Under Pressure (Body Armor #1)

Sahara answered. “For enough money, the helicopter pilots would keep silent, bury the paperwork—and do whatever was asked. The super wealthy always have those who will cover for them.”

Cat drew a shuddering breath.“The way those men all looked at me...” She couldn’t forget how Tesh had slowly smiled, his visible anticipation for what he probably saw as an opportunity.

For too many years that lech had wanted her and he’d seen this, her giant faux pas, as his best bet to get his hands on her.


She met Leese’s gaze.

“You keep saying ‘them.’ Who are we talking about?”

If she told the truth, would they even believe her? Cat had her doubts, so she hedged. “It was Webb and another man meeting, plus two personal guards.”

“So four men, total?” Sahara asked.

“Yes. Tesh was one of them.”

“He’s associated with your stepfather?” Sahara clarified.


Leese glanced back at Sahara. “You knew he was her stepfather, not her dad?”

“Yes, but to me he seemed as concerned and genuine as any father could be. He said Cat was out on her own, and he wanted her protected because she’d lived such a pampered life. He was afraid her na?veté would get her into trouble.” She frowned. “I hate that I was apparently duped.”

Leese came back around to Cat. “Tesh works for Webb?”

“For the other man, actually. But Webb has known him for a long time. Since I was...” That invisible fist closed on her throat again. “Eighteen.”

Because he didn’t miss much, Leese muttered, “The same age as Georgia.”

She nodded. “Webb considered him trustworthy, so there were times he ‘borrowed’ him for special tasks. More than once Tesh was assigned to watch over me.” During those times, he’d refer to her as Kitten even though he knew it annoyed her. As she’d matured she grew to understand that Tesh didn’t consider her a person so much as his own personal pet.

“I met the man.” With visible irritation, Leese said, “That’s like hiring the fox to watch the henhouse.”

Cat agreed. “I hated it. The way Tesh looks at me, it’s always given me the creeps.”

“Saw it,” Justice said. “Dude wants you bad.”

“More than that,” Leese said. “He feels some ownership.”

“No.” Cat pushed out of his arms and backed away from him. “He has no reason to—” She squeaked when Leese pulled her right back in.

“I said he feels it, not that he has a right to it.”

She blinked fast, startled by how quickly he’d moved, and pretty darned pleased to be close to him again. “Oh.”

Keeping her right there, Leese turned them both to face Sahara. She looked fascinated. And once again titillated.

“We ran into Tesh on the way here.”

“Do tell.”

While Leese related the story to Sahara, Cat eased away from him and returned to her coffee. The caffeine kick could only help, so she took a big drink. When she caught Justice watching her, she frowned.

He nodded back. “You have guts.”

How in the world could he think that? She’d been an awful coward. Rather than see justice for poor Georgia, she’d run away. She’d valued her own life more. She’d—

“Give me the names of the other men.”

Uh-oh. Here’s where it got bad. Refusing to cower, Cat faced Leese without blinking, and lied. “I don’t know their names.”

He gave her a brief but intense scrutiny. “Yes, you do.”

“Sorry, I don’t.”

He crossed his arms.

Why was that so damned intimidating? “Please understand, Leese.” Her palms started to sweat, especially with Sahara and Justice now scowling at her. “The entire reason I’m in danger is because—”

“The other man is a public figure,” Leese guessed. “Recognizable name with a lot to lose if you share what you know.”

Tread carefully, she warned herself. As if she didn’t know more, Cat said, “He was with my stepfather, he’d been to the island, so yes, I assume he has amazing contacts everywhere, including with the police.”

“Local police?” Sahara asked.

If only it was that simple. “I know Webb has influence with the highest levels of law enforcement.” Like...all the way to the US attorney general.

With one finger under her chin, Leese brought her gaze back to his. “You can’t keep it secret forever.”

That had initially been her plan, to prove she wouldn’t squeal until everyone calmed down. At first, it was the only thing she could think of, a blind panic sort of decision.

But it haunted her, what happened to that poor girl and how cavalier the men had been about robbing her of life. Staying silent wasn’t the answer because the coward’s way never worked.

If only she’d realized that sooner.

“We need the names of everyone in the boathouse that day,” Sahara insisted.

“I know.” She really did. “The other guard was familiar. I might be able to remember his name. I just need some time to think.”

Not at all fooled, Leese said, “And your stepfather’s associate?”

The public loved him, saw him as kind and caring. How could she trust they’d believe her, and even if they did, then what? “I’ve probably seen him before, but I don’t remember.” Please let them believe me. “I’ll try to work it out.” For too long, survival was all she’d had. Now, thanks to Leese, she could sit down and really decide what to do, and when to do it.

Just giving them names wasn’t the answer; that’d only put them all at risk.

There was more Leese needed to know so he’d truly understand. Hopefully, in telling him some truths, she could keep him from breaking down her lies. “I ran that day, the same day I overheard them talking. Literally, I mean. I turned and ran as fast as I could. Webb called my name but I didn’t acknowledge him. I kept waiting for a bullet to hit me in the back.”

Leese went more rigid.

“But it didn’t. They didn’t even chase me that hard. I got to my car and then I wasn’t sure what to do except drive. I was barely on the road when my cell started ringing.”

“Your stepfather?”

She nodded. “He told me to come back, that he could explain. He promised we’d work it out. When I refused, he warned me that no one would believe me, that it’d be really stupid for me to start spreading tales about things I knew nothing about.” Tension crept into her neck and shoulders, making her temples throb. “It was so stupid of me, but I told him what I’d heard, that I knew he’d planned to cover up a murder.”

No one said a word.

“He laughed at me. Actually laughed.” It had been a sick, almost hysterical sound that escalated Cat’s fear. “He said I misunderstood, that’s all.”

“Is that possible?” Justice asked.

God, how she wished. “No.” Best to get it told quickly and have it out of the way. “I said I was going to the police. He stopped laughing real fast and instead told me the police were owned and I’d end up the victim if I ever again said anything that stupid. That’s when I realized Tesh was behind me. When I told Webb that, he literally begged me to pull over, to let Tesh bring me home.” Home. Once, long ago, that’s what it had been to her. Even after she’d moved out, she’d still considered it home.