’t know. For right now she planned to live by the motto “one day at a time.” It’d have to work with Kevin.

And with Jesse.

From the glimpses they’d given her so far, the loft bed looked like it came with the house, matching the woodwork, sturdy enough for a boy Kevin’s size, and all around...perfect. She had no doubt the dresser and desk would be the same once they were finished.

Jesse was good with his hands. Good with boys. Good with women...

He was especially good at making her adore him. For so many reasons—too many to count. Some were physical because, come on, he was a seriously gorgeous guy. Tall, fit, with dark blond hair and wicked green eyes that drew every woman’s attention.

But the emotional reasons far outweighed the physical.

Merrily nudged her. “You’re smiling like a woman with a fantasy on her mind.”

“Maybe.” Tonya sighed. “Jesse’s been over almost every night for the last six days. How could I not fantasize?” She had a feeling he could have wrapped up the work in half that time, but dragged it out to give himself a reason to keep hanging around.

Then again, other than Saturday and Sunday, he’d been putting in full days at his carpentry shop and just coming by afterward.

“That’s awesome,” Merrily enthused. “You know Brick and I would love if you two became more official.”

To ensure the guys wouldn’t overhear, both women kept their voices low. “That’s not the kind of fantasy I meant.”

“I know the kind you meant, you hussy.” Merrily’s grin widened. “And I know Jesse is more than willing.”

“That may be.” Tonya put the last slice of pizza in a keeper. “But right now it’d be tough to work out.”


“No,” Tonya told her, her expression filled with mock severity. “Don’t start plotting.”

Merrily opened her mouth to reply, and just then, empty plate in hand, Kevin stepped into the kitchen. He froze when he saw they’d already put everything away. At the most unexpected times he would become wary, even about simple things like leftover pizza.

Tonya did her best to overlook his concern. “Still hungry? We’ve got one big slice left.”

“No.” He headed for the sink. “That’s okay.”

“Oh please,” Merrily said, already reopening the plastic keeper. “Fill up! Better for you to eat it than chance it going to waste, right?”

“You might want it later.” He glanced at Tonya. “Or Jesse might.”

“Jesse can buy another pizza if he decides he wants more.”

Unconvinced, Kevin hesitated, rocking back to his heels, until the words just bubbled out. “Mom always said I ate too much. That I’d put her in the poorhouse.”

Appalled, Tonya went mute.

Thank God Merrily was there because she laughed as if it were a joke, as if Tonya’s sister hadn’t been a self-centered person and a miserable mother. “I think all moms of growing boys say the same thing. Shoot, my mother used to say it about me.” She plopped the pizza on his plate. “She used to call me a bottomless pit.”


Making it the most natural thing in the world, Merrily reached up to mess his hair. “Yup. She said I inhaled my food.”

“My mom said that too.”

“That just means you’re growing and need the energy, I think. Good thing we had some left over, huh?”

“Yeah.” He smiled, amazing Tonya. In the next second he said, “Thanks,” and went back to the men.

Defeated, Tonya dropped into a seat and, elbows on the table, covered her face. “Everyone is so good with him—except for me. I totally suck.”

“That’s not true.”

“I overreact to everything.”

“You knew his mother better than the rest of us, so you have a very different perspective,” Merrily reasoned. “But honestly, you need to stop looking for ways she failed him.”

Shamed, Tonya peeked from between her spread fingers. “Do I do that?”

“I think you’re worried, and you saw some terrible stuff, so you automatically put the worst possible connotation on everything.” She folded up the pizza box and put it in the trash, then rinsed out the food keeper they hadn’t needed, after all. “It’s understandable, so cut yourself some slack, okay? You’ve lost a sister and gained a live-in family member, so you have a lot more to deal with.”

“I want him happy, damn it.” Brimming with frustration, she waited until Merrily had taken a seat. “More than anything in the whole world, I want that.”

Merrily took her hand. “You both need a little time, that’s all.”

Jesse spoke from the doorway. “And I’ll be helping.” With a naturalness of long-standing, he bent to give Tonya a reassuring hug and a kiss to her temple. “Don’t forget that.”

Merrily beamed at him. “How’s it going in there? When can we see?”

“Soon.” He opened the dishwasher and put his and Brick’s pizza plates away. “Kevin ate almost as much as me. I’ll have to remember that next time and order more.”

Meaning he planned to visit for dinner again, even though the remodel was nearly complete?

Leaning back on the counter, arms crossed, he eyed Tonya. “He said he’s never had Chinese, or Thai food. Might give that a try. And do you know he’s never grilled out?”

No, she didn’t know that, but she wasn’t surprised. Her sister would never win mother of the year, but their apartment had been small and without a balcony, so grilling anything would have been impossible.

Many times, Tonya knew, Cissy forgot to feed herself, so had she also forgotten to feed her son?

She rubbed her temples. “So many things to do...”

“But neither of you are alone.” Jesse glanced at Merrily. “You, Brick and the pets want to join us for a grill-out tomorrow? I thought maybe I’d set up the sprinkler, buy some squirt guns, maybe even bubbles.”

“Heck yeah.” Enthused, Merrily nodded. “Count me in. The dogs will love it! They have their own kiddie pool I’ll fill up.”

“Hot dogs and burgers, or steaks and chicken?”

Knowing she had to get involved, Tonya said, “Why don’t we ask Kevin for his preference?”

“Good luck with that.” Jesse eyed her a moment more, then came forward and pulled her from her chair. “Want to hit up the drive-in tonight?”

Her jaw loosened. “The drive-in?”

“Yeah.” He nuzzled her throat, uncaring that Merrily watched with fascination. “Some youth-appropriate movies are playing. And maybe I’ll be able to sneak in a kiss or two.”

How could any man be so incredible? Her throat thickened and her heart swelled. “That would be pretty cool.”

“Yeah?” His smile went crooked. “The drive-in or the kissing?”


“Well then...” This time when he touched his mouth to hers, he lingered for a few heartbeats before releasing her to turn to Merrily.

Her friend quickly stopped fanning her face and gave Jesse an angelic look.

“Brick said you two would join us.”

“And here I was, getting all jealous.”

“Is that what you were doing?”