Uncontrollable Temptations (Tempted #3)

“Am I right?”

“Tell me yours first,” he insisted, reaching down taking my fork and popping a mouthful of French fries into his mouth.

“Fine, I’m afraid of the dark,” I paused when he smirked. “What?”

“You’re not afraid of the dark,” he stated, while stabbing more French fries with my fork and trying to suppress his laughter.

“And how would you know?”

He lifted his eyes to mine.

“You’re eating cheese fries with the king of fucking darkness,” he said, with a shake of his head before giving into the laugh he was trying to hold back.

“You don’t seem so dark right now,” I pointed out.

He shrugged his shoulders, reached out and trailed his fingertip along the bridge of my nose.

“Wonder why that is,” he said softly, then dropped his hand and picked up his drink. “So, you lost,” he said, as he sipped his drink.

“What? How? I didn’t even give you the two truths,” I said, quickly realizing what he had just done. Feeling stupid I slapped the palm of my hand to my forehead. “Shit!”

He laughed, distracting me from my anger. His laughter touching something deep inside of me causing goosebumps to spread over my arms. He looked so handsome when he laughed, less tortured, even younger. I wanted to make him laugh more.

His laughter died slowly as he started to clean the table, throwing out the leftovers. After emptying our tray at the trash can he walked back toward the table and held his hand out to me.

“C’mon, time to go,” he announced, pulling me to my feet.

“Where are we going now?”

“You’re coming home with me and I’m going to give you what you earned and hope like hell that maybe I earned another one of your scars,” he said, roughly against my ear as he splayed his palm against my lower back and ushered me out of the restaurant.

We stepped outside of Roll N’ Roaster, Jack holding the door for me, and I reached down for his hand, lacing my fingers with his.

He squeezed my hand.

He might as well have squeezed my heart.

I stopped walking, and he turned around to see why.

“They’re ugly,” I whispered. “My scars. They’re ugly.”

He tugged my hand and my body collided against his. He tipped my chin up with his index finger, forcing my eyes to meet his.

“They a part of you?” He questioned, not waiting for the answer. “Then they’re not ugly. Let me show you how beautiful they can be,” he said softly, as his finger trailed my lip. “Give me your scars, baby,” he whispered, leaning his forehead against mine. “Let me be the one who sets you free from them.”


Chapter Eighteen

I pulled into the gated parking lot of the compound and parked right in front, turning my bike off. I felt Reina’s arms tighten around my waist. I removed my helmet and stared at the men, my club, staring at me like I had lost my goddamn mind.

“I thought you were taking me home with you?” She asked, whispering against my ear. I reached down and squeezed her hand as I looked back at my brothers. Wolf leaned over and whispered something in Blackie’s ear and my VP merely shook his head.

“This is my home,” I declared, unraveling her hands from my waist and maneuvering off the bike.

“Is that the pie goddess?” Riggs called out. “No way, it’s really her!”

“Look who found her way back to us,” Pipe added, rubbing his hands together like he was about to indulge in a feast. I’d fucking kill him.

“Jack,” Reina whispered, her eyes focused over my shoulder at the men looking to sample her.

Fucking vultures.

Time to set these bastards straight.

Reina was mine, mine to use, mine to fuck, and mine to conquer. Not sure about that last part, not sure what I wanted from her but I was certain I wasn’t sharing her. Not with my brothers, and not with my blood brother either. I’d erase her past, take away the memories that haunted her and make her whole again. I could do that.

Not sure why the fuck I wanted to do that but I could do it.

I could give Reina what she needed and in turn take what I needed.

But what I needed was more than what I expected and so much more than I ever had before.

“No, Reina, this is me, this is my life and if you want in, you want my truth, this is the truth of who I am,” I stated, piercing her with a hard stare. “What’s it going to be?”

She looked like a deer caught in headlights, frightened, unsure if she should stay put, turn and run or leap forward.

She took a step closer and then another, closing the space between us, deciding to leap forward, I wrapped my arms around her waist. I pulled her body against mine, releasing a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding. I bent my head forward and covered her mouth with mine. I worked her lips, my tongue easing its way home inside of her mouth. I slid my hands into the back pockets of her jeans and squeezed her ass through the denim, pressing her into my erection.