Uncontrollable Temptations (Tempted #3)

“It’ll all be over soon,” he said, pulling down his sleeves and lowering his glasses back to cover his eyes.

“Even so, doesn’t make it okay,” I replied, cupping his shoulder. “You good?” I asked, my conscience eating away as I realized the sacrifice he’d made, the dignity he lost as he pushed that poison into his body.

“I’m good,” he replied. “Be better when these motherfuckers are off the streets.” He turned, and I felt his gaze—even behind the mask of the shaded lenses. “We will get them, right? We’re going to make Gold and the G-Man pay aren’t we?”

“Yeah, brother, we are,” I assured him, knowing he needed to hear my words, he needed to believe there would be retribution after all this. I needed to hear it too, but there was no one there to remind me. I had to be the man who delivered the punishment. It was a promise to myself that I needed to live by. The front door opened and Reina stormed out. She wouldn’t even look at me, her eyes were swollen and puffy as they looked everywhere but at me.


My punishment for my sins was right there in Reina’s eyes.

“If you’re taking me then let’s go…now,” she said, crossing her arms against her chest as she stared down at Blackie, avoiding eye contact with me.

She was cute when she was mad, pouty lips and fire in her eyes, tapping her toe impatiently. My dick stirred to life, and I decided after this shit storm died down I’d remember that pout and that vengeful look in her eyes as I fucked her senseless, erasing all the anger from her body.

I stood up, closing the distance between us and shoved my hands inside my pockets, respecting her boundaries as she took a step away from me. “Waited a long time for someone to be by my side, you’re my old lady now, I don’t want to wait any longer,” I reminded her.

“Keys,” Blackie called behind me, and I watched as Reina dug inside her purse and threw them toward him. She looked back at me, her eyes softening a little.

“I thought I was done hurting,” she whispered. “Goodbye, Jack,” she added.

Fuck her boundaries.

I pulled my hands out of my pockets and lifted them to her face, turning her to me, I held on tight as I leaned into her.

“Gonna make that hurt disappear, Sunshine,” I vowed, pressing my mouth against hers, letting my lips glide over hers teasingly, a promise of more lingering between us. We weren’t done, and this wasn’t goodbye, we were just beginning. I pulled away and stared into her glassy eyes before dropping my hands from her face and turning to Blackie.

“Meet you back at the clubhouse,” I said, stepping around Reina. He nodded before turning to walk to his truck. I glanced at Reina and watched as she stared back at me silently for a moment.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I’m sorry for your loss.”

I swallowed hard as I felt the sincerity of her words down in my bones. She was respecting my grief for my estranged brother. Hope sparked inside of me realizing that even after the lies she still gave a damn. Maybe it was just the person Reina was, maybe it had nothing to do with the way she felt about me. Whatever it was, I was certain Reina was the Hail Mary to all my sins. She made me want to be a better man, to be just a little like her.

“I’m sorry for yours,” I replied, and for a split second I wondered if my brother was better suited for her, if he cared about her like I did.

“For what it’s worth I think we’re mourning two different people,” she said sadly. I thought about her words and wondered if there was a trace of the Danny I knew in the man Reina loved. If there was anything left of my brother or did he die long before the fire like I assumed he had when he wrote me off.

“Reina, remember what I told you,” I said, my voice more of a request than a demand. “Remember I’m your guy.”

She remained silent and if my eyes weren’t focused on her I may have missed the slight nod of her head before she turned and climbed into Blackie’s truck.

I stood outside staring after Blackie’s truck long after he left before I kicked my ass into gear and walked into my house. Funny how it felt like home when she was there and now, it was back to being just a house.

I grabbed my phone off the coffee table and powered it on for the first time in nearly twenty-four hours. Jimmy Gold wasn’t going to take advantage of Blackie—he would not get the upper hand. It was time to bring the motherfucker to his knees.

My phone chimed, alerting me of the several voicemails I had missed, so before I called the cocksucker I played the messages.

Hi Dad, it’s me…Lacey. I know today is a rough one, but I wanted you to know that I’m here…I’m still here. Love you.”

I bit the inside of my cheek and saved her message, making a mental note to give my girl a call, maybe take her for dinner. Guilt, it was a bitch.

Parrish, it’s Gold. I’m not a very patient man, that being said, this is the third time I’m calling you to discuss our partnership. Call me back.