Uncontrollable Temptations (Tempted #3)

“Yeah, well, long story short, Jimmy has been working with him since the days of Val.”

I averted my eyes to Mike as he cleared his throat at the mention of his father. I realized I wasn’t sure if he knew Jimmy and the G-man were responsible for his father’s death. Victor had taken out the hitman responsible and when Nikki was kidnapped by the G-man’s son, Mike had killed him but the man he killed went by the name of Deke Rogers, an alias to throw off the Pastore’s. I looked over at Anthony, allowing him to see the questions in my eyes before he continued. Mike’s eyes moved back and forth between the two of us before he rolled his eyes and stared at me expectantly.

“Keep on, I know all about it,” he informed me.

“Every blow to the Pastore family has been orchestrated by Jimmy and his quest for control, including Val’s death,” I stated.

“That’s your pops,” Wolf said to Mike. “And Victor’s underboss.”

“I remember the newspaper headlines. The press called his death a ‘mobbed up massacre,’” Pipe added.

“With Val dead and Vic in jail, Jimmy is the head honcho, paving a clear path for the G-Man to move drugs through the streets. The thing is, without Cain and his connections, and Victor cutting out whatever smack he could, they became vulnerable and in search for a supplier. The plan was for us to supply Jimmy with the heroine, give him enough to make some money. When his dick got wet, he’d come crawling on his hands and knees for more and we’d tell him we were only in business to get large quantities. He’d agree because he’s a greedy cocksucker and we’d set the scene for the cops to find him with all the drugs.”

“So now we’re playing cops?” Pipe asked. “When did we start doing citizen’s arrests?”

“When Victor Pastore gave the green light he’d be waiting on the other end, ready and willing to do our dirty work,” I retorted.

“Hold the phone,” Riggs said, holding up a hand. “Tony Soprano is going to take out that crazy clown in prison? That is your plan?” He asked incredulously.

“Was the plan,” I corrected.

“And now?” Bones asked hesitantly.

“Now, that motherfucker is mine,” I said simply.

“What does he want?” Pipe questioned.

“I don’t know,” I admitted. “I don’t know what the fuck happened, where the plan went wrong but he took Reina and when he tried to get to Lacey, Blackie sacrificed himself. He called me again and asked if he had my attention before hanging up on me.”

The room grew silent, the bleak truth smacking us all in the face, we were riding blind. Or at least I was. I lifted my head and cleared my throat, pulling them away from their thoughts and demanding their attention.

“I’m sorry this shit fell on our doorstep. I’m sorry I didn’t bring it to the table sooner. You can vote upon my poor judgement but not now, that will have to be done some other time because right now you have a choice to make. I’m going after Jimmy Gold, I will put him in the ground and I will plow through anyone who stands in my fucking way. You’re either with me or you’re not but I got a brother to find and a woman to get back, and a cocksucking weasel to bury.”

“Ay,” Pipe said in agreement. “I’ve got you.”

“We’re brothers, that shit isn’t temporary, it’s a bond you take to your fucking grave. Now you may have forgotten that but I haven’t and I will not let you forget it ever again,” Wolf said, eyeing me. “Got your back.” He paused. “Always.”

“I’m in but I want pie when your lady friend is safe and sound,” Riggs said, lifting his head. “And I’m not sharing it either,” he warned.

“Let’s bring this fucker to his knees,” Bones chimed in.

“Do we get a vote too?” Mike asked, causing the rest of us to look at him. “Didn’t think so,” he said.

“I’ll call Pops, let him know he should expect us before nightfall,” Wolf stated. “Might not have a plan but we’ll have all the fucking ammo we need,” he added.

Pops was Cain’s old man, and the man in charge of our shooting range. It was owned and operated by Satan’s Knights but on paper Pops was the sole proprietor. The government was funny like that, wanting a man with a clean record in charge of a building full of weapons.

“I’ll get a truck off the lot for them,” Pipe said, motioning to Anthony and Mike.

“Bianci, you got any idea where he could’ve taken them?” I asked.

“Vic’s got properties all over, could be held up in one of them. We’ll check them out,” he said.

“I’ll get taps on the phones,” Riggs offered.

I nodded, watching as the men sprang into action, taking on tasks and doing what they could so we were prepared for whatever may come.

I gripped the edge of the table about to rise to my feet when my phone rang. Everyone froze, turning around to stare at the offensive phone in my hand. I accepted the call and lifted the phone to my ear.

“Parrish,” I barked.